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Logan walked into the Babies- R- Us with Evelyn and she looked at the clothes that were hanged up and spoke.

"I'm not really sure what to look for." She said and Evelyn shrugged and spoke.

"Do you know the gender?" She asked and Logan looked at her ad spoke.

"Nope." She said popping the P and then spoke.

"Since last week, Kelly and I havent really been agreeing on a lot of things. He wants to know the gender, I don't." She said and Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows and spoke.

"You guys haven't talked it out?" She asked and Logan shook her head, looking over all the baby stuff and spoke.

"No, he swears he isn't mad at me anymore. But I was just trying to help Alex." She said and Evelyn nodded and Logan spoke.

"How is she?" She asked and Evelyn shrugged and spoke

"She's doing as best as she could. Staying inside, not really doing much." She said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"I'm going to have her live with me." She said and Evelyn nodded and spoke.

"Let's hope that Severide will agree to that." She said jokingly and Logan let out a laugh and looked down at a crib.

"This looks pretty unisex right?" She asked and Evelyn nodded and Logan looked down at the grey and white crib and nodded.

Logan looked down at the food that was in her hands as she walked up to the firehouse and she sighed, walking in through the doors. She watched as Matt stormed by and she furrowed her eyebrows inwards and looked at Ritter who was leaning against the truck.

"What the hell..." She said and Ritter shrugged and spoke.

"Severide and Casey had a disagreement about 3 hours ago." Was all he said and she nodded and began walking to Kelly's sleeping quarters. She saw that the blinds were closed and she knocked and the door opened to a dishelvled Kelly Severide. He yawned as the door opened and he looked at Logan and spoke.

"What're you doing here?"He asked, his words slurring from sleep and Logan furrowed her eyebrows inwards and held out the lasagna she made.

"I brought a peace offering." She said and Kelly shook his head and turned on the lights, inviting her in.

"Honey, you didn't have to bring in a peace offering." He said and Logan grimaced and spoke.

"Yeah I did, I bought a 400 dollar crib today." She said and his small smile dropped and he spoke.

"Actually?" He asked and Logan nodded but spoke.

"But listen, we can do the gender ultrasound. It's a win win." She said and bit her lip, hoping he wasn't too mad and he let out a laugh.

"I love you." He said laughing and she smiled and he grabbed the lasagna and spoke

"But, I love your lasagna more." He said and she rolled her eyes and he smiled.

Logan laid down on the hospital bed with Kelly right by her side. Natalie Manning, a doctor at MED decided she would help the couple with their baby and she wanted to be there to tell them the gender of their child.

Logan lay back on the bed, looking at the screen and Kelly spoke.

"I will still love this baby no matter what, but, when we find out the gender we can do a baby shower instead of a gender reveal. Paint the room whatever color the baby turns out to be but super light, not dark." He said and Logan nodded and Natalie smiled and spoke.

"Alright, this is going to be a little cold." She said putting the gel on Logan's stomach and she could feel the baby kick slightly at the coldness. Natalie grabbed the doppler and placed it on Logan's stomach and moved it around.

"Okay, so these are the two feet." She said showing the couple their baby's feet and then Kelly placed his arm above Logan and squinted looking at the feet.

"This is the head." She said, showing them the baby's big head and Logan smiled seeing it and then Natalie grabbed it and moved it again.

"And this area right here." She pointed to the spot between the baby's legs and spoke.

"Wouldn't be filled if your baby was a girl. Congratulations, you're having a boy." She said and Logan's eyes widened and Kelly's mouth dropped and his eyes widened.

"A boy?" He asked and Natalie nodded and Kelly smiled brightly and kissed Logan's forehead, in awe that he was having a boy. 

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