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Logan stood in front of the board in Intelligence next to Hailey, waiting for everyone to come back. Adam stood next to her and she looked at Hailey who was on her phone and Hank spoke.

"What do we got?" He asked and Adam spoke looking at the board.

"Well we know that Ray Pierce was shot from a distance." He said and Logan nodded and spoke looking at the areas on the board.

"We don't know where it was shot from, so it's hard to find the trajectory since it's still logged in Ray's shoulder." She said and Hank nodded and spoke.

"Alright, Halstead, Ruzek try to find more about any other issues that Price has been in. Ruzek, Upton go through 911 calls. Logan you're with me." He said and Logan nodded and they began their trip to the hospital.

Logan and Hank walked into the hospital side by side and Logan spoke looking at the building.

"Do you think people know I'm Hank Voight's daughter?" She asked and Hank raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"Logan, we don't look that different, of course people know that." He said and Logan nodded in agreement and spoke.

"I know what you're doing by bringing me here with you." She said and Hank smirked and spoke.

"She's there." He said and Logan looked at the woman in front of her and spoke.

"Hey Jasmine." Hank said and Jasmine turned and smiled looking at the father daughter duo.

"Hi." She said and Hank pointed at Logan and spoke.

"This is my daughter, Logan, she's gonna be helping us with trying to catch whoever did this to your dad." He said and Jasmine looked at Logan and spoke.

"It's nice to meet you." She said and Logan nodded, giving her a smile and spoke.

"Listen, Jasmine, we wanted to ask you about a 911 call you made last week. You reported that a man threatened to kill your father?" She asked looking at Jasmine nodded and spoke.

"Uh, yeah, it was a misunderstanding." She said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Jasmine, the only reason you're going to make a call like that is because you're scared." She said and then she looked at her father and silent pleaded for him to leave and he took the hint and walked away. Logan brough Jasmine to a couple of chairs in the waiting room and spoke.

"Jasmine, if there's something going on, you gotta tell me." She said and Jasmine looked down and spoke.

"I want to protect him, he's my father." She said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Jasmine, I get it. I'd do anything to protect my father. But, I would also say something if someone was trying to hurt him." She said and Jasmine nodded and sighed.

"I don't know who he is. But he came over all the time. Last week was when it got really bad." She said and Logan nodded and smiled softly.

"Thank you." She said and Jasmine nodded and Hank spoke looking at Logan's head.

"Logan, Stella Kidd called from 51, she said she thinks something's going on. I'm sending you over." He said and Logan nodded and left out of the hospital.

Logan walked up to the firehouse and next to the Truck and looked at Stella and spoke.

"Stella?" She asked and Stella turned and walked up to Logan.

"Thanks for coming." She said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, of course, what's up?" She asked and Kelly walked over to Stella with Otis and Stella spoke.

"So, uh, we were on call this morning. I moved the couch away from the wall and I saw this little door. I was about to leave but, I just got this feeling, you know?" She asked and Logan nodded and Stella continued.

"So I opened it and it was like a secret room. There was like a couple of plates of half eaten food and I found this Barbie in front of it." She said taking out the doll and Logan looked at it and spoke.

"Can you show me the site?" She asked and Stella nodded and spoke.

"Yeah." She said and Logan nodded and began walking back to her car.

She grabbed her Intelligence radio and spoke.

"Headed to a site now with Kidd and Severide." She said and Adam's voice came over the radio okaying it and they took off.

"Okay it was right here..." Stella said trailing off as she shone her light on the wall. Logan furrowed her eyebrows inwards not seeing anything and Stella spoke.

"It was right here, I swear. I didn't make this up." She said and Logan nodded and placed her right hand on her belt near her gun, just in case something happened or someone was here under all this soot.

"Stella, I believe you, but without a crime scene much less a victim, I got nothing to work on."She said and Stella bit her lip and nodded and Logan gave her a small nod and walked out of the apartment.

Kelly followed her out and spoke.

"Logan wait, I just thought of something." He said and Logan turned and spoke.

"Hm?" She asked and Kelly spoke.

"The woman that started the fire, Marylou. She was in apartment 106. Right next to 104." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Okay, we can talk to her." She said and Kelly nodded and left, knowing Matt was on his way to pick Stella up.

Logan walked into MED with her normal detective wear, Kelly following behind her wearing everything but his firefighting jacket She got her call from Antonio giving her some information about the tenant that lived there but nothing great. His name was Mike Nunez and paid in cash She walked into Marylou's room and spoke.

"Marylou? My name is Detective Voight with the CPD and this is Lieutenant Kelly Severide with the fire department. We had some questions to ask you about your neighbor Mike Nunez." She said and Marylou nodded and spoke.

"Well interesting fella, that one. I'm not even sure Mike Nunez was his name." She said and Logan tilted her head and spoke.

"What do you mean?" She asked and the woman looked into her eyes and spoke.

"Well, he had different names. Mike stayed the same but the last name was always different on his mail. I have some of it in my apartment, near the bureau if it wasn't destroyed by the Fire." She said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Thank you." She said and the woman nodded and Kelly and Logan walked out of the hospital. 

"We gotta find out about this guy." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"We will. " She said and he nodded and she turned to him as they walked and spoke.

"Kelly, technically, this isn't a real case I-" She went to say but he shook his head.

"You won't get in trouble I promise." He said and she glared at him and then went into her car.

"We gotta find out who this guy is." She said and he nodded, agreeing with her.

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