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Evelyn rushed into the hospital, looking around her normal business attire on, Amy was buy her side, her dark hair pulled into a ponytail as they rushed into MED.

"Logan!"Evelyn yelled seeing her sister with her hands on her hips. Logan looked at her eldes sister, her eyes red and Evelyn shook her head and spoke.

"No,no." She said and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"No, she's okay. She just got out of surgery." Logan said and Evelyn sighed and Amy nodded and shook her head.

"What happened?" She asked and Logan looked at the room where Eliana was at before and Logan looked at them and spoke lowly.

"The one who spread this strain, was the doctor. Dr. Seldon." She said and Evelyn shook her head and Elaine rushed to her and spoke.

"Logan, CFD just got a call. It's intelligence, they need us at 2600 Roosevelt." She said and Logan looked at Evelyn, who nodded and spoke.

"Go." She said and Logan nodded and they both ran out of med, heading straight to that site.

Logan hopped out of her SUV, her bulletproof vest on as her hair was pulled out of her face. Elaine hopped out of the SUV, her fire pants on over her grey CFD shirt and her hair was pulled through a blue hat. Hank rushed over to his daughter and spoke.

"Logan, we need you on that roof with a rifle, Jay said south rear window." He said and Logan looked at him with wide eyes and spoke.

"Jay's in there?" She asked and he nodded and Logan  rushed to the back of the SUV and pulled out her Remington and the CFD pulled up along with Burgess and Atwater.

"We can get you in." Joe said looking at Logan and she nodded and spoke.

"Do it." She said and then looked at Hank and he spoke.

"Do what you need to do." He said and she nodded and looked at Burgess and spoke.

"Burgess, I need you to work with fire, 51 or 81, Elaine will assist you so she could get back. We need that building evacuated then we need a perimeter started." She said and Kim nodded and spoke.

"You got it Severide." She said and Logan rushed into the building, Joe running after her and she began to get inside.

After getting on the roof, with Joe and Capp's help, Logan laid down on the roof, looking through her scope. She looked through the building, seeing Jay's hand with a knife.

"Sarge, I'm not getting a clear shot." She said into her coms and Hank nodded inside the building and spoke through his radio.

"Logan, I need you to get set for a high diversion shot at the ceiling. No joy, repeat, no joy. On my order." He said and Logan shifted slightly and put her finger on the trigger.

After several quiet seconds Hank spoke.

"Do it now." He said and Logan pulled the trigger instantly, in the distance 2 gun shots rang out and her heart dropped, hoping it was Seldon shooting Jay. 

"Jay are you okay?" She asked into her radio, not hearing anything. She blinked again and didn't hear anything and her heart began to speed up. Moments later his voice came through.

"Thanks Logan." He said, sounding relieved and Logan closed her eyes and bent her head down onto her arm. She breathed out and bit her lip. She could feel the adrenaline rush through her still as she sat on the roof and Joe opened the door and Logan looked back.

She got up and walked to him, handing him her rifle that was put in safety. He grabbed it, climbing down and then she climbed down after him. She patted his shoulder and spoke.

"Thanks, Cruz." She said and he gave her a curt nod and spoke.

"Anythime, Severide." He said and Logan gave him a nod and walked out of the building and out into the street, that was flooded with cops, firefighters, EMS, Lab Doctors and even some of the doctors that were working in MED. 

All of the Intelligence Detective walked out of the building and Logan walked to her SUV with the rifle in her hands and she opened the trunk and put it in it's box, taking out the bullets and disabling it.

Logan clenched her jaw putting her rifle away and slammed the box shut. Jay walked past Kelly looking at Logan and he spoke looking at the man.

"Logan's by the SUV, you might want to talk to her, she looks like she's gonna shut down." He said and Kelly nodded thanking his wife's partner and walked to her.

"Logan." He said and Logan turned and looked at him.

"You okay?" She asked and Kelly nodded and Logan slammed the door shut and he looked at her looking at her body language.

"What's wrong?" He asked and Logan blinked and Kim walked past her and Logan spoke.

"Is Seldon still alive up there?" She asked and Kim nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, Voight's talking to him now." She said and Logan nodded and Kelly shook his head.

"Logan what's happening?" He asked and Logan looked at him and Matt called out to him, Kelly ignored it, seeing the look in her eyes and he spoke

"Logan." He said in a warning tone and Logan bolted off into the building in a sprint. Kim looked at Logan with wide eyes and watched as she ran into the building. Kelly went after her but was stopped by a cop.

"Sir, you can't go in there." He said and Kelly looked at the building and spoke.

"My wife's in there!" He yelled and the cop shook his head not budging.

Logan rushed up to the floor she shot in and saw Hank standing in there with Ruzek and Kevin. He looked at her and she rushed in and spoke.

"Where is he?" She asked and Seldon sat on the floor, blood seeping out of his wounds and Adam held her back.

"Logan stop." He said and Logan shook her head and yelled

"Logan stop." He said in a warning tone, causing his daughter to glare at Seldon, rage consuming her face.

"He's gone." Hank said and  Logan blinked and cursed under her breath. She walked out of the room, punching the wall on her way out and walked down the stairs.

Logan made her way back to the hospital without bumping into Kelly, who was called back to a fire call. She stood at the end of Eliana's bed, Will standing next to her and she spoke.

"You love her." She said and Will looked at his brother's partner and then back at Eliana and he nodded.

"I do." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"She's lucky to have you." She said and Will shook his head looking at the woman before him and he spoke.

"I'm lucky to have her, I don't know what I'd do without her." He said and Logan looked at him and spoke.

"Don't lose her, Will." She said and he nodded and pulled up a chair to her bedside. Logan placed a loving hand on his shoulder and she walked out of her sister's hospital room and saw Kelly leaning against the wall. He was in his regular attire and he looked at his wife and spoke.

"I know you." He said and Logan nodded and she spoke.

"I know." She said and Kelly turned to her and he held out his arms which she glady went to and he engulfed her in a protective hug.

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