Chapter 30

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A T  T H E

R I G H T P E R S O NA T  T H E W R O N G T I M E_____________

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3 r d

K o r e a  U n i v e r s i t y
O v a l  O u t d o o r  F i e l d

"Come on! Keep up!" The Fitness professor encourages each student, everyone was huffing and out of breath.

They were running around the oval in 5 laps now and someone is a little bit out of track since the half of the lap when they started.

Every step Jisoo takes causes her legs to tremble, and she can hear the pounding of her heart in her ears. She is at her wits' end.

"One last lap everybody," the professor informs, "Kim, keep up!" the professor points from the bleachers.

Jisoo wanted this to be over with. She couldn't even nod correctly. She can't go any quicker thanks to the agonizing ache in her chest.

"Are you alright?"

Jisoo slightly looked up and saw Seulgi, her expression turned upside down to see Jisoo's face which was covered in sweat, her cheeks and ears are red, and she was panting so bad.

There were a few gasps and whispers as Jisoo already slumped on Seulgi's arm as they crossed the finish line.

Jisoo's face got paler, and Seulgi's eyes grew wider. Jisoo was instantly carried by the orange head on her back with her arms hanging from Seulgi's shoulders. Seulgi might have sworn she felt Jisoo's thundering heartbeat on her back as they headed to the clinic.

Seulgi muttered, "Kim, what's wrong, what happened?"

Jisoo simply lay still on her back. When they got to the clinic, Seulgi was pounding on the door with her foot. The nurse opened the door and began to examine both of them when she was shocked to see Jisoo's head hanging from the shoulder of the orange head. The two were swiftly led to the bed by the nurse.

It appears that the nurse already knew what Jisoo needed as Seulgi was going to assist. Jisoo is given an oxygen mask by the nurse. Seulgi was observing from afar. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing; looks like Jisoo was on the verge of ... dying.

Jisoo was gasping for air and clinging to the oxygen mask when Seulgi exclaimed, "What the hell is going on?"

The nurse wiped Jisoo's face with a towel, and a tiny bit of sweat keeps forming on Jisoo's forehead as the nurse shook her head and sighed.

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