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Logan looked at herself in the mirror as she stood in her full glammed out look and spoke.

"Oh my god." She said and Evelyn walked up to her and smiled.

"Oh my god, Logan, you look amazing." She said and Logan smiled and Kim and Brett walked up to her, wearing their gold maid of honor dresses.

"Holy shit!" Kim said and Brett laughed and spoke.

"Logan you look amazing!" She said and a knock came from the door and Eliana opened it and there stood Justin, Adam, and Jay.

"Wanted to get a look at the bride before she steps out onto the stage." Adam said and they walked in through the door and Justin looked at his sister and let out a sad smile.

"Logan, you look- wow." He said and Logan let out a smile and spoke.

"Really? I hope Kelly likes it. I didn't tell him Benny got it for me because then he'd feel a way about it before even seeing it." She said and Justin shook his head and looked down at her.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." He said and Jay nodded agreeing and spoke.

"I love it." He said and Logan smiled and looked at Sylvie and Kim and spoke.

"Okay, so, you guys will be pairing with Matt and Jay, so however you want to do it, is fine with me." She said and they nodded and Olive walked in with Daniel and spoke.

"He wanted to see his auntie before the big day." She said with a smile on her face and Logan smiled and the little ring bearer in his suit smiled at his aunt.

"Awe, look at you." She said and Olive smiled and looked up at Justin and spoke.

"Looks like blue is a Voight thing." She said winking at Logan and she laughed.

Dylan opened the door and spoke, looking at her twin.

"It's time." She said and Logan's heart dropped and Hank stepped in through the doors, seeing his daughter. Everyone escaped from the room faster than they came in and Hank looked at Logan and spoke.

"Are you ready?" He asked and Logan looked into his eyes and hesitated. 

"Logan?" He asked and she nodded and spoke.

"I am. I'm just nervous." She said and Hank smiled softly and spoke.

"You wouldn't be doing this if I didn't like Kelly, honey." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"I know. I just- what if he doesn't want to do this?" She asked and Hank held out an arm for her to take and she took it and he spoke.

"Trust me, he wants this." He said and she nodded and walked out of the private room. She made her way to the beginning of the hall  in the church, knowing that his mother would have been ecstatic that they were getting married in a church and the Wedding Ballad came on. Everyone stood and the doors opened and Logan walked out from the hallway with her dad on her arm. They walked out in the aisle, and Logan looked at everyone and saw everyone she ever cared about.

Most of the 21st district was sitting in the front rows of the right side of the church while most of 51 was on the left. Evelyn, Elianna and Amelia sat right in front of the left side, along with Justin, Olive and Daniel. Even Hadley, her FBI cousin, her husband and kids were here as well. Almost everyone from Chicago Med was here, including Will, Jay's brother and Natalie Manning.

 On the brides side Sylvie and Kim were her maid of honors and then her bridesmaids were Dylan, Hailey, Lexie, and Chloe, Joe's girlfriend. On the groom's side, the best men were Matt and Jay and then the groomsmen were Otis, Adam, Kevin, and Joe. On the right side of the church, the entire first row was taken up with pictures of all the loved ones they have lost; Shay, Andy Darden, Benny, and Nadia.

Logan smiled to both sides and then turned her attention up at Kelly, who stood at the podium next to the notary with tears in his eyes. He looked at Logan's dress and her in the beautiful white that complemented her hair and skin nicely and smiled, as a tear fell from his right eye.

Hank looks at Kelly with a stern expression and Kelly stepped down from his spot at the podium and Hank handed his daughter off to Kelly and pulled Kelly into a strong embrace. Kelly gives him a stern nod only meaning one thing:  I promise to always keep her safe.

As the ceremony continued Kelly and Logan were now holding hands, looking into each other's eyes as Daniel had already given Kelly and Logan their rings, the notary asks the Kelly, "Kelly Benjamin Severide, do you take this woman to be your wife, to livetogether in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep herin sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do." Kelly said and the Notary nodded and looked at Kelly, "Repeat after me, "I, Kelly Benjamin Severide, take you Logan Marie Voight to be my wife, to have and tohold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, insickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."He said and Kelly looked into Logan's eyes and spoke, from the bottom of his heart.

"I, Kelly Benjamin Severide, take you Logan Marie Voight to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part" He said and Logan bit her lip to keep her from crying and the Notary looked at her and said

"Repeat after me, "I, Logan Marie Voight take you Kelly Benjamin Severide to be my husband, to haveand to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, insickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." 

Logan looked into Kelly's blue eyes and spoke, "I, Logan Marie Voight take you Kelly Benjamin Severide to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

The notary looks between Logan and Kelly and gives a small smile.

"I now ask you to join hands." He said and then Logan and Kelly joined hands, then the notary declares, "By virtue of the authority vested inme under the laws of the State of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife." He said and then he looked at Kelly and smiled.

 "You may kiss the bride." He said and Kelly smiled widely and placed both hands on either side of Logan's face and brought her face to his giving her a loving kiss, as they now shared their first kiss as husband and wife. Logan deepend the kiss, hearing the cheering of all the family that was with them on their day and she pulled away looking at him and let out a breathy laugh. Kelly smiled as Matt and Jay clapped his back and he looked at Logan and spoke.

"I love you." He said and Logan smiled and looked at him.

"I love you more." She said and Kelly stepped down from the podium and held his hand out for Logan to take. She placed her ringed hand in his and they walked out of the church, hand in hand.

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