Scouting Mission

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Madeleine groaned, he was a bit tired from taking care of Espresso yesterday. He sat up and looked over at Espresso, "Espressoooo.." He nudged Espresso a bit, "We have a scouting mission today..."

Espresso groaned, "Ugghhh..." He sat up and yawned, Madeleine looked around and took Espresso's glasses, placing them on his face, "Look! I'm wearing your glasses!" Espresso chuckled, "..Cutie...."

Madeleine blushed and looked away, "Uhm, we have a scouting mission today with Lilac and Herb. We should get ready, you know?.." Espresso nodded. He got out of bed and headed into the bathroom with some clothes.

Madeleine waited outside, once Espresso was done, he grabbed his armor and some clothes and headed into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Madeleine came out of the bathroom. He took his hairbrush and started brushing his hair, making it into a braid.

There was a knock on the door, "Dear, can you go get that?" Espresso looked over at Madeleine, he nodded and answered the door. It was Pure Vanilla, "Oh, hello, Grandfather. Is there something you need?" Madeleine asked, leaning against the door frame, "Nothing much, I was just gathering the team members for the mission, are you two done yet?"

"Hold on a second." Madeleine walked back over to Espresso, "Darling, are you done? Pure Vanilla is recruiting the members for the mission." Espresso nodded, "Yup, I'm done." Madeleine smiled and grabbed Espresso's hand, dragging him towards the door, "We're all set! Are the others waiting for us?"

Pure Vanilla nodded, "Yes, just meet near the gates of the Kingdom. Remember, try getting as much information from Dark Enchantress's minions as you can."

They both nodded, "Alright, we'll come back once we have enough information." Madeleine walked out the door, he was still dragging Espresso. He got lightly smacked on the head, "OW! What was that for, Espresso?" Madeleine turned his head to face Espresso and glared at him, "I have legs, I can walk on my own. You don't need to drag me around."

Madeleine rolled his eyes, "Let me think about it, and, no. I'm still dragging you around!~" He smiled and continued walking.

As they made their way out of the castle, they noticed a bunch of cookies staring at them. Well, mostly Espresso noticed, Madeleine was too oblivious.

When they reached the pickup spot, Lilac and Herb were already there. They both spotted Madeleine and Espresso and greeted them, "Good morning, Madeleine and Espresso!" Herb said, Lilac waved at them with a small smile.

"Alright, lets head out." The four of them started walking through the forest. Herb and Lilac were discussing something, "Psst, 'Spresso, I wonder what Dark Enchantress and her minions are planning."

Espresso nodded, "Yes, let's hope that it isn't anything TOO bad." They continued walking. It had been about thirty minutes when they had finally heard some suspicious activity.

Herb hid in some of the bushes and Lilac hid behind a thick tree. Madeleine and Espresso climbed up a different tree and listened to their discussion.

"Alright, everyone. It seems that we need more cookies to brainwash. Of course, we will be targeting powerful cookies." Dark Enchantress started off. Red Velvet raised his hand, "We can go after the children and use them as bait for their parents."

Espresso clenched his fists, "Red Velvet, you fucking traitor.." Madeleine stayed silent, he placed his hand on Espresso's shoulder and looked at him, shaking his head.

"Let's go after one of the new Kings of the Kingdom, Espresso and Madeleine. Both of them are powerful, and they would be good recruits." Red Velvet suggested. Espresso looked at Madeleine, "Madeleine, I'm about to go rampant." He shook his head, "It's too dangerous to do that. They could have backup or something."

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