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Logan walked up the driveway of the firehouse with Shay's carseat in her arms as her baby sat in it, who was babling, seeing Amy running drills with Matt. She knew that she shouldn't bother her, seeing as her sister moved effortlessly with a whole fire suit on so she just ignored the two and walked into the firehouse. 

She walked past the app and into the kitchen and she opened the door, causing Sylvie, Ritter, Herrmann, Capp and Mouch sitting at the lunch tables to look at her.

"Oh my god!" Sylvie said and rushed to Logan who gave her a small smile.

"Is that baby Shay?!" She said in a baby voice and Logan smiled and Sylvie looked down at the sleeping baby.

"He's so cute!" Ritter exclaimed and Herrmann spoke.

"There goes my favorite nephew." He said looking down at the baby and Logan smiled and spoke.

"Where's Kelly?" She asked, her voice raspy from her allergies attacking her and Brett spoke.

"He's talking to Boden in his sleeping quarters, but I'm sure they'd be so excited to see you." She said and Logan noddded and smiled.

"Thanks guys." She said and they all nodded and she walked past the kitchen and into the firehouse and saw Kelly sitting by himself in his own office writing. She knocked on the door and Kelly opened it and looked up, seeing his wife and his son.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" He asked and then she smiled, walking into his office and spoke.

"Well, we thought it would be a good idea to drop by." She said and Kelly grinned slightly and bent down to Shay's carseat and unbuckled it, picking up his son.

"Oh, look at you." He said supporting the baby's head and the baby cooed being in his father's arms and he looked at his son's onesie and laughed.

"'Pack my diapers I'm going firefighting with Daddy' Seriously, Logan?" He asked and she shrugged playfully and spoke.

"What, it's cute." She said and Kelly shook his head playfully and kissed his wife on her forehead. She closed her eyes briefly and he spoke.

"What's your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked and Logan looked at Shay on Kelly's chest and spoke.

"Well, I was going to take Shay over to my dad's since Intelligence got the day off. I gotta do some shopping as well to stock up the fridge and stuff before I go back to work next week. I also have to change the oil in the car and the bed sheets in our room." She said and Kelly shook his head and spoke.

"I can do the SUV. What is it 5W-30?" He asked and Logan nodded and he spoke.

"I got some in the camero, let's go grab it." He said and he opened the door his office and the two of them walked out and to the app all the way to the driveway. Amy ran into the app with her gear on, her dark hair sticking to her sweat covered forehead and she smiled looking at Logan.

"Hey Logs." She said and then walked past her and Logan watched as Matt came in and spoke. "She's way too fast." He said out of breath and Amy's voice could be heard.

"C'mon Captain Casey! You're lagging!" She yelled and Logan let out a small chuckle as Matt rushed after her. Kelly and Logan made their way out to Logan's SUV and Kelly held Shay with one arm as Logan handed him the oil she had left over. He grabbed the can of oil and the funnel and spoke as Logan walked over to the driver's side and hit the hatch for the hood.

"We never let mommy do this, Shay. As the men of the house, we gotta do it for her or she might put it in the engine coolant." He said and Logan glared at him and he laughed and put the oil inside the right compartment. 

"Okay one, I know how to put oil in my car. Two, you keep talking to me like that Kelly and you're not getting lasagna tonight." She said in a warning tone and Kelly looked down at Shay and spoke again.

"And if she threatens to never make lasagna, buy her everything." He said and Logan laughed softly and spoke. 

"Alright, I'll put Shay in his car drop him off at my dad's and then I'll go shopping quick."She said and she grabbed her son from Kelly and he nodded and closed the hood of the car and looked at her. "Alright, let me know when you go to the store." He said and she nodded and gave him a peck on the lips and went to turn but he grabbed her wrist, and she turned back towards him and he gave her another kiss and then gave Shay a kiss on the forehead.

"Be safe." He said and Logan nodded and spoke. "You too." She said and went to leave.

After dropping Shay off at her father's, Logan had texted Kelly telling him that she was at the store and he gave her a small list containing of four items (bread, plain yogurt, fish and chicken wings) and she grabbed everything she needed. After organizing all of it in her bag, the bag was heavy enough to feel like a work out for her and she made it to her apartment, where a small brown haired boy stood.

He looked at her and smiled, rushing over to her and engulfing her in a hug and Logan raised an eyebrow and spoke

"You lost kid?" She asked and the boy shook his head and spoke. 

"No, I'm not, I just was so excited to meet you, Aunt Logan." The boy said and Logan looked at him with confusion written all over her face and she spoke

"I-I'm sorry, do we know each other?" She asked and the little boy nodded and spoke.

"Er- no. But I've heard a lot about you. Mom always tells me stories about you before I go to bed. I want to be in Intelligence just like you." He said and Logan looked at her door and then back down to the boy and spoke.

"I-I'm sorry what's your name?" She asked and the little boy smiled and spoke.

"Theodore Stone. Everyone calls me Theo." He said and Logan raised an eyebrow hearing the last name and she breathed in softly looking down at the boy who was in front of her.

"Who's your mother?" She asked and he smile and spoke.

"Evelyn Rayner. Your sister." He said and Logan's eyes widened as she looked down at the little boy and he smiled brightly.

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