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"Are you okay?" Dr. Charles asked as he sat behind his desk, watching Logan who was staring at the ground as she leaned against the wall.

"That's the sixth time you asked that question." She said and Dr. Charles nodded and smiled.

"You're right. It is the sixth time I have asked that question. I'm trying to make sure you're okay." He said and Logan looked up at him and spoke.

"Yes." Was all she said and then Dr. Charles spoke again.

"Logan, the last time we talked, it was about your I.E.D. How is that? " He asked Logan adn she looked up at him and shook her head.

"It's fine, it-" She went to say but her phone buzzed causing her to stop mid sentence. She looked down seeing a text from Kim telling her that Intelligence was meeting in a conference room and her eyebrows furrowed inwards.

"What is it?" Dr. Charles asked looking at her and she looked up and spoke.

"It's the team, they're here." She said and then turned to leave and Dr. Charles began walking with her. 

"No offence Doc, I don't need you coming with me." She said and he shook his head and spoke.

"We're in this together." He said and they continued to walk.

Logan opened the doors to the conference room seeing all the members of the Intelligence unit and even Chief Boden and Kelly. They all looked at her as she walked in and then looked at Dr. Charles and then at her hands that held her holster with her gun and badge and her burned jacket.

Hank looked over his daughter, seeing her wrapped wound and looked at her muscular shoulders as she still wore her black tank top. Her hair was now pushed behind her ears and her attention was right on her father, ignoring everyone including Jay and Kelly.

"What happend?" She asked and Hank looked at Dr. Charles and then back at Logan and spoke.

"The fire was set as a decoy. We had a Jane Doe escape earlier and when she was found she said that 'He was after her' and that she was free." He said and Logan placed her gun and badge on the waist of her jeans and spoke.

"Okay, let's find out what we can. There had to be someone who's seen this person." She said and then the door opened and Melanie Rayner walked in, and Logan visibly tensed, causing Dr. Charles to take note of her action.

"I want people to find out what the hell happened in that apartment. Let's work with what's left behind." Voight said and then Dr. Charles spoke.

"Melaine Rayner, could we have a moment please?" He asked and she nodded and they both walked out of the room. Logan rolled her eyes and Boight spoke.

"Logan, did you see anything that happened?" He asked and Logan looked at him and blinked, trying to remember what happened.

"I just remember a small fire on the side of the building." She said and Boden's brows furrowed inwards.

"A fire?" He asked and Logan nodded and then looked up at Hank.

"There was a boy. He was about 8 or 9." She said and then Hank looked at Hailey and Adam and spoke.

"Upton, Ruzek find the boy and perform a cognitive interview on him." He said and the door opened and Hank looked at Logan and spoke.

"She good to go?" He asked outloud and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, I am, Sarge." She said and he looked past her and at Dr. Charles and she tilted her head and Dr. Charles looked at Logan and spoke.

"Yes, but she can't do too much. She needs to take it easy." He said and Logan rolled her eyes and sighed.

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