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Logan walked out of the bathroom wearing her normal detective gear. She walked out, and grabbed her coffee off the island in her kitchen and took a sip of it, a small sigh escaping her lips as it tasted of perfection.

Amy walked out of the guest bedroom, her hair, makeup, and outfit ready to go as she rushed to the island and poured some Cap'N Crunch into a bowl. She looked at Logan and spoke.

"Did you make me some?" She asked and Logan looked at her and spoke.

"No, sorry I didn't think you'd want some, but there's some in the pot." Kelly said walked out of the hallway in his gear. Amy smiled and walked to the pot and poured herself some coffee. Logan grabbed her gun and looked down the empty chamber and spoke.

"Hey, so Dylan said that you were thinking of being a-" She said and Amy rolled her eyes and turned her head towards Logan, the signature dark hair gene the Rayners and Voight's carried moved with her.

"Correction- I said academy, not specifying a certain academy. Plus, I told Dad that becoming a cop was what I wanted to do. I'll be graduating early anyways. Plus, Nadia did the same thing right?" She asked and Logan blinked hearing that name again after a while and nodded slowly.

"Uh, yeah, she did." She said and Amy nodded and spoke.

"I want to do that. I've been setting it up with Seargant Platt, who adores me, by the way." She said and Logan scoffed and spoke.

"Of course she does." She said and Kelly let out a laugh and spoke.

"Alright, Amy, c'mon, I'll drive you." He said and Amy nodded and took another bite of her cereal and spoke.

"Thanks for letting me stay over." She said and Logan smiled and spoke. "Anytime, love you!" She said and Amy smiled and walked to the door.

Kelly rushed over to Logan, holding his bag full of his gear and gave her a loving kiss.

"See you at lunch?" He asked and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Of course. Don't forget your hat." She said and he nodded and rushed to grab it from the couch and spoke, walking to the door.

"Love you!" He yelled and Logan spoke looking at him.

"Love you too!" She said and watched as the love of her life walked out with her youngest sister.

Logan walked into the PD and walked straight up to Trudy's desk and spoke.

"Amy's been telling me you got a soft spot for her." She said with a playful glare in her eye and Trudy squinted and placed her hands on the counter.

"Have you seen her? She's innocent and all doe -eyed." She said and Logan rolled her eyes and spoke.

"Watch, when she becomes a cop, you won't be saying that." She said and Trudy squinted and spoke.

"Mhm, I heard she was doing that firefighter volunteer work next week." She said and Logan shook her head and her phone went off, a text from Will Halstead.

Logan, you're needed at MED. 911!

Logan rushed into the ED looking around for anyone she knew and her heart dropped as all these scenarios ran through her head. She rushed to the desk, seeing Maggie and spoke.

"Maggie what-" She went to say but Will called out to her and Logan looked at him and rushed over to him.

"What happened? Kelly? Amy?" She asked and Will shook his head and spoke.

"They're okay but-" He went to say and then her gaze landed on Kelly and she looked at Will and spoke.

"What happened?" She asked and Will spoke softly.

"Benny Severide came in, he had a stroke. He passed 10 minutes ago." He said and Logan's heart dropped and she rushed over to Kelly and he looked at her and she furrowed her eyebrows and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Logan walked up into the church, with her uniform on as she looked around the building. The entire Intelligence team was already sitting on the inside along with the rest of her family and Melaine, who sat next to Hank. She had her hat under her arm and she walked up to Kelly and placed a gloved hand on his back.

He turned to her and smiled.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"I'm fine." He said and she nodded and looked into his eyes.

"If you want to postpone the- she went to say but he shook his head fast.

"No. I don't want to do that at our wedding. "He said and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"Everyone would understand, Kelly." She said and he shook his head and spoke.

"No. I don't want to wait anymore." He said and she nodded and a voice could be heard from behind her.

"Max Rayner." Kelly said and Logan turned seeing her step father and Logan tensed up.

"I just wanted to give my condolences." He said and Kelly nodded and Logan looked down at her feet and he spoke looking at Logan.

"And I wanted to say congratulations." He said and Kelly nodded and spoke. "Thank you." He said and Max gave him a firm nod and walked to an open pew.

The ceremony began and Logan found herself sitting next to Katie, Kelly's sister who was alreay in town for their wedding and Kelly walked up on the stage.

"Benny Severide was a legendary firefigther." He said and then looked down at the podium and spoke.

"Well, that's what he would tell me." He said and some people gave out sad laughs. "He was stuboorn, and tough and always battled the people he loved, but Benny was also one for love. "

"Benny pushed me to be with my now fiance, who I loved with every breath I take. He pushed me to do the things I wanted, but he also taught me good lessons, including how to be a better firefighter." He said and then walked over to his casket and Logan's heart broke at the sight of Kelly trying not to break down.

He looked up, his gaze finding Logan's and he gave her a nod and she gave him a nod and the firefighters of 51 stood to help carry out his grave.

Hank stood and watched as they took him out and he spoke.

"Get into form." He said and the members of the intelligence unit including Trudy and Melaine and they stood in two parallel lines.

"Step!" He yelled and everyone began and stepped off on the same foot. They all walked out to where cops and firefighters flooded the streets and Logan watched Kelly carry down his father's casket.

Logan watched the scene unfold before her and she bit her lip, seeing Kelly hold it in.

Logan and Kelly walked into their shared apartment and Logan placed her keys on the key holder and she turned to Kelly and spoke.

"Kelly." She said and he kept his gaze on their living room and she walked to him, her hand making it's way to his shoulder and he turned around, tears falling from his eyes and Logan bit her lip to keep herself from crying at him and she pulled him into a loving hug. His sobs rang through out their apartment and Logan ushered him over to their living room.

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