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Trigger Warning: Some self harm and mentions of @busive parents , not much but some. If you're uncomfy with this, please skip this Chapter!


It was around 9pm. Madeleine had already had his dinner. Espresso was surprisingly still asleep. It was cold, very cold. Madeleine got up and walked downstairs, he wanted to take a walk around.

As Madeleine was walking around, he started shivering more. He didn't know why it was so cold tonight. He quickly ran back upstairs to the warm bedroom.

As Madeleine opened the door, he saw Espresso working at the desk. He sighed and walked over to Espresso, "Babe, you should get some sleep." He said, nudging Espresso's shoulder.

Espresso looked at him and shook his head, "No, I'm not tired anymore." Madeleine groaned, "Atleast close your eyes and rest, you don't have to sleep." Espresso still shook his head.

Madeleine scoffed, he picked Espresso up bridal style, "H-Hey! Put me down, idiot! I'm not done!" Espresso struggled to get out of Madeleine's grip, "Or what?" Madeleine looked at Espresso.

Espresso thought for a moment, "Or I will overwork myself even more. Just let me finish this, or else." Madeleine was slightly surprised. He thought for a moment before sighing and putting Espresso back on the ground.

Espresso took a seat back at the chair and sighed in annoyance, "Stupid idiot..." Madeleine trembled slightly when Espresso said that, he sounded much more annoyed than usual.

Madeleine walked over to the bathroom. He locked the door and headed over to the sink. Madeleine looked around, he saw himself in the mirror and looked down, ashamed.

"Does he hate me? I'm sorry for what I did.." He mumbled to himself. Madeleine noticed that the mirror was slightly shattered. He managed to grab one of the loose pieces out.

He groaned when the piece of glass cut through his skin. Then, he had an idea. Madeleine took the small glass shard and slowly started cutting himself.

"Espresso is annoyed of me, so I deserve this." He mumbled, cutting his skin deeper. He winced at the pain but continued to do it. Madeleine's eyes started to get watery, he was on the verge of tears.

When, he heard a loud bang outside. He dropped the glass shard on the ground and unlocked the door, heading into the bedroom. It was Espresso, he was banging his head on the table.

"E-Espresso!" Madeleine ran over to him and stopped him. Espresso looked up at him, "What? Don't worry about me, it's a habit. I never get hurt from it so it's fine, no worries." Madeleine shook his head, "Stop, even if it doesn't hurt you, you have to stop it."

Espresso sighed, "It's a habit, I can't stop it easily, alright?" Madeleine shivered a bit, "Stop, it scares me." Espresso thought for a moment, "Fine, fine. I'll stop it, but only because you asked me to, alright?"

Madeleine sighed in relief, he looked at his palm and noticed it was bloody. Espresso looked at Madeleine's palm and gasped, "What happened?!" He quickly stood up and examined Madeleine's palm.

"Uhm, it was a scratch. The bathroom mirror broke a bit and some of the pieces ended up scratching me.." Espresso didn't really believe him, but nodded, "Be more careful, idiot."

He kissed Madeleine's forehead and continued to work. Madeleine sighed in relief and went back into the bathroom. He slammed the door shut.

Madeleine looked over to the wall and smiled. His face was blank and his eyes were expressionless. He walked over to the wall and started punching it.

From the Start, to the End (Madeleine x Espresso) Where stories live. Discover now