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Logan had just finished nursing Shay when Kelly's soft snores got a bit louder. Since the birth of Shay being the previous night, Kelly stayed up all night and morning with their newborn son as Logan took some rest. She decided to give Kelly some rest so she stayed up with the baby.

She looked down into Shay's blue eyes and smiled softly and kissed his forehead. He cooed a bit and Logan let out a soft chuckle when a knock on the door came through. She looked up, seeing Hank and she raised her eyesbrows up at him and he walked through.

"Is that Shay?" He asked and Logan nodded and he walked in and stood at the side of the bed.

"It is, you want to hold him?" She asked and he looked down and she lifted Shay to her father and he grabbed his grandson, looking down at him.  She smiled at the sight and Hank smiled softly.

"He's so adorable." Hank said softly and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, he was keeping his father up all night." She said looking over at Kelly and Hank smiled and Logan spoke softly.

"I'm sorry." She said and Hank shook his head and spoke.

"It's fine." He said and Logan shook her head looking at him and spoke softly.

"I should have never acted that way with you. I overreacted and I-" She said and Hank shook his head, rocking back and forth slightly and spoke.

"It's fine Logan, I'm not mad." He said and Logan nodded and he handed his grandson back to his daughter and spoke.

"Congratualtions." He said and Logan gave him a small nod and he bent down, placing a small kiss on her forehead and walked out of the room.  Logan looked outside at the snow, thanking whoever was up there that Shay didn't come on Christmas Eve and she sighed happily. Only three weeks left until Christmas and her gift already came earlier than expected.

Another knock came at the door and Jay walked in holding a big brown teddy bear that had a blue shirt on that said: I'm your favorite teddy, on it. Logan smiled and Jay walked over to her and he saw Shay in her arms. He smiled and spoke.

"He's adorable." He said and Logan nodded and smiled.

"He is, isn't he?" She asked and then handed him the baby and Jay smiled and held his arms out and took the baby into his arms.

"Oh, he is so going to get spoiled." He said and Logan let out a laugh and spoke

"I'm sure he would be, you kidding me?" She said and Jay smiled and rocked the baby softly in his arms. "How long are you going to be out for?" He asked and Logan looked at Shay and spoke.

"6 months for me, Kelly's going back in 3 months." She said and Jay nodded and then looked down at Shay.

"See, your mommy is leaving me for 6 whole months because you came. You owe me." He said playfully and the baby cooed in his arms. He handed Logan his nephew back and he spoke. 

"I'm gonna head over to your place and put away all the boxes." He said and Logan smiled and spoke.

"Thanks Jay." She said and he nodded and bent down to give her a brotherly kiss on the forehead.

Once he left the room, a nurse had come in to finish checking in on both Logan and Shay and then left.

Kelly walked out of the bathroom with a towel to dry his hair and he looked up at the TV seeing some cop show playing in the background. He looked over at his wife, who sat up in the hospital bed holding onto Shay and he spoke.

"Missing it already?" He asked and Logan looked over at him, her blue eyes landing on his and he spoke.

"It's only gonna be a couple of months." He said looking at the look she gave him and Shay started whining. Logan looks down at her son and then back at Kelly and spoke.

"I think he wants his father." She said and Kelly walked over to them, and grabbed his son, letting him lay on his bare chest.

"You can rest, you know." Kelly said and Logan spoke and smiled softly looking at the two of them.

"I don't want to miss anything." She said and Kelly playfully glared at her and spoke.

"He won't just start walking, Logan." He said and Logan squinted and spoke.

"I know that, I just- I never got to experience this with Ava. I don't want to lose him." She said and Kelly's heart broke at that and then he walked over to his wife's hospital bed and sat on it, extending his arm to hold her hand.

"Shay isn't going anywhere, Logan. He's a healthy baby." He said and Logan nodded and Logan sighed and looked at him.

"I kinda want another one." She said and Kelly let out a snort and spoke.

"Really?" He asked and she nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, I mean we created him. He's perfect." She said and Kelly let out a small chuckle and spoke.

"He is." He said and then he looked over at the gift bags and saw one that had a lot of balloons on it. "Who sent that?" He asked and Logan squinted and spoke.

"Oh, that was from everyone at 51. Jay brought over the big bear and Matt brought over the firetruck balloons." She said and Kelly let out a laugh and looked down at his son.

"You're so lucky you have so many good people surrounding you." He said and the baby cooed softly and Logan smiled, seeing her two boys in front of her.

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