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Kelly, Matt and Boden stood in the Chief's room speaking to the Commisioner about the Intelligence Unit.

"To be fair, I don't understand what the hell these guys do. Hank Voight and his daughter, a bad duo that can do some serious damage." He said and Kelly looked at him and spoke.

"Hey, don't speak about my fiance, man." He said and the Commisoner spoke looking at him.

"Well, your fiance's father is the one making certain allegations towards the CFD." He said and within seconds, Jay, Hailey,  and Hank walked into the office.

"Commisoner, this is Detective Halstead, Upton." He said and they all looked at him and gave a curt nod. Kelly shook his head and walked out of the office.

Logan rushed in and saw Kelly and walked over to him. 

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked and Kelly turned towards her and walked her to his office. Once they were in there he spoke.

"Your father is trying to get Joe Cruz to play nice with whoever's been stealing the keys." He said and Logan's eyebrows furrowed inwards.

"What?" She asked and Kelly nodded and closed his eyes and sighed.

"You know what, it's whatever. There's more important things to do." He said and then looked at Logan who stood with her coat on. He walked towards her and took off her coat for her. He dragged her down to the bed and laid behind her and spoke.

"We have a wedding to finish planning for." He said and Logan smiled and spoke.

"To be fair, we only have your side of the wedding to plan for. Your best man-" She said and he spoke cutting her off.

"Will be Matt and Jay, and then for the groomsmen it will be, Herrmann, Cruz, Adam, the rest of our people." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Right and then my maid of honors will be Kim and Brett." She said and he smiled and spoke softly.

"The blue and gold are going to look amazing." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"And Justing will be there along with my sisters and Dad and everything will turn out okay." She said and he nodded and tilted his head and spoke.

"Any luck?" He asked and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"I tested negative yesterday." She said softly and he nodded and spoke.

"It's okay." He said and she nodded and spoke looking at her watch.

"Tomorrow we have to go to Ava's grave." She said and he nodded and spoke, as he continued to spoon her.

"Already made the changes with Boden." He said and Logan nodded and Kelly kissed her cheek and spoke.

"Are you tired? You seem like you're starting to doze." He said and she nodded softly and spoke.

"Hank doesn't want me involved in this case, and since Adam and the rest of the team are doing their own crap, I'm just freelancing." She said and Kelly nodded and she moved her head a bit and then spoke.

"You should go eat." She said and he sighed and spoke.

"But you-" He said and she shook her head and stood up.

"Go." She said and he nodded and spoke.

"Whatever you say, boss." He said and then pecked her lips and walked out of his office, Logan trailing behind him.

After her long day of doing absolutely nothing, Logan walked into firehouse 51, with Justin as she held a large pot of food and dessert. Everyone on the second shift was happy that they finally got food, and Kelly was nowhere to be seen. Logan left the food to be opened by Justin and the team and she turned to Dylan.

"Hey, where's Kelly?" She asked and Dylan walked to her, her hands in Otis' and she spoke.

"Try his office, he went there like 20 minutes ago." She said and Logan thanked her sister and she walked to where his office was and saw him filing some work. She knocked on the door and he kept his head down and she spoke.

"Look at you, hard at work." She said and Kelly turned to her and smiled softly.

"What are you doing here?" HE asked and Logan shrugged and spoke.

"I made some dinner with Justin so we bought some over for you guys." She said, walking closer to Kelly and he placed his hand on the inner part of her thigh and he spoke.

"You're perfect." He said and Logan let out a laugh and spoke.

"You're funny." She said and he shook his head and she placed a hand on his face and spoke

"I can't wait for you to see my dress." She said and Kelly smiled and spoke.

"You kidding me? I can't wait to rip it off of you, you're gonna look amazing." He said and Logan rolled her eyes a knock came from the door and Logan turned and saw Justin standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Olive needs me to go home, Daniel's been acting up." He said and Logan nodded and spoke. 

"Okay, I'll be out in a sec." She said and he nodded and walked out of the hallway. Kelly stood and wrapped his arm around Logan's neck and they began to walk to Justin's truck.

"I'll see you at home, okay?" He asked and Logan nodded as she stood outside of the passenger's seat and spoke.

"Alright, I love you." She said and he nodded and spoke.

"I love you too, baby." He said and gave her a loving kiss and she climbed into Justin's truck and he closed the door and gave the car a pound. He backed up and drove off into the night, and Kelly stood watching, as the love of his life went home with her brother.

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