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Jay rushed onto the scene with intelligence, seeing his sister sitting at the back of Ambulance 61, watching as Sylvie was cleaning her face of blood. Matt stood at ambo as well with his arms crossed over his chest as he was looking out into the distance with a protective look on his face. Elaine looked up, seeing Jay and she stood up abruptly and rushed to her older brother, who held his arms out and embraced her in a hug. He pulled back looking her over for any injury and then he looked around, seeing all of the Rayner- Voights except for one.

"What happened? Where's Logan?" He asked looking into Elaine's green eyes and she shook her head, knowing that Logan was a big part of Jay's life and that he would be devasted if something were to happen to her.

"I-I don't know. The guy he tried to take me, Logan came and she s-shot him after he tried to pull out his g-gun. Jay s-she shot him." She said stuttering clearly in shock and Jay looked around seeing Kelly with Sqaud and he looked back at his sister and then walked over to Kelly.

"Severide, what happened? Where's Logan?" He asked and Kelly took his gaze away from Capp and Cruz and he shook his head.

"I don't know. Gunshots went off, she protected Elaine but she looked down at her phone and left. I thought it had something to do with Shay but I called Will and he told me that him and Shay were completely fine and that they were watching TV." He said and Kelly walked closer to Jay and spoke.

"Jay she had this look." He said and Jay furrowed his eyebrows inwards and he spoke, wondering what he meant.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Kelly placed his hands on his hips and spoke. "The last time I saw that look was after Greg Yates." He said and Jay nodded and spoke. "I'll go talk to Hank." He said and Kelly nodded and watched as his wife's partner left. Before Jay could approach Hank to tell him what happened Adam ran by him and spoke.

"Shots fired at 6589 Kenzie Ave." He said and Jay ran after him and the fire men all got ready as they ran to their trucks and Jay raised an eyebrow and got into his truck.

Jay rushed out of his truck as soon as he parked it with his bulletproof vest on and he rushed out to meet with Voight and the team, as he felt somthing tug in the pit of his stomach- like you knew something bad was going to happen but you don't know who its happening to or why. He looked at the building that had some smoke come out of it.

"Has anyone gotten ahold of Logan?" Hank asked and everyone shook their heads except Jay and he spoke, looking at the man. 

"Kelly said she left with a look on her face and didn't look back. Sarge, I don't have a good feeling about this." He said and Hank looked at him with an unreadable expression. Before he could say anything a loud scream came from the burning building and Jay looked at it ready to go into it but Adam held him back.

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