Good Or Evil?

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The mysterious figure took out their soulstone. They stared at it for a little, it was shattered and cracked up. Espresso looked over at the mysterious figure, "Is that why you're so heartless?"

They flinched, "Who said that you could spy on me?" Espresso shrugged, "I mean, look at it, it's shattered and basically broken. I wouldn't be surprised if you had pure black eyes with goo dripping out of them."

The mysterious figure sighed. They removed the hood of the cloak, revealing their face. They had short and fluffy light pink hair and horns that were almost the same as Dark Enchantress's but are purple in colour.

There was goo dripping down their face, they looked over to Espresso. "What is it?" He asked, they shook their head and looked at the moon.

"Hm, its a lovely night, isn't it?" They asked, Espresso didn't respond and just scoffed. The figure smiled, "Hm, soulstones are magnificent, aren't they? They let you feel emotions, it's just amazing." They looked down at their soulstone.

"Of course, if it shatters, the cookie needs to seek help from an ancient or someone who has the natural abilities to fix soulstones. It's a shame that they can't fix their own soulstone, though. It sounds weak to seek help from someone else."

Espresso tried reaching for his soulstone that was hidden in his sleeve. He accidentally dropped it, luckily, it didn't get broken due to the sand. The figure noticed this and picked up his soulstone.

"H-Hey! Give it back!" Espresso yelled, he was about to summon coffee beans to attack them. They looked back at Espresso, "Your soulstone, it's almost broken. Luckily, it isn't shattered like mine, but it is cracked. No wonder why your emotions just turn on and off at random times."

Espresso scowled at them, they held the soulstone. The figure closed their eyes and casted a spell, the soulstone started glowing. Espresso was shocked, "Are you trying to fix my soulstone?" He asked. The figure didn't answer.

They just continued to focus on the soulstone. Espresso noticed that the cracks were slowly starting to disappear. He gasped when they handed the soulstone back to him, it looked like it was brand new.

"Here, your soulstone." They said, they loosened up the chains and let Espresso grab it. He hid it back in his sleeve and looked at them.

"T-thank you, I suppose.." Espresso said. The figure smiled at him and looked back at the moon. They released the chains from Espresso, Espresso was slightly shocked when the chains disappeared.

"Dark Enchantress kind of forced me onto her side. I was also kind of forced to act like I enjoyed being on her side. It's just tiring, really." Espresso looked at the direction they were looking at.

"How old are you? You seem much younger than me." He asked, turning to the figure. They looked at him, "I'm 14. Poison Mushroom is the youngest, though." Espresso sighed and looked back at the moon.

"I'm sorry about the whole tornado of fire incident, they were watching, so I had to do it." They mumbled out. Espresso couldn't exactly forgive them, but then again, he wondered what would of happened if they didn't obey.

"It's alright, I suppose. Just don't do it again, especially to Madeleine." Espresso replied. The figure nodded, "Alright, I'll try not to do it. Don't blame me if they forced me to, though."

"What's your name?" Espresso asked, he was slowly becoming less cautious of the figure, "Oh, me? I don't have a name. My parents didn't give me one." Espresso nodded, "Then, maybe you can make up your own name?" The figure thought for a moment.

"Well, I'm not really sure. I'm actually asexual, aromantic and genderfluid, so that might help me with choosing a name." They replied. Espresso took out his phone and looked at a picture of him and Madeleine.

It was a picture that was taken before he proposed, they were having a date at the park. Espresso smiled at the picture, the figure saw him smiling and looked at the phone.

"That's nice, I suppose. He's going to be your husband soon, right?" They asked. Espresso nodded, "Uhm, how old are you, Espresso?" Espresso looked over at them, "I'm 27, Madeleine is 26."

The figure nodded, "Why am I talking to you, again? I'm supposed to capture you and bring you to Dark Enchantress, not chat with you." Espresso shrugged.

"Well, you were forced onto their side, right?" The figure nodded, "Yeah, I was." Espresso thought for a moment, "How about this? You can pretend that you're still on their side, but you are actually a spy for us. You can tell us the information they gave you. I'm sure you'd prefer to be on our side, right?"

The figure nodded, "That does sound more cooler than kidnapping cookies. I could be a spy, it's like those action films!" Espresso chuckled.

"Have you thought of a name, yet?" He asked. They thought for a moment and answered, "UE! It's short for Unidentified Entity, I also kinda like the sound of it!"

Espresso smiled at UE. It was getting late, he rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Go get some sleep, I'll stay on lookout duty, I'm more energized during night time, or you could just say I'm nocturnal." Espresso nodded.

UE summoned a small tent, Espresso was about to go in, "Hey, would you like me to get Pure Vanilla to fix your soulstone?" UE was shocked, "You can do that?!" Espresso nodded.

UE hugged Espresso tightly, "Thank you!" Espresso was slightly shocked, but hugged them back. UE let go of the hug and casted a barrier spell around the tent and them. They casted another spell, there was a small glowing light that appeared.

The light headed towards Espresso, "It will give you good dreams and luck!" Espresso smiled at UE, "Thank you, child. I appreciate it." He headed into the tent, the light following him.

UE stayed outside, the cold breeze on their skin. They kept an eye out that night.

They couldn't tell, but they felt, happier.


Introducing UE! One of my OCs! I forgot to mention that this is the last chapter of the day.

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