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Logan, Halstead, Voight, Upton, Burgess, and Ruzek were in the room waiting for Antonio, hoping he'd give them some better news.

Logan sat on Adam's desk looking up at the board when Antonio came in.

"Sheri was pronounced dead at Med." Antonio said coming into the bullpen. Logan got up from her spot on Adam's desk and walked over to Halstead and Voight.

"Her injuries were too substantial. Two others are in critical condition." He said and Adam spoke looked at their board.

"That bomb was planted in Sheri's office. She had to be the target." He said and Logan looked at Adam who nodded and she spoke.

"She was getting threats too. Ruzek and I looked through her emails, had them sent to us, it's alot. All from an anonymous email account." Logan said crossing her hands over her chest and Adam nodded, and spoke from his spot.

"'I hope you burn" "Die Bitch, you will burn." Things like that." He said and Logan looked at Jay and spoke.

"Al is with the family as we speak." She said and Jay nodded and watched as Upton placed a picture on the board.

"The security cameras only captured a man from behind. It's not much, but given what Sheri gave us and this, these were the only pod photos I coud get." She said and Antonio looked at the picture and spoke.

"He matches Sheri's description. Let's release it to the media, it's a person of interest. Set up a tip line." He said and Jay shook his head.

"We sure that's the plan?" He asked and Logan looked at the board and spoke.

"I'm siding with Jay on this one. That's not enough to go on. Plus, this could be what he wants. If that's him in the second picture he stayed for a reason." She said and Antonio shook his head and spoke.

"The description matches perfectly, Logan." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"It's generic, Antonio. Put a hoodie and a hat on Ruzek and he looks exactly like the offender. We need more to work on." She said and Antonio shook his head at her and she raised an eyebrow, wondering why he was giving her attitude.

"Release it to the press." Hank said and Jay and Logan made eye contact and she rolled her eyes.

"I think I got a lead on the guy. White, 35, beard, came in this morning delivering a package. His name is Eric Mitchell and we got an address." Kim said and Hank spoke looking at everyone.

"Logan, go undercover. Let's go everyone." He said and they all went to leave.

Logan reached into the mailbox 10 feet away from Eric Mitchell's house, watching as he pulled in. Her winter hat covered her inter coms and she looked at Jay and Hailey's car as she was digging around in the mailbox.

He walked to his mailbox with the key, and Hailey's voice could be heard.

"Eric Mitchell." She said and he looked at her while he opened the mailbox and spoke.

"Yeah?" He asked and Logan walked a bit closer to him, when he opened the mailbox all the way, the last thing that Logan could remember was a bright flash.

Logan opened her eyes looking up at the birds flying in the trees. Everything felt numb and she could barley feel her legs. She could heard the faint mumbling of someone speaking and she blinked as she tried to figure out who it was. Jay's face hovered over hers and she blinked and squinted, trying to figure out what happened.

"Logan?" He asked and she squinted and spoke.

"What happened?" She asked groggily as she went to get up. Jay grabbed her arm and hauled her up and looked her over.

"Logan, are you hurt?" He asked and she shook her head and looked behind him and saw Eric Mitchell with his face blown off.

"An explosion?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"Yeah." He said and before anything else could happen, Kelly rushed to them and that's when Logan realized CFD was already there.

"Logan!" Kelly yelled as he rushed to her and he called out behind him. 

"Brett over here!" He said and Logan looked at Kelly and blinked and shook her head.

"Kelly, I'm fine." She said and Jay spoke.

"Maybe you should go get checked out, Logan. You fell pretty hard." He said and Logan glared at him and Brett rushed over and spoke.

"Logan, let's get you checked out? Okay." She said and her and Kelly lead the woman to the rig and loaded her up into it.

Logan sat on the hospital bed as Will Halstead, Jay's older brother shined a light in Logan's eyes.

"Looking all good. You're lucky there is no other damage." He said and Logan nodded and looked at Kelly who was pacing back and forth.

"See, I'm fine." She said and Kelly stopped and glared at her and spoke.

"MRI? Does it check out?" He asked looking at Will and Logan shook her head.

"Yes, she's okay, Kelly. MRI, EKG, everything checks out." He said and then he looked at Logan and spoke.

"I'll get those discharge papers for you." He said and Logan nodded and smiled.

"Thanks, Will." She said and he gave her a small smile and walked out of the room. Logan sighed and looked at Kelly

"Kelly, please." She said and he shook his head and spoke.

"I'm sorry, okay? I worry. A lot has happened within the past year and with this..." He said trailing off and Logan nodded and spoke.

"I get it, Kelly I do. But I'm okay." She said and he nodded and he nodded and walked over to her. He placed his arms around her and spoke.

"If you want to get your mind off of this, we need to pick a place." He said and Logan playfully scoffed and spoke.

"Well, I was thinking downtown in that gorgeous building. The one that's designed like the renaissance." She said and he let out a small chuckle and then she spoke.

"We can invite your dad, and your sister." She said and Kelly nodded and raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"And Hank can walk you down the aisle..." He said trailing off and Logan looked at him and spoke.

"You told him, didn't you." She said and he looked at her and spoke.

"I had to! I asked for his blessing." He said and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"Yes, I was going to ask him to walk me down the aisle. I guess him and Melanie have been getting at it. I don't know he was telling me about their issues and I geniunely felt bad, you know?" She said and he nodded and spoke.

"Trust me, I know." He said and then Logan's phone went off and it was Voight, checking in on her and then another message saying to meet up.

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