Captured And Killed

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Madeleine woke up, he had a extremely bad headache. He looked around, but Espresso was nowhere.

He heard Espresso whimpering, "Espresso? Where are you?" There was no response. All Madeleine could hear was Espresso crying and whimpering.

Madeleine felt heartbroken that Espresso was crying. "Espresso! I'm here, don't worry!" he shouted out, trying to get Espresso's attention. For some reason, Espresso still couldn't hear him. It was like Espresso was under some sort of trance.

"Espresso!" Madeleine called out, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. He wasn't sure if Espresso was being tortured or under some sort of spell.

Dark Enchantress Cookie groaned, "Ugh, the little Prince is getting on my nerves. He is way too damn loud, Poison Mushroom, go execute him."

Poison Mushroom nodded. They walked over to Madeleine's cell with a few guards. Madeleine saw them and backed away, trying to get as far away from them as possible, "W-what do you want?" he asked.

Poison Mushroom looked at him, "Master...wants to execuuutttee youuuu...." Madeleine gasped. Poison Mushroom opened the door to the cell and the guards ran in, grabbing Madeleine.

"Ugh, let go of me!" Madeleine yelled, he was struggling to move, "And what are you gonna do about it? Call for your guards? Chop off our heads with your sword? Those options aren't really possible, so I doubt you can do anything!"

Madeleine smirked, "Well, I can still do this!" He kicked one of the guards in the shin and started laughing, the other guards held onto him, making sure he couldn't move. Another guard kicked him in the shin.

"Ugh, little brat." they continued walking, Madeleine thought for a moment, "Hey, since I'm going to die, can I spend some time with Espresso? It is kinda my last chance to see him, you know."

The guards thought for a moment, they discussed for a bit and sighed, "Five minutes, that's all you get." Madeleine smiled, he was pretty happy that he can get to spend his last five minutes with Espresso.

They open the door to Espresso's cell and threw Madeleine in. They looked away, not wanting to disturb their privacy. Madeleine ran over to Espresso and comforted him.

"Shh, Espresso, it's ok, I'm here now.." Espresso turned towards him, he hugged Madeleine tightly and cried. Madeleine moved Espresso's face and wiped his tears, "Espresso, I love you. I am telling you this because I'll never be able to do it again."

Espresso was confused, "W-wha-" Madeleine kissed Espresso on the lips, Espresso was shocked, but kissed back. Madeleine pulled away, "I'm so sorry, Espresso.."

The guards came in and grabbed Madeleine, pulling him away, "NO! DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!" Espresso yelled, tears forming in his eyes. The guards had already disappeared and had went to the execution hall.

All of their weapons were there. They tied up Madeleine, they were going to torture him until he died. Madeleine was accepting his fate. They were about to start when the guards had gotten attacked.

Madeleine looked over at the cookies who came to rescue him. Herb used his knife and slashed the ropes, making Madeleine fall to the ground.

Madeleine quickly got his sword and started fighting, Sparkling backed him up, keeping an eye on his back and healing him at the same time.

"Sparks! It's great that you came to save me and all, but how did you manage to get Sea Fairy, Milk Cookie and Almond Cookie to come with you?" he looked at Sparkling.

"Well, I needed to assemble a rescue team for my best friend, of course!" he smiled at Sparkling. Herb ran over to them, "Where is Espresso?" Madeleine pointed to the direction of the dungeon.

"You guys go save him, me and the others will buy you some time!" Sparkling and Herb nodded. They rushed over to the dungeon to save Espresso.

Espresso was still crying, he heard footsteps and went closer to the corner. "Espresso!" Herb called out. Espresso recognized the voice, "Over here!"

Sparkling and Herb found Espresso. Herb kicked the bars, trying to make a hole that Espresso could crawl through. Sparkling used his crystal bottles to hit the bars.

"Espresso, can you try using your magic to escape?" Sparkling asked. Espresso shook his head, "My gloves, I need them to perform powerful spells. Without them, I can't do much." Sparkling saw a hole.

"Your gloves are in the execution hall where Madeleine is, Herb can crawl through that hole and get them for you. They seem to be able to fit."

(Me and my online friend headcannon Herb to use he/them pronouns)

Herb nodded. He crawled through the hole and retrieved the gloves. Espresso looked down, "Is he, alright?Madeleine was going to get executed." Sparkling nodded, "We came on time, so yes, he's alright!"

Espresso sighed. Herb crawled back through the hole and threw the gloves into Espresso's cell. Espresso put them on and summoned a spell to get out.

"You two wait for us outside, we'll come to you if we need medical assistance." Sparkling and Herb nodded. They headed to the laird's exit.

Espresso teleported to the execution hall. He ran towards Madeleine and started fighting with him, "Espresso! Your back!" Madeleine said, slashing some of the guards with his sword.

"You dork, don't scare me like that next time! I really thought you were going to get killed!" Madeleine smiled nervously, he continued to fight the guards.

"Everyone! We have to leave, now! There are too many!" Milk Cookie said. Everyone nodded and started running.

Madeleine was at the back, he was fighting off the guards. "Madeleine! Watch out!" Espresso yelled, but it was too late. Madeleine got stabbed through the heart.

"NOOOO!" Espresso ran over to Madeleine. He held Madeleine in his arms, "No, no no no!" Espresso carried Madeleine and ran out with the others.

"We need to get him help as soon as possible!" Espresso yelled, tears rolling down his face. Everyone started running back to the infirmary.

Herb and Sparkling were trying to heal Madeleine and keep him alive. He was losing a lot of blood, and due to where he was attacked, he would most likely not make it.

A few hours later...

Espresso was crying in his room, he didn't have any energy to go outside or meet anyone.

Madeleine had passed on. He was gone, and Espresso couldn't handle it.

He was pulling on his hair, not sure of what to do. He hugged his pillow tightly and sobbed into it. He couldn't find any resurrection spells.

He had eventually cried himself to sleep.



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