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"I'm gonna be honest with you, Jay. Your sister is a total badass." Logan said looking at Elaine Halstead who was conversing with Sylvie Brett and Natalie Manning. 

Jay looked at her and spoke.

"She's a pain in my ass too. Her and Will always gang up, I think it has to do with them being red heads." He said and Logan let out a hollar.

Eliana, Evelyn, and even Amy were here talking amongst some of their friends, the only one missing was Dylan. After Otis' death, Dylan went out of control and was now staying with a close relative of theirs in Virginia.

Logan grabbed a hotdog from her stand and walked over to her husband, wearing his Chicago Bears shirt.

"Here, I'm not really feeling this." She said handing it over to him, feeling a bit nauseaus as she looked down at the hotdog. He opened his mouth and she put it in his mouth and he took a bit out of it.

"We got some sweet corn tamales!" Hailey said walking over with pans from Garcia's. Logan eyes widned and she spoke.

"I'm gonna go get a tamale, grab your hot dog, babe." She said and he grabbed it from her and watched as she walked over to Hailey with a grin on her face. She grabbed a tamale and looked at the wonderful women she worked with and smiled at all of them.

"Atwater, is the pregame on?" Logan asked as half of her tamale was in her mouth. He glared at her and spoke.

"Severide you really bugging me with this pre game crap." He said and Logan let out a laugh and Atwater looked at Kelly and spoke.

"Kelly, come get your wife!" He said and Kelly let out a laugh and spoke raising a beer to his lips and spoke.

"She'd kick my ass, you know this." He said and took a swig, hearing some comotion come from the crowd.

"Help!" A man yelled from the crowd and that was enough for everyone's instincts to take over. Everyone from Med, the fire department and intelligence rushed over to the man that collapsed. 

"Chicago Firefighters coming through." Casey said as him and Kelly made their ways through the crowd.

"Everyone back up!" Logan yelled at everyone and  rushed to the man who collapsed on the floor with her friends and collegaues

Logan looked down as Natalie, Brett and Elaine were tending to the man below and Logan looked at Kelly and then looked down at the man.

Logan hopped out of her work car and watched as Sylvie and her partner, Foster stepped out and she looked at the mailman who was standing next to the door.

"Detective Severide, What's going on?" She asked the man and he looked at the overflowing mail and spoke.

"Detective?" He asked and Logan looked at the house and then back at him and spoke.

"I was closest to the call." She said and he nodded and then spoke again.

"This is the Pullman House. Real nice couple,  always gave me a twenty dollar gift card at Christmas. Anyways, I had to wedge some magazines through that slot a few days ago." He said and Logan nodded and began walking up the stairs with him as Sylvie and Foster followed and he spoke.

"There's a bad smell coming from inside." He said and that worried Logan. She looked at Sylvie and Foster and then raised her hand to the door and knocked hard.

"Mr. Pullman? Chicago PD!" Logan yelled and got no respone. She knocked again and spoke.

"Mrs. Pullman!" She yelled and then Sylvie spoke looking at a window.

"Logan, body." She said and Logan kicked the door open, mailing flying everywhere and a smell waffed to them. Foster and Brett gagged and Logan grimaced and walked into the house.

"Mr. Pullman!" She said and then walked over to the feet on the floor and saw two decaying bodies.

"Whoa." Foster said and Logan looked down with wide eyes.

Stepping out of the PD's bathroom, Logan wiped her mouth, thinking back to the husband and wife. She stepped out into the bullpen and saw Atwater, Jay and Hailey and Jay walked to her, holding a bottle of water.

"You good?" He asked and Logan nodded and silently thanked him for the water and spoke, untightening the cap.

"Yeah, it was just, nasty." She said and Jay grimaced and Hailey looked up from her phone and spoke.

"Jay, Severide, there was a fire at Central Chicago University, Voight's requesting you both." She said and Logan and Jay looked at each other and sprinted out from the police department.

Logan and Jay hopped out of their cars seeing the fire department walk through showers with their suits on. Logan and Jay glanced at each other and ran to their loved ones. Logan saw Kelly looking for his suit and she walked over to him and yelled.

"Kelly!" She said and he looked up hearing his wife and walked towards her. She rushed to him and she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, putting him in a bone crushing hug. He was taken aback by her actions and she shook her head.

"My god Kelly what the hell." She said, her voice breaking softly and she pulled away and looked at his face and then looked down at his arms. He furrowed his eyebrows inwards at how she was acting and he spoke.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" He asked and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"It's just all of this Kelly. You didn't see that husband and wife." She said and Kelly placed a hand on her face and spoke.

"Logan, there is nothing to worry about. If it makes you feel better, I'm not worried about this." He said and Logan rolled her eyes and spoke.

"You're never worried about anything." She said and Kelly looked into her eyes and spoke.

"That's not true. I always worry about you, I worry about Amy, and being on the job." He said and Logan rolled her eyes and Chief Boden spoke.

"Severide!" He said and Kelly looked at Logan and spoke.

"I'll see you later?" He said and she nodded and he smiled softly and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Stop worrying so much, you're gonna get grey hair." He said and she smiled softly and nodded.

"Yeah, like you right?" She said and he playfully glared at her and he walked away, heading over to his chief. Jay walked over to Logan and Logan spoke looking at Jay.

"Elaine?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"She's alright." He said and Logan nodded and looked around for her father but couldn't find him.

"Voight said to go back to the PD, he's talking to Kelly and Boden now." He said and Logan nodded and the two of them walked to their car.

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