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Logan flipped the bacon on the pan as she had just finished setting the eggs down. She looked at the time, seeing that it was almost nine o'clock and footsteps could be heard from behind her. A pair of warm arms snaked around her and she smiled and turned, seeing Kelly. He kissed her on the forehead and spoke.

"You didn't have to make me breakfast."He said and Logan rolled her eyes and spoke.

"You kidding me? It's your birthday, of course I had to." She said and then smirked and spoke.

"Happy Birthday, baby." She said and he kissed her on the lips quick and then bent down to her stomach.

"All my money is set on you being a boy." He said and kissed Logan's stomach and Logan laughed.

"There is no way you just said that." She said and he smiled and nodded.

"Oh yeah, you kidding me? Definitly a boy."He said and Logan let out a laugh and he smiled and she spoke.

"I don't think it's fair you have to work today." She said and he placed his hands on either side of her hips, his thumb caressing her sides and he spoke.

"I know, but we got tomorrow to celebrate." He said and she rolled her eyes and he grinned and spoke.

"Thank you for making breakfast." He said and she nodded and he went to go eat his breakfast.

Logan turned and spoke.

"Are you sure you don't wanna take the day off?" She asked and he nodded, with eggs in his mouth and spoke.

"Yes, seriously. I swear, it doesn't bother me." He said and she nodded and then spoke.

"Okay." She said and then sat with Kelly eating their breakfast.

Logan walked into Intelligence with a box of doughnuts and another coffee in her hand and saw everyone standing at the board.

"Logan, what are you doing here?" Antonio asked and then Adam spoke looking at her.

"Oh! You brought food!" He said at the same time Atwater smiled brightly and they both rushed up to her.

She smiled and spoke, handing them the box of doughnuts.

"Decided to come in after all. Kelly wanted hours at the firehouse." She said and then looked up at the board, seeing Hank and Hailey talking to each other. She clenched her jaw looking at them and then Jay walked up to her and spoke.

"I'm hoping this is for me." He said and she smiled looking at him and spoke.

"Yes, it is actually." She said and then a picture caught her eye and it was a picture of Alex.

"Why is Alex's face on the board?"She asked and Hank turned to her and spoke.

"Because we think whoever is selling these guns knows the man who took Alex." And Logan raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"In Wisconsin?" She asked and Hailey nodded and then Adam spoke.

"Is Alex still safe?" He asked and Logan nodded and looked at him.

"Yeah, she's staying with Evelyn for right now. At least until I can get her over to my place. I just feel like whoever is after her would go there first." She said and Adam nodded and then Logan looked at the board and spoke.

"Well, let's go to Wisonsion and get em." She said and Hank nodded and spoke.

"Alright, fine.  Burgess, Logan and Halstead, you'll all go in as buyers. Upton, Atwater, you're backup." He said and Logan nodded and then walked over to Jay and spoke.

"Mind if we talk?" She asked and he squinted and then nodded.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked as they walked into the coffee lounge and Logan bit her lip and spoke.

"I have something very important to tell you, and it cannot leave us." She said and he nodded and placed his hands on his hips.

"Alright, shoot." He said and she nodded and spoke.

"I'm pregnant." She said and Jay's eyes widened and a grin grew on his face, turning into a smile.

"Shut up, you're lying." He said and Logan shook her head and he laughed and pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh my god, this is amazing, Logan." He said and she laughed slightly and then he pulled back and spoke.

"You're going undercover." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Nothing will go wrong, I assure you. If I see things get messy, I'll leave. " She said and he nodded and smiled again.

"So I'm going to be the Uncle right?" He asked and Logan let out a laugh and spoke.

"Of course you'll be, you kidding me?" She said and he chuckled and spoke.

"Thanks for the coffee by the way, I needed it. Last night's case was rough." He said and she frowned and the door opened and Adam came in.

"Ready?" He asked and they both nodded and walked out.

Logan and Jay walked into the gun show, hand in hand, undercover as a husband-wife duo who are interested in buying illegal cop killers.

"Those guys over there are acting weird." Jay said looking at them and Logan looked and nodded.

"No booth, no background check." She said and Jay nodded and Logan walked up and Jay grabbed her arm,

"Hey, don't go too far, alright? You don't have your vest." He said and she nodded and walked to them.

"Hey, hey, hey, hold up. I heard you guys over there. I've been looking for something untraceable." Logan said looking at the two men and they both raised an eyebrow at her.

"My husband and I, we got a store in Milwaukee, and we sell a lot of guns, but you know the serious buisness happens out back." She said and the man grinned and spoke.

"How many pieces you want?" He asked and Logan shrugged and spoke.

"Depends on what we're talking." She said and the man grinned and nodded.

"My husband will want ten of whatever." She said and he nodded and spoke.

"You got 20 grand on you?" He asked and Logan shrugged and spoke.

"Well, I gotta see what they look like first." She said and the man nodded and she knew that was her cue to get whatever she needed and bounce. She made eye contact with Jay, who glared at her for leaving with them and they began to walk out of the building.

On their way there the taller ma kept looking behind him, trying to figure out what was behind him.

"What? What's going on?" Logan asked and then turned, seeing Hailey on her phone.

"That blonde chick's been following us." He said and then Logan let out a chuckle, knowing that if she didn't confirm Hailey's identity they would be caught.

"Oh, Allie! Come here! She works with my husband and I at the shop." She said and then Hailey walked over to them and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked and then Logan looked at her and spoke.

"Oh, well, they have a couple of guns I wanted to look at." She said and Hailey nodded and they began walking to the man's truck and as they were walking Logan felt pressure on her back.

"Hands up and walk to the truck!" The men yelled, causing Logan's heart to drop.

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