Chapter 23

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C h a p t e r 2 3

R I G H T  P E R S O N
W R O N G  T I M E

3 r d POV

A bunch of nurses and a doctor came barging in before Rosé and Jisoo's father could react, all of them are like a buzzing noise to the two who are dumbfounded, they're talking like an AI to one another, a doctor's language. Jisoo's convulsing body came to Rosé's sight, her feet stuck on the ground, can't even utter a word.

"Get her to the ER!" The doctor instructed everyone around him, the nurses obliged and strolled her bed out of the room.

Rosé and Jisoo's father are close behind them, and they can see Jisoo's body trembling from where they're racing, peering past the medical team that surrounds her. Rosé was unable to respond or even speak a single word; everything had happened too quickly, and everything was disintegrating in front of her eyes.

Jisoo's father was silently praying to the heavens, crying out his soul for her daughter's safety and healing. But, they come to a halt when a nurse blocks their way, Rosé was ready to argue but the nurse beat her to it.

"Please wait here, we need to perform numerous tests," the nurse said as the emergency room was about to close when Rosé grabbed the nurse's arm a bit too tightly, her emotions running high.

"Please tell me she'll be fine," she said, her voice cracking as she locked her gaze with the nurse. The nurse was quick to recognize what the blonde was going through.

"We'll do everything." The nurse gave her a sympathetic smile and squeezed her hand out of her arm and closed the door behind them.

Rosé's eyes immediately began to hunt for explanations and solutions. Her heartbeat is loud in her ears. She leaned against the steel door's wall and pinching her skin if this is really happening, this is only a dream. Moments after moments she's still there and her skin is turning red as ever, almost tearing the skin.

"She'll be okay," a soothing voice whispered, but she didn't look at the voice since she was ashamed by what she had just said in that room. "We know you love her," he stated emphatically, a sorrowful look on his face.

When Rosé heard what he said, "I'm—," her heartbeat quadrupled.

"It's okay," He assured her, "everything will be okay."

L a t e r t h a t d a y

Jisoo was put back in the hospital room, she's still unconscious from the heavy drugs. Her family is there, watching over her. Jisoo's mother fought back her tears, watching her daughter live her life in this state, these emotions are killing her daughter. It's unfair, she thinks. It's just a teenager's life, she's bound to have these extreme feelings.

The mother felt a slight tug on the blanket, she slowly glanced at her side. She watched her daughter pull the blanket, attempting to roll over for better sleep. She gasped silently, watching her daughter. She's happy that her daughter putting up a fight.

They all watch Jisoo silently, they don't want her to be bombarded with questions, or to stress her. "I'm, fine," Jisoo said hoarsely, fatigue was recognized in her tone. "You can stop pretending that you're all not seeing me awake."

Her mother smiled, she knows Jisoo is always this strong girl that no one can break. But behind those strong walls, everything is dark.

"Jisoo," Her older brother said, "how are you?"

She rolled over to her side, "good, I'm good." She said nonchalantly, "why are you guys here?"

"You don't want us here?" Her older sister asked.

"You know what I mean," Jisoo rolled her eyes, "we're complete in one room," she gestured to all of her family members, "it's so strange." She breathed out, talking makes her out-breath.

None of them said anything, a strange feeling crept on Jisoo's shoulders, but she can't quite put it out. Someone entered Jisoo's room shortly after an unpleasant feeling had developed. It's Rosé, much to everyone's astonishment; they're not surprised she's holding a large paper bag of food, but they're taken aback by the bruise next to her mouth.

"Chaeyoungie?" Jisoo croaked out, "w-what happened?" She stutters. She looked at her, head to toe, and to see her clothes were okay, nothing is ripped.

"I slipped on the way here," she reasoned out. She gave Jisoo the brightest smile on her face, "I brought rameyeon! Different kinds, then I even brought different kinds of milk, strawberry milk, chocolate milk! You name it," Rosé tried to make the atmosphere lighter, and she did.

Jisoo smiled sadly, no one noticed because they were busy looking at Rosé's face, and how she try to dodge every question. She heard everything a while ago. Her best friend just confessed her love for her indirectly. Guilt is gnawing at her, Jisoo thoughts she's taking advantage of her since their childhood. It seems unfair to her.

A knock on the door made all of them snap their heads in the direction, it was Jisoo's doctor. The room became chilly all of the sudden. Jisoo knows where it was going.

"Hi everyone," The doctor greeted, "I'm doctor Gong-Yoo," he smiled, then he glanced at Jisoo, and smile sadly.

The doctor went to Jisoo's side, to check on her monitors and proceeded to take notes on his board. The silence was making it harder to breathe for the other people inside, every click of the pen on his board is making Rosé dizzier.

"Okay," the doctor started, he faced Jisoo first and then to her family next, "upon reading on her statistics she doing progressively well." He smiled, the family was relieved to hear what the doctor said, it's like a thorn was pulled out from their chest.

Rosé gazed at her best friend, I knew you can overcome this. She smiled at her and Jisoo smiled back, but her smile doesn't meet her eyes.

"But," The doctor said, his tone was leveled than before.

Rosé and the others felt confused, but Jisoo just closed her eyes and pulled her brows together. Avoiding everyone's gazes.

"Jisoo," The doctor breathed out.

"Has 6 months to live."


Welp, I hope you brought your tissues. </3

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