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"Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3, Battalion 25. Police Assist- Norwood Park Elementary. 5900 North Nina Ave."

Everyone from squad, truck and ambo jumped up from their positions in the common room and made it to their respective engine. Joe  looked at Kelly  and spoke.

"Know what's going on?" Joe asked and Kelly shook his head, looking out the window.

"Not sure." He said and they began to drive off.

After arriving to their destination- Kelly saw the Intelligence unit, knowing his pregnant wife wasn't far behind.

"Kelly!" He heard the familiar voice say and he turned seeing Logan walk up to him, her black hair up into a pony tail as she wore her bullet proof vest over her long sleeve shirt, that was over her 5 month pregnancy stomach

"Logan, what's going on?" He asked and Logan breathed out and shook her head.

"Intelligence was on a case and the suspect stormed the school with a weapon. One shot was fired and it hit a pipe- there's a fire down in the basement but we haven't been able to get access to the students. The school is locked down, we need your help." She said and Kelly nodded placing a tender hand on his wife's shoulder and began to call out demands to his men

Once he was done he looked at his wife and spoke.

"Be careful, Logan." He said and she nodded and rushed over to Jay and their team and spoke.

"CFD is here. They're going to work on getting into the school." Logan said and Hank  nodded.

"Alright, our main focus right now is the kids. We got to get them out before this gets ugly. Logan and Ruzek- I want you all focused on entering the building and clearing the kids out. Burgess, Halstead and Upton- I want you three on the suspect. The rest of us are going to enter through the back." He said and the team nodded and split. Adam looked down at his old partner and then began walking to Kelly and his squad.

"How we looking on this door?" Adam asked Kelly and he squinted as Capp finished up and then nodded.

"We're good. It's open." He said and Logan looked at Adam quickly and pulled out her gun from her holster.

"Careful." Kelly said lowly and Logan nodded and spoke to Adam.

"Ready?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"Ready." He said and they both entered the school.

Brynnly Clarke rushed to the scene-seeing a whole bunch of cops and firefighter's swarm the school her daughter was in. She rushed up to the officer next to the gate and tried to get in.

"Ma'am you have to stay back." The officer said and Brynnly shook her head.

"My daughter is in there!" She exclaimed and before the officer could say much more a gunshot went off, scaring everyone. Brynnly's eyes widened and she spoke.

"OH MY GOD. I HAVE TO MAKE SURE MY DAUGHTER IS OKAY!" Brynnly yelled and the officer went to speak but Brynnly moved fast passed him and rushed to the cars.

"Where did that shot come from?" Hank asked into his radio, hoping his daughter was okay.

"Sarge I-" Logan said but cut off.

"Logan where did the dam shot come from?" Voight asked.

Logan and Adam rushed up the stairs, running to where they heard the shot come from.

"DAMMIT LOGAN ANSWER ME!" Voight yelled as Logan and Adam turned the sharp corner.

"Oh my god." Adam breathed out.

Logan's mouth fell open as she ran to the seven year old girl who held the hand gun. The suspect was on the floor bleeding out and Adam rushed to him speaking into his radio.

"We- We got shot's fired by a young girl. Suspect is down. I repeat suspect is down." Adam said and Hank's eyebrows furrowed inwards.

"A young girl?"Voight asked and Logan spoke into her radio.

"Yes. Seven or eight. Blonde hair blue eyes." She said and moments later- the paramedics from 51 arrived in.

"What's the little girl's name? We got a mother out here saying that the description matches her kid" An officer asked as Logan rushed over to Sylvie Brett- one of the paramedics she started to explain the wounds. Adam rushed over to the little girl, kicking the gun away from her and spoke.

"Hi sweetie, my name is Adam. What's your name?" Adam asked, bending down to look the young girl in her eyes.

"Maddie." She said softly, looking at the gun.

"Alright Maddie. What happened?" Adam asked and Maddie spoke.

"The man tried to hurt Miss Bure, but she kicked him and the gun from his pants fell and I grabbed it." She said and Adam's eyebrows furrowed inwards as he turned his head. He squinted seeing another gun next to the man and he spoke out.

"Severide- gun."Adam said and Logan immediately kicked the gun away and Adam turned to the little girl.

"Alright, Maddie. What's your last name? I have to make sure we find your parents." He said and Maddie shook her head and spoke.

"My mom has a different last name than I do." She said and he squinted and spoke.

"Alright, that's fine. What's your last name?" He asked and Maddie looked him in the eyes and spoke.

"Ruzek." She said and Adam swore his heart stopped. 

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