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Disclaimer: I don't really know how to write weddings so I'll only be adding in the stuff that I do know, I hope you guys don't mind :)

PS: I skipped the coronation since I have absolutely no idea how to do it unlike the wedding.

This Chapter is pretty cringy so if you want, you can skip it lol


Madeleine was extremely nervous for today. It was their wedding and coronation day. Madeleine got dressed into his suit and tied up his hair into a ponytail.

He headed outside. Their wedding will be held a little later so he went over to the backyard.

UE and Macaroon were hanging out together, they spotted Madeleine, "Oh, hey Mads! We're so excited for your wedding!" Macaroon chirped. UE nodded in agreement, "Heh, I'm excited to. I hope things will go as planned today, if it does, then it'll be the best day of my life!"

UE smirked, "Yeah, and then you and Espresso are gonna be a cute couple, you're gonna adopt children and live a happy life, the end!~" Macaroon slapped UE on the head, "What he meant to say is that he's excited for today!"

Madeleine smiled, "Well, I'm honestly more nervous than excited, what if Espresso doesn't want to marry me after all or what if I catch him cheating or..." Macaroon slapped Madeleine on the head.

"OW! Don't be like Espresso, Mac!" Madeleine groaned. Macaroon dusted off her hands and chuckled, "Don't say stuff that won't happen, Espresso is loyal to you, and if you're loyal to him to, then everything will be alright!"

Madeleine sighed in relief, "Oh, look at the time! Better get going, Mister Prince, your soon to be husband is waiting for you at the aisle!~" UE said. He ran off with Macaroon.

Madeleine walked over to the wedding aisle. There were a lot of cookies there so he gulped. He was extremely nervous. He stood at the end of the aisle next to the priest.

The moment he saw Espresso walking down the aisle, he instantly fell deeper in love with him. Espresso reached the end and stood facing Madeleine, "Sooo, how do I look?" he asked.

His right eye was revealed. Madeleine blushed, "You're absolutely beautiful, and handsome, gorgeous as well.." Espresso blushed at the compliments.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, today, we are here to unite these two cookies in the bonds of marriage. Madeleine and Espresso cookie have deeply loved each other and proved that they shall have an everlasting bond. Now, may the two cookies please exchange vows?"

"Espresso, from the moment I first met you, you had been special to me. I loved you for who you are and I hope that you'll do the same. I promise to protect you, to care for you and to love you, from the start, to the end." Madeleine cookie slipped the ring onto Espresso's finger.

"Madeleine, you were always there for me, even at my darkest moments. You had always been the one who loved me, and I'll always be the one who loves you. I promise to be by your side, to help you and to love you, from the very start, to the very end." Espresso slipped the ring onto Madeleine's finger.

"Madeleine, do you wish to have Espresso by your side, to love and to care for, for the rest of your life?" The priest turned to Madeleine, "I do."

"Espresso, do you wish to have Madeleine by your side, to protect you and to love you, for the rest of your life?" The priest turned to Espresso, "I-I do." The priest smiled, "Then, you may now kiss the groom!"

Madeleine lifted Espresso's chin up and kissed him. The crowd of cookies cheered happily, Madeleine picked up Espresso bridal style. He chuckled once he saw Espresso's flustered face.

From the Start, to the End (Madeleine x Espresso) Where stories live. Discover now