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Logan held the phone up to her ear as she spoke to her second oldest sister, Evelyn.

"I did NOT miss the cold at all." Logan said as she walked out of her car and into the police department. 

"Logan, you went to Mexico for a couple of months. It doesn't even get below 70 there." She said and Logan grinned and spoke.

"I know, but it's been long enough, you know? I had to come back. I guess Hank wanted help with Melaine" She said and Evelyn tensed under the mention of her mother.

After their mother came back from being missing, Logand and her boyfriend, Kelly Severide, who was also a Liuetenet at the fire department decided to take a vacation. Things between all five of the Rayner kids had gotten better, they were all talking and were able to be in a room together without getting into an argument.

"Plus Platt has this thing and-" She said but saw her sister standing outside of the fire department, with the phone up to her ear.

"Yeah, I know." She said and smiled as her sister treaded up the snowy driveway. Logan had her gun in it's holster at her side while she had a bag filled with some pies.

"Kelly mentioned you were bringing stuff, I didn't think it would be this many things." She said and Logan shrugged and handed the bag to Evelyn and then walked into the fire department.

"Well, it's 10 plus firefighters and I had to make some for the PD so after I drop this off, I'll be heading there. We eat like pigs." She said and Evelyn shook her head laughing and they walked into the kitchen of the fire department.

"LOGAN!" Herrmann said as Logan walked into the kitchen. She smiled and spoke.

"Hey, Herrmy, just bringing some pies." She said and he smirked and spoke.

"Gosh, you're the best." He said and Logan shook her head laughing and Kelly strolled in.

"Hey, babe." He said and walked over to her and placed a loving kiss to her forehead.

"I thought you were bringing this in later." He said looking down at her and she shrugged lightly and spoke.

"I was on the way plus, I figure I could give you your pie now and then see you at lunch." She said and he smiled softly and Evelyn placed the bag on the table.

"You didn't tell her yet, did you?" He asked and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"No, but it's getting a bit hard." She said and Kelly smirked and spoke.

"Well, in about three days we get to tell everyone, soon to be Mrs. Severide." He said and Logan leaned forward to peck his lips and Evelyn spoke.

"Logan, you gotta be at the PD." She said and Logan nodded and spoke, her hand slipping into Kelly's.

"Right. I gotta go, I'll see you at lunch?" She asked looking at Kelly and he nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, I love you." He said giving her a loving squeeze. She smiled and spoke.

"I love you too." She said and walked out of the fire department and made her way to her job.

Logan rushed up the stairs to Intelligence and saw Eva and Antonio talking to one another, before a loud beeping went off.

"What was that?" She could hear Trudy Platt say in her interview on the screen. Logan looked at the screen with her eyebrows furrowed inwards and she spoke.

"What was that?" She asked and before anyone answered, a loud blast sent Trudy and the reporter flying across the room. Everyone in intelligence stood and they all looked at each other.

They rushed to the scene of 4WNMZ all ready to take on whatever was ahead of them, especially when one of their own was hurt. Logan had on her warmest outfit along with her bulletproof vest as she and the rest of the Intelligence team swarmed the scene.

Logan, Jay Halstead, Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater, Kim Burgess, Hank Voight and the newest member of their team, Hailey Upton rushed to the scene to great their sergeants Hank Voight and Melanie Rayner.

"All right, Logan, Ruzek we gotta find out about the bomb. Upton, Halstead you're on victims, Atwater and Burgess your with us. Let's move people." Voight said and before he left he looked at his daughter and spoke.

"Good to see you back, Logan." He said and Logan nodded, not looking at her mother and she walked to the Squad truck and saw Capp standing near the back.

"Capp." She said and he turned and looked at her and spoke.

"What's up, detective?" He asked and she walked closer to him, with Ruzek.

"Have you guys got anything on the bomb?" She asked and he shook his head and spoke.

"No, but Severide will, he just went to speak with the Chief." He said and Logan nodded and gave him a smile.

"All right, thanks." She said and Ruzek looked at her and spoke.

"Whoever did this needs to pay." He said and Logan nodded and Adam's phone went off.

He looked at Logan and spoke. "It's Jay, he said they want us to meet them at the district." He said and she nodded and they left. 

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