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Madeleine had finished eating his food. He washed his plate and headed outside to do some training. Pure Vanilla left earlier to run some errands. Cream Puff and Custard headed to the garden to practice some magic.

It was just Espresso and Vanilla MC.

Vanilla MC wiped her mouth with a napkin. She looked over at Espresso, "Espresso, I am really glad that you are dating my son." Espresso looked at her, "Of course! I love him and he loves me, so what's the point in rejecting him?"

Vanilla MC sighed, "Well, ever since Madeleine had moved to his old high-school, people would only be friends with him for popularity or money. It was hard for him to find real friends at that time and even worse, he had crushes as well."

Espresso listened, "And, whenever he confessed to them, they would reject him. Some would say he is too cocky and overconfident, others will say that he is a ugly brat that is only favoured because he is in the royal family."

He clenched his fists, "Madeleine was really insecure because of this back then. He still is insecure right now, he just doesn't show it. He would hide his insecurites by acting like he is the best at everything."

"Oh, but what they said about him isn't true. He isn't just an ugly brat or a cocky and overconfident weirdo. He is actually one of the kindest and bravest cookies that I had ever known." Vanilla MC smiled at the answer.

"He needs more people like you in his life. Madeleine is a sweet boy but he had been insecure of himself ever since he was born. His 'father' would usually tell him he isn't good enough." Espresso was slightly shocked.

"His father thought he wasn't good enough?" Vanilla MC nodded. "I don't want to tell you what happened since I am afraid Madeleine isn't ready for that. All I am saying is that Lemon MC, Madeleine's so called 'father', wasn't that much of a bright man."

Espresso nodded, "I understand. No wonder why I don't see you with your husband." Vanilla MC sighed. "I don't know what had gotten into him, he was so nice and sweet and gentle but that was before Madeleine was born."

Vanilla MC stayed silent. Espresso looked down at the table, slightly concerned about Madeleine.

"I didn't want to divorce him since I still love him, but when I found out about this, I divorced him. I was still pregnant with Cream Puff and Custard that time so luckily they didn't have to witness it."

Espresso nodded, "So, he is insecure about himself? Madeleine, I mean." Vanilla MC nodded, "I'll try my best to show him how much he means to me. The last thing that I want is him thinking that he is not good enough for me."

Vanilla MC stood up and grabbed the plates, "That would be nice. Madeleine definitely likes it when you give him attention, probably because the type of attention you give him is different then the one he received when he was young and fragile."

Espresso smiled, "I'll do my best to keep him happy. If he is happy, then I am happy." Vanilla MC smiled at Espresso and toom the plates to the kitchen.

Espresso stood up. He walked out of the dining hall and back to his room. Madeleine had finished training and was coming back to the room. He opened the door but immediately got flustered whne he saw Espresso changing.

"GAH! I'M SO SORRY!" Madeleine shut the door and sat outside. Espresso blushed a bit but shrugged it off. When he was done, he opened the door and found Madeleine curled up into a ball.

He was sitting next to the door. Espresso chuckled and sat down next to him, "Idiot, make sure to knock next time." Madeleine mumbled something and nodded.

Espresso helped Madeleine up and dragged him into their room. Madeleine sat down on the bed, still flustered from what happened earlier.

Espresso took a book from the shelf and sat down next to Madeleine. He started reading the book, wrapping one of his arms around Madeleine to bring him closer.

Madeleine blushed but went closer to Espresso. Madeleine looked down, slightly embarrassed, "Uhm, sorry about earlier, Espresso.." Espresso looked at him, "It's fine. It was just a small accident."

He went back to reading his book. Madeleine rested his head on Espresso's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist. Espresso smiled slightly.

"Espresso, ever since we started dating, have I been getting too...soft and...clingy around you?.." Espresso looked over at Madeleine, "A bit, but I like it. I honestly find it adorable."

Madeleine blushed but smiled slightly, "Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.." Espresso nodded. He kissed the top of Madeleine's head and smiled.

Madeleine blushed. He hugged Espresso tighter and yawned, "Go to sleep, Madeleine." Madeleine groaned, he closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Espresso's neck.

"..Warm..." Espresso chuckled. He put away his book and started petting Madeleine. Madeleine smiled.

There was some silent snoring in the room. Madeleine had fallen asleep. Espresso grabbed his book and continued reading, "..I wonder...when me...and Espresso...are getting...married...." Espresso blushed. Madeleine was sleep talking again.

"...Idiot." Espresso covered his face with the book he was holding. He got flustered and screamed a little. Luckily, Madeleine didn't wake up.

"You are literally going to be the death of meeee..." Espresso looked at Madeleine, still flustered. He scoffed and turned his attention back to his book.

"I swear to god, I am literally going to faint if I continue to think about this." Espresso tried reading his book to get that thought off of his mind, but he couldn't seem to do it.

"Damnit! You always have to make me feel this way, don't you?" Espresso turned to Madeleine. He sighed, his heart started beating faster when he thought about it again.

"Oh god, kill me already..." Espresso mumbled. He ended up fainting, he flopped onto the bed and Madeleine ended up falling down as well, he didn't wake up though.

They spent the rest of the evening sleeping and cuddling together.


I am sleepy, last chapter of the day.

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