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"Okay so, what are we thinking? Dad's gonna walk you down the aisle?" Justin asked as he sat across from Logan while they were out for breakfast. 

"I think you should also be up there AND MARK!" Amy said looking at her two older siblings and Logan took a bite out of her eggs and spoke.

"Yes, dad will walk me down the aisle and yes, they will be there." Logan said directing the last part of her statement to Amy and she smiled.

"Good. Have you guys picked out a theme yet?" Justin asked and Logan grimaced and spoke.

"N-No, not really. I mean we've been engaged for a bit, since Mexico actually." She said and Justin smiled and then looked at the window and his smile faded.

"And mom?" He asked and Logan stopped mid bite and set her fork down.

"She isn't coming." Logan said and Amy looked down at her food and Logan spoke again.

"I haven't spoke to her since before I left and I don't intend to." She said and Justin nodded and Amy spoke.

"Shit, I'm late." She said and Justin and Logan spoke at the same time.

"Language!" They said and Justin placed a 100 on the table and spoke.

"Let's go, I'll drive." He said and they stood and walked out of the small diner.

After dropping off Amy to her high school, it was just Logan and Justin now and they were in the car driving as they were speaking about Justin's wife and son, Olive and Daniel.

"He's so cute. Olive sent Evelyn a picture last week, he's so big." Logan said and Justin nodded and laughed.

"He looks like Dad, doesn't he?" He asked and Logan nodded laughing, before she could say anything her phone rang and she looked down and Justin looked at her quickly and then kept his eyes on the road.

"What's wrong?" He asked and Logan furrowed her eyebrows inwards and spoke.

"It's our cousin, she said she's here and needs us at the fire station." She said and then Justin nodded and re routed to firehouse 61.

Logan and Justin walked to the chief's office and saw Hadley Reid, her FBI cousin and another FBI agent, Agent Hotchner.

"What's going on?" Logan asked walking into the room and Hadley handed Logan a file and spoke.

"Have you ever seen this man before?" She asked and Logan looked at her cousin as she grabbed the file and she spoke.

"Uh, yeah, that's uh his last name is Beccera. He lives in 1F across the street several accounts of battery." She said and Hadley spoke.

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