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"What the hell happened?" Hank asked looking at Halstead, Burgess and Atwater and Jay shook his head and spoke.

"Logan went too far, Hailey went after her and now they're gone." He said and Hank clenched his jaw, hearing what Jay said and then Jay shook his head and spoke again.

"Sarge, we gotta find them. Logan, Logan's pregnant." He said and Hank's eyebrows raised up and he clenched his jaw once more and spoke.

"We gotta find them, now." 

Logan blinked as the man, who she knew was the submissive partner came in handing her water. She grabbed the cup and spoke.

"Hey wait. Do you think you can redo my zipties? Please, they're really tight." She said softly, playing as if she was innocent. The man bent down and grabbed new ones and began working on them. Logan looked at the wedding band on his finger and spoke.

"If you don't mind me asking, how are you gonna explain this to your wife?" She asked and the man raised an eyebrow and she spoke once more.

"The ring." She said and the man spoke

"Yeah, she don't gotta know about any of this." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Do you know a girl named Alex?" She asked and he shook his head monotoically and spoke

"Nope."He said and untied her zipties and she nodded and then brought her forehead to his nose and head butted him. He snarled and threw a punch, hitting her square in the jaw and she grabbed a piece of wood and hit him across the face. She snarled when he threw another punch and she landed on her back and he punched her three more times.

She laid back on the floor, the blood pooling on her face and she blinked, staring up at the unfinished ceiling of the basement. The man walked over to her and stared down at her and she looked up and she swore she saw Greg Yates. She blinked and the man dragged her to the bar and used chains and chained her up against the bar.

Hours later, Hailey was brought down and she waited for the man to leave and she looked over at Logan who looked up at the ceiling.

"Logan, what the hell happened?" She asked and Logan blinked and spoke.

"I had the right time, it just didn't go as planned." She said monotonically and Hailey spoke.

"We gotta get you outta here." She said and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"No, we gotta wait for the right time." She said and Hailey shook her head and spoke.

"Hey! I'm the ranking officer. That was an order." She said and Logan glared at her and spoke.

"Voight made you a ranking officer didn't he." She said and Hailey looked down and spoke.

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