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Logan looked up at the white board as her partner spoke.

"Alright so, all of our victims have come from one or two places: the CCU lab or this apartment building." Jay said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"That and the fact we got some mystery bug sprayer." She said and Hank nodded and went to speak but Burgess came back, Logan felt nausea creep up in her stomach

"Stuart Anderson's phone was spoofed. Someone set it up to make it look like he sent all of those apocalyptic messages." Kim said and Logan got up from her spot next in front of the white board and began to walk away.

"Logan, where you goin'?" Her father asked and Logan pointed to the bathroom and spoke.

"Bathroom." She said and rushed over to the bathroom.

She walked out of the bathroom taking a napkin and blotting her mouth when a voice made her jump.

"Whatca doing?" Kim asked, scaring the hell out of Logan, causing her to stop mid air. She looked over at Kim and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked and Kim looked at the bathroom and spoke. "You went to the bathroom." She said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yes, I know." She said and Kim squinted and spoke.

"What's that about?" She asked and Logan shrugged her shoulder and spoke.

"I dunno. I've been queezy since this morning when I walked into the home." She said and Kim nodded slowly.

"How long has this lasted?" She asked and Logan shrugged her shoulders and her phone went off. She grabbed it and spoke, seeing Kelly's name pop up. 

"I don't know since yesterday?" She said and then walked away, taking the call.

"What's wrong?" She asked and Kelly let out a chuckle and spoke.

"Why do you always assume something is wrong when I call?" He asked and Logan rolled her eyes and spoke, walking into the break room.

"Because you never have anything good to tell me when you call." She said and she could tell he rolled his eyes and he spoke.

"Well, this time I was actually wondering if you'd like to go to lunch with me." He said and Logan turned around, hearing his voice closer to her and she looked at Kelly who held up a bag of tacos.

"C'mon, Voight said you've been working like crazy." He said and Logan shrugged and sighed.

"Yeah, actually I have not." She said and Kelly raised an eyebrow and Logan spoke.

"We still gotta help Elaine with what she's going through. I had some detective in Seattle send me their OFI paper work but I guess they've been a little backed up after a serious hurricane." She said and Kelly nodded and held his arm out for her. She placed her arm in his and they walked down to the main hall of the 21st.

"Well, you're a damn good detective, Logan. You got this." He said and Logan nodded and then they walked into his black camaro to eat their lunch.

Kelly walked into the firehouse seeing Elaine sitting next to Brett as the TV was playing in the background. Brett looked up at Kelly and smiled softly.

"How's Logan?" She asked watching as his head turned from the TV to her and he spoke.

"She's...alright. She's been stressing out over this Staph bull crap." He said and Elaine grimaced and spoke.

"It's like wall to wall coverage with this, I don't blame her." She said and Kelly shook his head and spoke.

"Yeah, tell me about it. She looked like she was going to catch a heart attack when the fire at CCU broke out." He said and Sylvie shook her head and spoke.

"Well, to be fair, she did see the couple in the beginning." Sylvie said and Kelly nodded agreeing and bit the inside of his lip continuing to watch the TV. Elaine's phone went off and she stood up abruptly and spoke.

"Hey, Will just called, I'm gonna head to MED." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"I'll tell Boden and Casey." He said and she nodded and gave him a thankful smile and rushed off.

"Are we sure it's the doctor?" Logan asked looking at Jay as they rushed into MED looking for Will. Jay nodded and spoke.

"Yes, we saw the video." He said and Logan nodded running through the halls with Jay, heading into the lab area where the man was.

"Police, move!" Jay yelled as the two of them ran through the halls. They rushed into the lab area seeing Will struggle to get up, blood gushing from his head. Elaine was crouching down above Eliana and looked up at Logan and Jay, blood running down her face.

"Will! Elaine!" Jay yelled as he helped Will up, Logan rushed over to Eliana, seeing a scalpel sticking out of her chest near her heart and Elaine called out to Will.

"Will!" She said and Will rushed up, the blood falling down the back of his head and he rushed over to Elaine and looked down at Eliana, seeing her bruised and bloodied body.

"Shit." Will breathed out and Elaine spoke, her hand over another wound. Logan bent down rushing to her sister, stepping in her blood when Hank walked in.

"She might have a pneumothorax, she's been hit over the head, impaled, her pusle is weak, we have to do something fast or she won't make it." Elaine said and Will looked down and Logan blinked and shook her head, looking up at her father.

"Dad, Eliana. That doctor-" She said and he nodded and rushed out of the room.

"Elaine, you good?" Jay asked looking down at his sister and she nodded and he ran out of the room and Logan stood and spoke.

"I'm going to get help!" She yelled and Elaine nodded and she ran out of the room and rushed into the Emergency room and yelled.

"Help! I need help!" She said and April looked at her and spoke.

"Logan, is that your blood?" She asked and Logan shook her head quickly and spoke.

"No, it's Eliana's. She got stabbed multiple times, beaten. A scalpel is embedded into her chest, we need help." She said and April nodded, grabbing a team of nurses and a bed and they rushed after Logan, who was running towards the lab room.

They rushed back into the room and Will was doing compressions on Eliana and Dr. Choi looked at him with wide eyes.

"Uh, let's get her up now!" He said and he bent down and looked at Will.

"Will, you need to move so we can help her, you can't help you know this." He said and Will shook his head and spoke.

"She's bradycardic." He said and Dr. Choi looked at him and spoke.

"Dr. Halstead, I need you to let me help her." He said and Will looked up at him and blinked and then nodded, getting off of Eliana. Dr. Choi and other nurses grabbed the woman and placed her on the cot and they wheeled her out of the room, attatching an airbag to her face.

Logan stood next to Will, her face stoic as her sisters blood littered her clothes. Elaine stayed kneeling on the floor, her cuts and the blood on her face drying as she blinked and Will watched the door as if Eliana would walk in with no issues.

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