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"Alright, Voight, welcome to firehouse 51." Kelly said and Amy looked around and grinned to herself.

"Sweet." She said and then looked back at Kelly. 

"Is it okay if I talk to Chief Boden, Lieutenant Severide?" She asked and Kelly glared at her and spoke.

"One, drop the lieutenant thing, Amy. I'm practically your brother. Two, of course you can, you remember the way to his office?" He asked and Amy nodded and Kelly nodded and she turned and walked away, going to Boden.

Kelly walked to the firehouse kitchen and saw Matt sitting with Brett and Elaine. Elaine looked up at Kelly and spoke.

"Hey, Lieutenant." She said and he gave her a curt nod and she spoke.

"How's Logan? I feel like I haven't seen her in a while." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"She's good. She's seven months now and he's gotten so big." He said, referncing to his baby and Elaine smiled and spoke.

"Aw, that's amazing. I can't wait to see him. Have you guys picked out a name yet?" Brett asked and Kelly shook his head.

"No." He said with a small laugh and Amy walked into the kitchen and Brett spoke.

"Hey Amelia!" She said and stood walking over to the girl and Amy smiled and spoke.

"Hey!" She said and then the loud sound of glass breaking caught everyone's attention and they all turned seeing Gallo staring at Amy. Amy's eyes widened at the sight of the man and Elaine's eyes widended catching on to what was going on and she let out a little laugh and spoke, hitting Kelly's arm a bit.

"That's all you, Severide." She said and walked out of the room.

Logan sighed as she looked at her home, in it's new re-vamped setting and she squinted, seeing the snow fall outside her apartment.

"Are you sure you want this?" Jay asked holding up a cardboard box filled with blankets for her baby boy. Alex walked out from the hallway with another box and spoke.

"Another box just arrived." She said, walking into her new apartment and Logan grimaced and looked at the stuff in the box.

"Okay yeah let's just put it in the baby's room." She said and Jay glared at her and spoke

"Logan, we should probably put this away." He said and Logan grimaced and Jay glared at her.

"Listen, I know you, alright? You won't want to put this away when he comes, just put it away." He said and Logan sighed and nodded.

"Okay, alright fine, you're right." She said and Alex nodded and spoke. "I'll open it in his room." She said and Logan nodded and Alex walked into the baby's room that was painted a light grey.

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