
360 13 85

Trigger Warning: Attempted r@pe/sexual assault. If you are not comfortable with this, please skip this Chapter!


Madeleine had just gotten out of the bathroom. He was changed into fresh clothes since he didn't have many duties today other than sparring with Milk Cookie later on.

He was sitting at the desk, he had finished his breakfast before he showered so he decided to write something on a piece of paper.

Espresso groaned. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, he looked over at the desk and smiled once he saw Madeleine.

"What are you doing, dork?" He asked. Madeleine looked at Espresso and smiled, "Nothing much, just writing down something!" Espresso nodded. He got off the bed and kissed the top of Madeleine's head before grabbing some fresh clothes and heading into the shower.

Madeleine smiled. He wasn't writing anything special, it just helped him express his feelings. Espresso walked out of the shower and looked over Madeleine's shoulder.

"Are you writing again?" He asked, Madeleine nodded and continued to write. Espresso chuckled, he gently petted Madeleine's head, making him purr silently.

"I have to go out today, dear, so I won't be having breakfast downstairs, if thats alright with you." Espresso said, looking at his fiancé. Madeleine nodded, making Espresso smile a bit.

"Alright, I have to get going now." Espresso kissed Madeleine's cheek, "I'll see you later, I love you, Madeleine." Madeleine mumbled a 'I love you too' before Espresso left the room.

He headed downstairs and out of the castle. He needed to buy some supplies for an upcoming experiment. Espresso checked to see if he had his wallet with him and sighed in relief when he found it in his pocket.

He grabbed his wallet and checked how much money he had, "Ugh, dammit. Not enough, I'll have to ask Madeleine to give me some money later." Espresso mumbled under his breath.

"Or I could just not have breakfast, then it'll be more than enough. I'll just get like an apple or something." He put his wallet back in his pocket and walked towards the nearby shop.

Unfortunately, he was being followed.

Espresso waked into the shop. It was quiet, that was unusual since it was pretty popular, especially during winter.

He looked around cautiously. Something wasn't right. Espresso walked into one of the aisles. There were other cookies in the shop, but it was still oddly quiet.

He checked the date today, apparently there was going to be a concert at the town square, no wonder why almost nobody was in the shop. He picked out the items he needed and payed for them, walking outside.

The cool winter breeze blew against his skin. He shivered slightly but remained calm. Espresso took a shortcut home, it was in a very fancy town, but it was ody quiet.

Espresso could tell that someone was following him. Before he could react, someone placed a piece of cloth over his mouth. "MMPH!" Espresso tried getting the piece of cloth off of him, but the person behind him started choking him.

He was slowly starting to lose consciousness. A voice behind him cackled, but he was too sleepy to process who it was. He ended up collapsing to the ground.

It had been a few hours, and Madeleine was starting to get worried. He asked if any of the cookies had seen Espresso today, but everyone shook their heads.

Madeleine was starting to have a panic attack. Pure Vanilla calmed him down while Vanilla MC called for a search team.

"Madeleine, get dressed in your armor and grab your sword, I'm afraid Espresso has been kidnapped." Vanilla MC looked at Madeleine, he knew who did it. He quickly ran upstairs and got dressed into his armor, grabbing his sword before heading downstairs.

"I'm going to find him." Madeleine said, running out of the castle. He ran around the streets, some cookies said that his last sighting was at the sugar cube shop.

Madeleine made his way over to the shop and saw something. They were footprints, and they looked really subtle since it was snowing a bit earlier. The footprints lead to a fancy town.

Madeleine realised that it was a shortcut to the castle. He quickly followed the footprints and saw something in the snow. He dug it out and it was Espresso's glasses.

It seemed like whoever took Espresso had dragged him across the town. He picked up Espresso's glasses and followed the trail.

It ended at a house. There were blinds over the windows so he couldn't see anything. Madeleine heard screaming in the house and recognised the voice. He kicked the door down and saw Spirit and Espresso, Espresso didn't have his clothes on.

Espresso had tears in his eyes, "Madeleine!" Madeleine clenched his fists. He looked over at Spirit, "DID YOU R@PE HIM AGAIN?!" Spirit stood up and walked away from Espresso. Madeleine ran over to him and covered Espresso up with his cape, comforting him.

"I was about to, but you decided to ruin the fun like always!" Espresso was trembling, Madeleine looked around the room and noticed that Espresso's clothes were all torn up.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Madeleine stood up and grabbed his sword, he charged at Spirit and stabbed him through the heart. Spirit gasped, "GUH!" He said. He collapsed onto the floor, bleeding out. Madeleine stabbed him again, making sure he was dead.

The other guards ran in. They dragged Spirit out of the house, leaving Madeleine and Espresso to have some alone time.

Madeleine walked back to Espresso, he looked up at him and noticed that Madeleine was crying. He dropped onto his knees and hugged Espresso. Espresso hugged him back, comforting him, "Shh, its alright, I'm here, Madeleine."

Madeleine couldn't stop his tears. He continued crying, Espresso's heart ached when he heard his fiancé cry. He looked at Madeleine, "It's alright, you saved me Madeleine." Madeleine shook his head, "I-I should've...got here earlier...if I d-did, you wouldn't h-have to....go through that...." Espresso shook his head, "Madeleine, he didn't r@pe me, he was about to but then you saved me."

Madeleine continued to cry, Espresso hugged him and comforted him. He shivered slightly due to him being cold. He lifted Madeleine's face up and wiped away his tears, "It's alright, Madeleine. I'm alright, and that's all that matters, right?"

Madeleine nodded. Espresso gave him a quick kiss on the lips before blushing a bit, "Uhm, it's kinda a bit awkward." Madeleine tilted his head in confusion, "Uhh, you kinda saw me naked-" Madeleine blushed.

"Uhm, I didn't see much, I promise!" Madeleine looked away, obviously lying. Espresso blushed a bit but then chuckled, "If you say so!"

Madeleine picked up Espresso bridal style and walked out of the house, unusually happy. He had killed Spirit so he won't be bothering them anymore.


Spirit is dead!

For now :)

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