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Logan and Jay rushed into the burning building and Jay yelled.

"Chief Boden! What happened? What floor is the fire on?" Jay asked and Logan looked at him and Boden spoke.

"20th floor, why?" He asked and Jay breathed out and spoke.

"My dad lives on the 23rd." He said and Logan looked at him with a confused expression and the entire building shook.

"What do you need us to do?" Logan asked and Boden looked at the door and spoke.

"Keep the doorways clear." He said and Logan and Jay nodded and waked to the door and began shouting.

"Everyone move back!" Jay shouted and Logan  shouted after him and spoke, a man bumped into Logan and she looked at him and he continued to stare at her as he walked away.

"It's an inferno in there." She said and other uniformed CFD cops showed up and Jay rushed back inside, Logan following behind him.

"C'mon, you must have heard from him." Jay said to the man at the desk and spoke.

"He's a pain in the ass, loves to yell at people, never smiles." He said holding up the picture and the man spoke.

"He might be on floor 25." He said and Jay went to move but Boden held him back.

"Whoa, I can't have a cop killed on my grounds." He said and Jay nodded and went to go back but Logan got in front of him.

"Jay! Stop!" She yelled and spoke.

"You go up there, you're dead, do you understand? You will NOT make it. Stop." She screamed at him and then a voice was heard over Boden's radio.

"Severide is preforming a self rescue out of the 22nd floor." A man yelled and Logan looked at Boden and spoke.

"What does that mean?" She asked and Boden spoke into his radio.

"He's doing what?" He asked and the man repeated himself and said, "He's using a rope, he's with a little boy." The man yelled and Logan rushed outside, pushing people out of the way and she looked up seeing Kelly hanging out of the window.

Her eyes widened and her heart dropped as she saw him get stuck.

"Shit." She mumbled under her breath and out of the corner of her eye she saw a little boy walking alone on the sidewalk. She saw that he didn't have a parent or guardian with him and she watched as he stopped and started at a window. She rushed to him and spoke.

"Where's your parents?" She asked and he didn't give an answer, but continued to look at the window. She looked and saw fire.

"FIRE!" She yelled picking up the kid but then got blown back as the glass of the window exploded. She sheltered the boy and heard firefighters rushing to where they stood. 

She stood up from the ground and looked over the little boy and saw no injuries and then she groaned as her arm felt like it was burning. She looked down at her now pinkish fleshy arm and she clenched her jaw from the pain. 

"Logan?" Matt asked and Logan turned her head and looked at him.

He looked down at her arm and spoke.

"Can we get a medic over here?!" He yelled and another firefghter took the young boy and Matt rushed Logan to a medic.

"What happened?" he asked and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"Where's Kelly? Are you okay? Everyone else?" She asked and he sat her down, when another voice came out.

"A detective just rushed upstairs in the fire." He said and Logan got up and spoke.

"It's Jay!" She yelled and went to get up but Matt pushed her back down.

"Get her to the ER." He said and Logan shook her head, pushing the handsy paramedic off of her and spoke.

"Matt where's Kelly?" She asked and Matt spoke, looking into her eyes.

"He's safe, go." He said and the paramedic grabbed Logan and they began going to the hospital.

Logan sat on the hospital bed with a bandage wrapped thickly around her 2nd degree burn and she watched as Eliana pulled back from putting on the last of the tape.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked and Logan nodded, her hair drenched from sweat and tears from cleaning her wound. Her black tank had some soot on it along with her face but she spoke.

"Can I go now?" She asked and Eliana nodded and spoke.

"Yeah." She said and then she spoke.

"Has Kelly come in?" She asked and Eliana nodded and spoke.

"Stella, she got hurt. He's been with her." She said and Logan's eyebrows furrowed inwards and she spoke.

"He's been with Stella?" She asked and Eliana nodded and  Jay's voice could be heard from the hallway and that was enough to set her off. She got up and rushed out of the room, seeing him standing there covered in some soot.

"Logan?" He asked looking at her and Logan rushed to him and shoved his chest.

"How could you?!" She yelled and he spoke.

"What the hell?" He asked and she shoved him again.

"WHAT IF YOU DIED?" She yelled again hitting him and he yelled.

"Ow, Logan what the hell?!" He yelled at her and then Herrmann grabbed her and held her back.

"I told you not to go into the building!" She yelled and then familiar hands wrapped around her waist and Kelly spoke.

"Logan stop!" He yelled and she shoved him off of her and turned to him.

"Don't." She said and Kelly raised his arms and she shook her head.

"Go to Stella, she needs you more." She spat and Eliana spoke, looking at her younger sister.

"Logan, out now!" She said and Logan went to go at Kelly again but Eliana yelled.

"Security!" She yelled and Logan looked at her as if she was being betrayed and the secruity guard rushed to her and grabbed her arm. She snatched her arm out of his grip and yelled.

"Don't touch me." She said and the same time Kelly said, "Don't touch her, man." He yelled and Dr. Charles rushed out and spoke.

"I got her. Logan, come with me." He said softly and Logan looked at him and he gave her a smile and she walked to Dr. Charles, leaving Jay, Kelly and the ER behind her.

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