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Logan walked out of Kelly's room with Kelly by her side and she twisted her neck cracking it. Kelly placed a hand on her neck and gave it a loving squeeze and Hadley came out to her.

"Hey, suspect just arrived and we're getting everyone suited up." She said and Logan looked at Kelly and nodded.

"Okay, give me a minute." She said and Hadley nodded and walked away. Kelly spoke looking into her eyes.

"Promise you'll be careful?" He asked and Logan nodded and spoke.

"I will. You be careful too." She said and Kelly nodded and watched as she rushed away from him. He smiled looking at her and turned to go to Matt.

Logan laid on the roof of the firehouse, her rifle set up directly into the apartment and she watched the firefighters and the FBI agents walk into the home. She laid looking into the scope, watching their every move and she breathed out softly. She watched as Kelly and Matt walked into the room and then saw that the two men held guns up to their backs and Logan clenched her jaw, keeping her scope on the men.

She watched as they slowly started to walk out into the hall and Kelly and Matt hit the floor when gunshots went off. Logan took that as her oppurtunity to get a shot and she hit the eldest brother, sending him to the ground. In minuted they both dropped dead and Logan rushed down from the building and into the apartment complex.

She looked around trying to find Kelly and she saw him exit the building and she rushed up up to him and placed her hands on his face.

"You okay?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"I'm fine." He said and Logan nodded and Hadley rushed out with Hotchner and Justin. Logan looked at Justin with wide eyes and spoke.

"Justin?" She asked and Justin came out to Logan to spoke.

"We're good." He said and Logan nodded and Hadley smiled at Logan.

"Good work." She said and Logan smiled and nodded and then Kelly came up behind her and placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Let's go home." He said and Logan nodded and they both walked back into the firehouse to get ready to go home.

Logan looked at herself in the mirror and raised an eyebrow taking in her appearance. This was the seventh dress she had tried on and she was not really feeling any of them. The lady that has been helping Logan had decided to try and get some more dresses that could fit to Logan's liking while she stood in front of the mirror with a sour expression on her face.

"You don't like this one?" Evelyn asked looking at the back of Logan's head. 

Evelyn, Justin, Adam, Eliana, Jay and Kim decided to be with Logan today since no one else could get the time off. Logan didn't want Kelly to see the dress until the big day so he had to wait just like everyone else.

Logan shook her head and spoke. "No." She said simply and Jay looked at Justin and then back at Logan, happy he could be here to help support his long time friend.

"Maybe you should try an off white one?" Adam offered and Logan turned to them and spoke.

"This is off white, Adam." She said and Adam nodded and spoke.

"I think you look great in this one." He said and Logan glared at him and spoke.

"It's too frilly. My goal is to look classy and elegant, not slutty and whorish." She said and Adam threw his hands in a surrendered motion and Elaina spoke.

"It's not that slutty." She said and Logan glared at her and the woman came back holding a few more dresses.

"Lets go try these." She said and Logan nodded and walked into the dressing room. She ooked at herself in the mirror as she undressed herself ad the woman spoke.

"I think you might like this one." The woman said and Logan slipped into it and looked at herself in the mirror. 

"What do you think?" The woman asked looking at Logan and Logan eyes widened as she looked at herself in the mirror. She nodded and spoke.

"I- It's- I love it." She said looking at the dress in the mirror. It's satin look not only made her look clean but elegant. It's off the shoulder straps gave the dress a bit of a rebellious side along with it's low V neck cut. She looked at herself and the woman grabbed a veil and placed it on her head, completing the look. Tears began to well up in Logan's eyes and she bit her lip.

"You look amazing." She said and Logan gave her a small smile and the woman spoke.

"Let's go show your family." She said and led Logan out of the room. Logan walked in her dress out in the viewing room and saw everyone standing there. Evelyn and Kim's eyes widened as they watched Logan come out and Jay, Adam, and Justin stood and smiled. Logan smiled looking at them and stood on the small stand looking at them.

"This is it."She said and Justin smiled brightly and spoke.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Logan." He said and Logan smiled and Jay walked over to Logan and wrapped his arm around her.

"You look amazing." He said softly and Logan smiled softly and Adam came up to her after Jay pulled back and he squeezed her.

"Amazing." he said and Logan pulled back and spoke.

"Oh my god, Adam." She said and he laughed and Kim spoke.

"I want to look like that at my wedding." She said and Logan let out a hollar and Adam's eyes widened.

"You'll look amazing." Logan said and another woman came and spoke.

"Ms. Voight, you have another guest." She said and Logan's eyebrows furrowed inwards and spoke.

"Who?" She asked and Hank came in with Al and Benny Severide and looked at Logan and Al spoke.

"Logan," He said in awe looking at the woman he felt was like his daughter and Benny spoke.

"You look great! Kelly would be so happy." He said and Logan smiled and Evelyn stood hugging Hank as he walked in and then hugged Al and Benny. Eliana did the same and Hank walked over to Logan and spoke.

"You look beautiful, Logan." He said and Logan gave him a small smile and hugged him. He was taken aback by this action and hugged her back and spoke.

"Now let's get your dress." He said and Logan smiled brightly and looked back at herself in the mirror.

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