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Logan stayed up at her apartment, trying to find anything that could help her with Alex's case. She glanced at the clock, seeing 1:12am on the screen and she sighed.

She pinched the bridge of her nose with her finger and thumb and looked down at the pictures that were taken from the sight Alex was picked up from. She shook her head, looking for anything that could help her and she sighed, not seeing anything. She was so stuck in her own head, she didn't hear Kelly coming from their shared room.

"Hey, you coming to bed soon?" Kelly asked and she looked up and spoke.

"Yeah, in a bit, I'm trying to figure this out. Alex was in the SVU unit with Olivia Benson, the lady that worked the case with us before my accident." She said and then spoke again.

"My thing is, I've been looking at an old report that Alex filed years ago about a stalker situation, and I found a connection to the one she previously filed." She said and then Kelly tilted his head and she spoke.

"The guy that Alex made the report on stopped bothering her for years, which was why she never made anything else against him, but the name sounded familiar." She said and then moved Alex's report and pulled out another report she made

"It's the same guy." She said and Kelly furrowed his eyebrows inwards and spoke.

"Are you sure?" He asked and Logan blinked and spoke.

"I mean, yeah, they mentioned the same name, and Alex had no connection to these men at all." She said and a smell wafted through her nose and she got nauseaus.

"Hey, you okay?" Kelly asked and she nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, I'm going to head to bed. Tomorrow I have to visit Eliana in the hospital." She said and Kelly squinted and then spoke.

"Okay, c'mon."

The next day Logan walked into Eliana's room and saw her sitting up in her bed, cursing as she hit the buttons on the remote. Logan raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"Whoa, what did that remote ever do to you?" She asked and Eliana glared at her and spoke.

"These stupid TVs don't work." She said and Logan let out a laugh and walked into her room, sitting on the edge of her sister's bed.

"Heard from Dylan?" She asked and Logan shook her head, feeling a bit nauseaus and spoke.

"No I haven't." She said and Eliana nodded and Logan gave her a small smile and spoke.

"How have things been with you and Will?" She asked and Eliana turned pink and spoke.

"Nothing." She said and Logan rolled her eyes and scoffed.

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