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"I'm sorry what?" She asked looking at the little curlied haired boy that sat at her kitchen island and he smiled brightly and spoke. 

"I'm your nephew! My name is Theodore, but I like being called Theo." He said enthusiastically. Logan blinked, looking at the little boy and spoke.

"I get that, but how..." She said trailing off and Theo shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Mom never told me how I was born." He said and Logan shook her head. "No, that's not- That's not what I meant." She said and she stood up from her spot at the island and she began putting the groceries away.

"Do you need help with that?" Theo asked and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"N-no it's okay. You hungry?" She asked and the little boy shook his head and spoke.

"No, not really. I ate at school today." He said and Logan nodded softly and he spoke.

"This is so cool. I've always wanted to meet you. Mom tells me stories about you like how you're such a badass and all this." He said and he looked at her and spoke.

"Don't tell her I swore, she'd kill me." He said and Logan squinted and spoke.

"Does she know you're here?" She asked and he shook his head and spoke.

"No, but I need to go home anyways, can you drive me? I got a test to study for tonight." He said and Logan nodded softly and grabbed her keys and they both walked out.

"So how's your son?" Theo asked as Logan held the passenger side open for him and he spoke again. "My mom told me his name is Shay. That name is so cool, he's going to be so lucky." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yes, his name is Shay. He's doing alright, he's only four months old." She said as she sat in the drivers side and then he spoke again.

"Could I ride along with you sometime? Or are you too cool for that?" He asked and Logan looked at him and shook her head and spoke.

"Well, I could try and see if you could ride with me, but it won't be much fun, it's better with uniformed officers." She said and she began driving to Evelyn's home.

She knocked on her eldest sisters door, realizing that she had never actually been to her own sisters house and the doors opened and Evelyn looked at Logan with a confused look.

"Logan what are you doing here?" She asked looking at her sister and Logan moved out of the way and Theo looked at his mom and Evelyn's eyes widened.

"Theodore Stone." She said and he gave her a small smile and spoke. "Hey mom." She said and Evelyn looked up at Logan and spoke. "Logan I-" She went to say but Logan smiled softly and spoke.

"I get it, Evelyn. You don't have to explain." She said and before Evelyn could say something Logan's phone went off and she looked down, seeing a video of Kelly getting into a man's face. 

"Shit, I- I gotta go." She said and she rushed back to her SUV popping open the trunk quickly to grab her bulletproof vest, her gun and badge and she rushed to her seat and began driving, turning on her sirens.

She made it to the firehouse seeing a bunch of people lining up and she stepped out of her SUV, the lights still flashing as her hair was loose, her bulletproof vest was on and her badge and gun were on her hip. She walked up to the patrol cops and held her badge up.

"Detective Severide, 21st district, Intelligence." She said and they let her through easy and she walked into the apparatus seeing a bunch of people all around the firefighters.

"What the hell..." She said and a man spoke.

"Look man, it's over." 

Logan placed her hands on her hips and spoke.

"What's going on here?" She asked and the man looked at her and spoke.

"You a firefighter?" He asked and Logan raised a brow and spoke as the man kept walking up to her.

"Back up before I move you back." She said and the guy raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"That's police brutality, you ain't gonna do shit." He said walking close to her and she grabbed her badge and threw it to the side along with her gun and spoke.

"You see a badge on me?" She asked walking up to the guy and he raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"Move bitch." He said and shoved her back and that was enough for Kelly and all of the firehouse to start.

"Alright that's it." Kelly said and went after the guy who pushed Logan back. Logan went after one of the men that were going after Kelly and she threw a punch, pushing him back and officers began arresting them all and Logan pulled away and they started taking them out. Kelly rushed to her and spoke.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded and watched as all of them were getting rushed out  and she nodded and he spoke.

"Good." He said and Logan sighed and shook her head. "Detective, your gun and badge." A patrol cop said and Logan looked at him and grabbed them, thanking him. "Let's go, we gotta wedding to get ready for." Kelly said and Logan nodded and they began to walk out.

"Hey, the organist is waiting for the signal." Logan said as she walked into the groom's room as she wore a skin tight black dress that was off the shoulder and had one sleeve. The long slit made it easy for her to walk with her red heels. Her matching red lip illuminated her features including her blue eyes and she grinned looking at Joe.

"Joe, you look amazing." She said and he smiled nervously and they all began to walk out. Kelly waited for all of the guys to leave and he smirked looking at Logan. 

"Look at you." He said kissing her cheek and she smiled.

"Please." She said and he grinned and spoke.

"Shay?" He asked and she smiled and spoke. "Is outside with Trudy." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"I love you." he said and she smiled and spoke. "I love you more, now go out there and help Joe before he throws up everywhere." She said and he threw his hands up in a surrendered motion and went to go and help Cruz.

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