Mysterious Figure

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Madeleine and Espresso were outside battling with each other. They didn't want to hurt each other so it was just some friendly sparring.

"Alright, show me what you've got, Espresso!" Madeleine said as he held his sword. Espresso had recently been given a sword similar to Madeleine's from Avacado. Espresso was struggling with the sword slightly but managed to hold it.

"Ok, remember, no hurting each other!" Madeleine reminded Espresso. He nodded and they started sparring. Madeleine charged at Espresso, he easily dodged the attacks. Madeleine kept on slashing the sword at Espresso, making him chuckle.

"I thought you said it was a friendly sparring match!" Madeleine grinned, "Just because it's a friendly sparring match, doesn't mean that I'll go easy on you, even if you're my fiancé!" "Well, we're going to get married soon, so you should probably use the term 'husband'." Espresso corrected Madeleine.

He blushed, Espresso noticed that Madeleine was slightly distracted and landed a small attack on him, "GAH!" Madeleine screamed, "That hurts, y'know?" Espresso dropped the sword and rushed over to him.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" He said, Madeleine smirked and landed an attack on him, "Just kidding!" Espresso groaned. He was about to smack Madeleine on the head when they saw Pure Vanilla being thrown across the castle.

They looked up and saw a mysterious figure hovering above the castle. They were wearing a cloak so they couldn't see who it was. Madeleine gripped his sword tightly and rushed to Pure Vanilla, "Grandpa! Are you alright?!"

Pure Vanilla looked at the mysterious figure, "That cookie, they're one of Dark Enchantress's minions!" They pointed at the figure. The mysterious figure cackled evily, they summoned a spell and chains appeared.

The chains grabbed onto Madeleine and started dragging him towards the figure. The chains around him tightened, making sure that he can't escape.

"AGH!" Madeleine yelled, trying to get out of the chains. The mysterious figure looked at him, "My, my! I can't believe it was this easy to capture you! You aren't the one Dark Enchantress asked for, but you shall do!"

They created a portal and was about to hop into it with Madeleine when Espresso cut the chains with his sword. The mysterious figure gasped as Madeleine escaped.

"Fine, let's do this the hard way!" They summoned a spell and a tornado started forming. Espresso and Madeleine gasped. They casted another spell, which caused lightning to strike near them.

Some cookies came because of the commotion. The spot where the lightning had striked caught on fire. The mysterious figure merged the tornado and the fire together, making a tornado of fire surround the three cookies.

Madeleine, Espresso and Pure Vanilla were trapped in the tornado of fire, it was inching closer and closer to them. Madeleine looked at Pure Vanilla, "We have to get out of here before we're cooked alive!"

Pure Vanilla thought for a moment, "I have a spell that can lead two of us out of the tornado. One of us has to stay until we get backup. I shall stay, you two have to get help." Madeleine nodded.

Espresso thought for a moment and then nodded. Pure Vanilla casted the spell, a hole was made in the tornado of fire.

Espresso pushed Pure Vanilla and Madeleine out of the tornado of fire, "Go get backup! I'll hold this bitch off!" Madeleine could feel tears forming in his eyes, he nodded and got up, running to get backup. Pure Vanilla followed him.

The mysterious figure emerged through the flames. They cackled eveily, "Look at you! You're caught in my little tornado of fire!~" Espresso summoned his coffee beans and fired them at the mysterious figure.

They dodged the coffee beans, only one of them managed to hit them. "GUH!" They groaned, "How dare you!" They summoned more of the chains, "GAH!" Espresso yelled as they wrapped the chains around him.

"Ugh, I don't have anything else to do, literally, so can you please cooperate with me?" The figure asked, Espresso was still trying to escape from the chains.

"Hm, fine then, I suppose that you don't have an answer." The mysterious figure wrapped the chains around Espresso tightly and clapped their hands, the tornado of fire disappeared.

Madeleine and Pure Vanilla came back with backup. He started charging at the mysterious figure, they dodged Madeleine's attack but their arm got grazed a bit.

"GAH!" They panicked and kicked Madeleine, sending him flying towards a three, "UGH!" Madeleine groaned as he hit the tree.

The mysterious figure opened a portal. They held Espresso near it, about to drop him in, "Any last words before I drop Espresso in? From anyone?" Madeleine ran back despite the pain, "DON'T!" His voice was shaky and there were tears in his eyes.

Espresso gulped as he looked at the portal. He couldn't see where he was going to gett taken to. The figure grinned, "Alright! Buh-bye!" They said as they dropped Espresso into the portal.

"NOOOO!" Madeleine screamed as they jumped in and closed the portal. Madeleine couldn't get over on time. The other cookies were shocked, some of them ran away and others were preparing for their return.

Madeleine fell to the floor, he was crying and sobbing. Pure Vanilla tried to calm him down, but it wasn't working. All he could think about was Espresso.

Meanwhile, with Espresso...

They got teleported to a beach. It was around the other side of the world so it was night time. The mysterious figure gasped, "Oh shit, I teleported us to the wrong place!" Espresso was feeling lightheaded, he was losing air.

"Oops! We can't have you dying now, can't we?" They loosened up the chains, letting Espresso breathe. He looked at them, "I hope you burn in hell!" The mysterious figure nodded, "Alright!" They didn't care what Espresso said to them.

They walked over to the edge of the beach and sighed, "I'll have to wait until day time before I can make portals again. If I make more than three portals a day, I may as well say goodbye to my soulstone. Not that there is much to say goodbye to anyway."

Espresso tilted his head, he was curious. He wanted to know what the figure meant.


Cliffhanger 😗

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