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Logan walked into the most fanciest restaurant she'd ever been in with her dark maroon skin tight dress that had sleeves to cover her arms. Her hair was left in curls as her makeup brought out her white pearly teeth and her eyes. Her bag held her gun and her badge just in case she ever needed it for anything. She saw Evelyn, Eliana, and Amy sitting down at the table talking amongst themselves and they all looked at Logan with a smile.

"Look at you, looking fierce." Amy said and Logan rolled her eyes and took a seat next to her sister and spoke.

"Thank you, Amy." She said and before she went to say anything else, the chair moved from beside her and the hairs on her arm stook up. She looked up, seeing Dylan, and her eyes widened. 

"Dylan." She said and stood and Dylan gave her a small smile and Logan hugged her twin, finally seeing her in months. Dylan let out a small chuckle and Logan pulled back taking her in.Her once short blonde balayage was now black. Her skin seemed much darker than it once was and her skin tight yellow dress showed her body figure. Logan's eyes sparkled at the sight of her twin and Dylan smiled softly and spoke.

"Surprise." She said and Logan blinked and Dylan sat down and Logan followed after her and Evelyn smiled and spoke.

"We should say congratulations to you, even though we are about ten years late." Dylan said and Evelyn chuckled and Eliana spoke.

"Yeah, what's going on with that? Who's the father?" She asked and Amy nodded just as curious and Evelyn grimaced and spoke. 

"Okay, listen, you cannot tell him I told you. He found out about Theo after Logan's accident." She said and Logan's eyes widened and she spoke, remebering who was around Evelyn that time.

"Shut up, Peter Stone!?" She said and Evelyn blushed and Eliana whistled. "My god, you've seen that man? I would jump his bones too." She said and Evelyn nudged her under the table and she laughed.

"Please, Will?! He's the one that you should be jumping." She said and Eliana smirked and spoke. "I am." She said and Amy groaned and they all laughed. Amy looked at Dylan and spoke.

"How have you been, Dylan?" She asked and Dylan smiled softly and spoke.

"Uh, good. It was nice to go through everything that happened, especially without Brian. After his death, when I went to California to take some time off I was in denial, and then guilt, but after getting with a therapist I've been hooked up with a Widows group here in Chicago." She said and Evelyn placed her hand on Dylan's and spoke.

"We are so sorry, Dylan." She said and Dylan nodded and went to open her mouth to speak but a large crash came from the kitchen and a loud scream was heard and Logan's police instincts kicked in and a guy yelled from the back.

"Help! A fire started, a guy started the fire, stabbed an employee, call 911." He said, causing all sisters to look at him, seeing the blood staining his body. Logan, Evelyn, Eliana, Amy, and Dylan all stood up and Logan grabbed her gun and took out her badge and Eliana rushed to the man who was on the floor and Dylan and Amelia rushed to the kitchen seeing it up in flames. 

"Move out the way, CPD!" She said as she rushed into the kitchen that was up in flames and she saw a man run from the kitchen wearing all black and gunshots rang through the night She looked at his face, finding something familiar about it and then he rushed out.

"Dylan, we gotta grab the fire extingusher to put out these flames. It was clearly started but it caught onto the grease and oil on the stove and it expanded." Amelia said as the two of them rushed into the kitchen after Logan. 

Logan held her gun up and rushed out from the kitchen's back door and out inot the alley and yelled.

"CPD, drop your weapon!" She said but got no response, she rushed out after what seemed like a man and ran into the alley. A gunshot rang out, grazing past Logan's arm and she backed up against the bricked wall and cursed, seeing that the man got away. She cursed under her breath as the sound of firetrucks and police sirens made a loud noise.

Logan walked out from behind the building and into the front, seeing the stretchers bring out the man that had blood on his shirt and Logan saw Eliana with her hand in his chest, go into the ambulance. Firehouse 51 was there and truck 81 came out with Matt and his team and they rushed inside to the burning building. Logan sighed as she rushed out and Kelly looked at her and spoke.

"Logan?" He asked and Logan groaned and spoke. "Where's Elaine?" She asked and Kelly looked at the building and spoke.

"Why?" He asked and before he could say anything another scream rang out and Logan and the cops that were around her grabbed their guns and movement could be seen from a car. Logan saw Elaine's red hair and the same guy and she yelled. "ELAINE!" She yelled but the car sped away with no licsense plate for her to track. She blinked and saw the car moving slowly and she broke out into a sprint following the car and then she raised her gun and eyeballed it, aiming for one of the tire and she pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting two tires instead of one, making the vehical swerve.

She rushed to the car, other cops followed after her and she made it to the door and opened it, seeing the man in black. She opened the door and then took her gun, aiming it to his forehead, the barell landing between his eyes and she spoke.

"You move, I shoot. You even think about picking up your gun, and I will shoot." She said and then she spoke, keeping her gaze on the man.

"Halstead, you alright?" She asked and Elaine nodded as her mascara was ruined and she nodded and the man went to grab his gun and Logan pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting his brain in a matter of seconds. Elaine's eyes widened as his brain matter was all over her face and she breathed in deep and breathed out and looked at Logan who blinked with no emotion in her.

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