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Warning: This Chapter has a lot of swearing, well, not that much but it's more than the amount of swearing in the Oneshots book so I'll say it's a lot.


Madeleine woke up, he looked around and groaned a bit when Espresso wasn't there. He got off the bed and headed to his closet and changed into his armor.

When he was done, he walked around the room and noticed a small note.

I left early today so that I could complete some of my experiments. If you need me, I'll be at my house.

Madeleine smiled, he grabbed the note and held onto it tightly. He headed out of his room to eat breakfast downstairs.

Cream Puff and Custard were eating. It was a weekend today so they didn't have school. "Good morning, you two!" he greeted them.

"Good morning, big brother!" they both said in unison. They continued to eat their breakfast as Madeleine sat down next to them.

He took a few bites of his breakfast and started thinking about Espresso. Madeleine blushed a bit, Cream Puff noticed, "Hm, didn't you bring Mr. Espresso home yesterday?"

Madeleine nodded. Custard smirked, "Why are you blushing, sir Madeleine? Do you have a crush?" Madeleine almost spat out his food.

He shook his head at Custard, "No, I was just thinking about my boyfriend, that's all." Custard and Cream Puff's jaw dropped.

"You have a boyfriend?!" Custard asked. Madeleine nodded, "Yup, and it's Espresso! Surprise!" Cream Puff smiled, "I'm glad you have a boyfriend now, but be careful when you tell mom, she will absolutely freak out, you know how she is!"

Custard nodded, "Yeah, she will probably keep teasing you about it. And, she'll also ask you questions about him!" Madeleine chuckled, "Yeah, that is probably expected considering that he is my first actual lover!"

Madeleine got up. He had finished his food so he washed the plate, "Do you want me to bring you guys outside? I need to meet Espresso later, so it's better if I drop you guys off first."

Cream Puff and Custard nodded. They handed Madeleine their plates and he washed them, he placed the clean dishes onto the table and took the both of them outside.

"Alright, where do you want to go?" he asked, Cream Puff thought for a moment, "How about we go visit Mr. Espresso with you? I'm sure it will be fun!" Madeleine thought for a moment and sighed, "Fine, but don't do anything embarrassing, got it?"

They both nodded and Madeleine smiled.

Meanwhile, with Espresso..

Espresso had finished some of his notes, he looked out the window and shivered slightly. Spirit was watching him through the window again.

Ever since they broke up, Spirit had been stalking Espresso, sometimes he would straight up knock on the window to get Espresso's attention to scare him.

Espresso sighed, but he saw a familiar cookie outside. Madeleine and his siblings had just reached Espresso's house.

Madeleine saw the strange cookie, "Alright, you two, go inside for a moment, I have to talk to this cookie outside for a bit!" Cream Puff and Custard nodded. They headed inside and Espresso greeted them.

"Good morning, Principal Espresso!" they both said, Espresso smiled and invited them to head to the living room to watch a movie.

Madeleine looked at the cookie, "Uhm, why are you stalking Espresso? I'm sorry if I'm mistaken but it's still a bit creepy to stare at someone when they are in their house, right?"

Spirit shivered slightly. Madeleine looked intimidating to him. "And who do you think you are? It's not like you're his boyfriend or something."

"Actually, I am his boyfriend, so please, leave my lovely Espresso alone. I have my sword with me, so this is a warning." Spirit shook even more.

Espresso went back to his lab and looked out the window. Madeleine and Spirit were arguing. Espresso hid under his desk, "I swear to god if Spirit hurts him, I will literally beat the crap out of him."

"Sir, I'm sorry but it's still creepy to stalk someone, so please leave him alone." Spirit clenched his fists and punched Madeleine in the face.

Espresso saw that and clenched his fists. He stood up and walked out of his house.

Madeleine punched Spirit in the gut, Spirit was about to punch Madeleine again when Espresso intervened, "Stop it, both of you. I don't want to beat someone's ass if I don't have to."

Madeleine looked down, slightly ashamed. Spirit looked away and scoffed. "I'm sorry Espresso, but he punched me first."

Espresso nodded, "I know, I saw. Madeleine, go inside. Spirit and I are going to have a 'talk' alone." Madeleine nodded and headed inside.

He went into the laboratory to keep an eye on Espresso. He didn't want Espresso to get hurt. He could hear a lot of fighting and shouting outside.


"Because I still love you, my dear! It was an accident, I didn't mean to say that to you or kiss her back!" Spirit said, looking at Espresso.

"You said that you thought it was better to cheat on me, you need to fucking leave me alone!" Espresso was starting to get really mad.

Spirit was starting to get desperate, "I didn't mean it, it was out of the blue!" Espresso clenched his fists, "YOU DID MEAN IT, AND BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEEM TO LEAVE ME ALONE, I WILL HAVE TO BEAT YOUR ASS!"

"Please, Espresso, I love you, really!"

"WELL, I DON'T! IT SEEMS LIKE YOU CAN'T GET THE FUCKING HINT!" Spirit sighed, "Fine, I'll leave you alone, but sooner or later, you will come running back to me. And you will leave that whore you call your boyfriend."

Spirit walked away. Espresso scoffed and headed back inside. He slammed the door shut and headed to his laboratory where Madeleine was at.

"Espresso, are you alright?" Madeleine asked, checking for any wounds. Espresso shook his head, "I'm fine, no worries."

Madeleine sighed in relief, "Is that your ex-boyfriend? Seems like a bitch, honestly." Espresso chuckled, "Yeah, that is my ex. Oh, don't worry, I absolutely hate him."

Madeleine smiled, he kissed Espresso's cheek and looked away, slightly flustered.

"Dork, can't even kiss my cheek without being flustered. That is pathetic, but cute!" Espresso laughed.

Madeleine covered his face with his hair and headed over to the living room with his siblings.

Espresso followed after him, for some reason, he felt a little lightheaded, but he didn't know why.


I'm getting my motivation back because I actually have ideas for this book.

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