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Logan sighed as she walked into the Intelligence. She saw Jay sitting on her desk with two cups of coffee and some doughnuts and she yawned, walking over to him. Jay looked over at her with a raised eyebrow and squinted, as he handed her the coffee. 

"What?" She asked , feeling Jay's eyes on her and Jay looked at her and spoke.

"I've never seen the Logan Severide be so tired before. Late night?" He asked with a grin on his face and she nudged him and spoke.

"No." She sadid and he let out a hollar and he glared at her.

"Riiight." He said and Logan looked over her shoulder, seeing Hailey talking to Voight with the door closed. She squinted softly, trying to figure out why she was in there.

"Yo, Severide, where were you yesterday?" Atwater asked, causing Logan to look over at him and she spoke.

"Didn't feel good, had the stomach bug." She said and Atwater nodded and the door opened to Voight's office. He stepped out, with Hailey and spoke, looking at his daughter.

"Good that you're back, Logan. We're gonna need your undercover abilities." He said and Logan furrowed her eyebrows inwards and looked around making eye contact with Rojas.

"Okay, so we believe the key to this whole thing is a South Side Drug Vault. Cops seize narcotics off the streets, and they put them into the vault, where it's stored until it's needed as evidence." Hailey said as the entire Intelligence team stood around looking at each other in dark outerwear.

"So we're basically doing a play by play, have Seargent Platt give Gibbs the Coke and Heroin and if we're right it will go to their pockets instead of the furnace." Logan said and Voight nodded and she spoke

"Once they sell it to Darius that'll be our trap." Logan said and Jay nodded agreeing with her an they all nodded and walked away.

"Hailey." Voight said and Logan looked at Voight and he spoke, looking at his daughter.

"Go help see if Burgess or Jay needs help with anything." He said and Logan blinked and then walked away from the two of them.

She walked to Burgess when a standard beat cop came from the main common room.

"Seargeant Platt, Officer Vitale and Officer Bosak came in with a woman. Seems to be up Intelligence's ally." He said and Voight looked at him and then looked back at his team. 

"Logan, Halstead, see what that's about." He said and Logan and Jay nodded and they walked, following the beat cop.

"Detective Halstead, Severide, the woman was found an hour ago and a body was found right where they picked her up." The beat cop said and Logan and Jay followed behind him into the interrogation room and Logan yawned slightly as she walked next to Jay.

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