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"Ma'am listen-"

"No, you listen. My seven year old daughter is in that building and you're telling me she shot the guy who stormed into the school? I need to see her." Brynnly said and the officer squinted and looked at Brynnly.

"How does a seven year old know how to fire a weapon?" He asked and Brynnly cocked her head back and clenched her jaw.

"The same way you did. My brother was in the Army, my father was a cop. Detective Clarke" She said and the officer went to say something but Logan walked up to them and spoke.

"Miss Clarke?" She asked and Brynnly looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"My name is Detective Logan Severide, I was on scene when your daughter fired the weapon, you can see her now." Logan said and Brynnly sighed and Logan squinted and spoke.

"I just want to let you know, your daughter gave us her last name there. One of our Detectives has some... questions for you. His name is Adam Ruzek." She said and Brynnly's eyes widened.

"No, that's not possible I-" She went to say but then Adam cut her off.

"Brynnly?" He asked and Logan gave her a curt nod and turned to leave. Logan placed her hands on the back of her back to help support her and Kelly rushed over to her and placed a hand on her back.

"You good?" He asked and she looked over and nodded.

"Yeah, my back's just killing me." She said and he looked back seeing the young girl and he spoke.

"Did she really fire that shot?" He asked and Logan nodded and Kelly shook his head as Logan grunted softly due to her back pain and he rubbed her back softly.

"Hey, you good?" Jay asked walking up to his partner as he greeted Kelly. Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, kid's just pushing on my spleen." She said and Jay grinned and Elaine came up to them and spoke.

"Lieutenant, we just put the cribs away." She said and Kelly nodded and Jay went in to hug his sister.

"You alright?" He asked and she nodded, her red hair now loose and she looked back at Matt and Jay furrowed his eyebrows inwards, seeing her gaze and Logan spoke.

"Hey, Elaine, good job out there." She said and Elaine gave her a smile and spoke.

"Thanks Detective." She said and then Logan looked behind Elaine and saw a guy in a hoodie watching her.

"Hey, Elaine." She said and Elaine looked at her, her green eyes landing on the woman.

"Yeah?" She asked and Logan spoke.

"There's a guy in the crowd staring. Black hoodie, black jeans, you know him?" Logan asked and Elaine shook her head confused.

"No, why?" She asked and Jay looked and the man turned his body. 

"Stay here." He ordered Elaine and she nodded and shook her head.

"What the hell." She breathed out, watching as Jay had walked off and Logan gave her a small smile and spoke.

"Well, on the bright side, you got a whole unit of cops behind you." She said and Elaine nodded and Kelly spoke.

"And us at 51." He said and Elaine grimaced and Logan smirked.

"Let me guess, Casey." She said and Elaine's face turned bright red and Casey spoke.

"Halstead!" He yelled and Elaine blinked and gave them both a smile and walked off.

Logan placed a hand on her stomach and spoke.

"I need to sit down. My feet are ten times it's size, and I'm craving pickles and chocolate." She said and Kelly let out a laugh and spoke.

"I can tell Boden to take Squad out of service." He said and Logan shook her head and Kelly rolled his eyes and spoke.

"I'll just tell him I'll be back later." He said and Logan rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Fine, but only because your son wants pickles and chocolate." She said and Kelly laughed and they walked to Logan's car.

Logan leaned back in the passenger's seat with a hand on her swollen belly and she spoke.

"Remember, next shift you have to take Amy. She has that volunteer stuff." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, I already booked her. We're going to have her work with Truck since Matt's a good teacher. Squad is too advanced." He said and she nodded and spoke.

"Good, but no offense, Capp would accidentally push her off the rig." She said and Kelly smiled and watched as Logan dipped her pickles in some nutella.

"That's disgusting." He said and Logan rolled her eyes and then spoke, all seriousness flooding through her

"That guy today was worrying me." She said and Kelly furrowed his eyebrows inwards and spoke.

"The one with Elaine?" He asked and she nodded and spoke again.

"Something about Elaine's stalker isn't adding up. He had a whole 5 year gap before he went after her." She said and then furrowed her eyebrows inwards looking at the dash.

"But so did Alex's." She said under her breath and Kelly raised an eyebrow.

"What did you say?" He asked and Logan looked at him and reached behind her seat and pulled out Alex and Elaine's files. 

"Alex's stalker had a 5 year break from bothering her." She said pulling out her old best friend's file and then she spoke, raising Elaine's file. 

"Same with Elaine's, and look." She said pointing to the physical description of them and spoke.

"Same build, body type, race, et cetera." She said and then nodded, flipping through Elaine's file.

"The only thing different was the tattoo." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"You can get those anywhere." He said and she nodded agreeing with him and shook her head. 

"I gotta tell Jay." She said and Kelly nodded and they rushed to Jay's apartment with his sister. They decided to pick Alex up on the way to inform her.

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