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Logan bit her lip as an aching pain came from her chest. She looked up at Dr. Marcel who was taking a flashlight and was moving it in front of her eye. 

"Alright, everything seems okay, Logan." He said and Logan blinked as he spoke and she clenched her jaw. 

"You will experience some pain on your chest where your sternum is since your husband performed CPR. However the gunshot in your thigh was through and through." He said and Logan nodded.

"Is- is Alex okay?" She asked and Dr. Marcel sighed. 

"Alex received pretty bad injuries. She had broken her neck and fractured her skull, but we fixed the swelling in her brain and right now she's in a medically induced coma." He said and Logan nodded, trying not to feel guilty. (LOGAN THREW HER DOWN THE STAIRS TO PROTECT HER

 It had been only two days since she'd been admitted to MED unconscious, after Kelly almost had to break her ribs to ensure he still had his wife. To say he was devastated that Logan had almost died was an understatement. He was mad, angry, sad, annoyed, all of it but not towards her, it was more towards himself for not being able to help her. Jay had explained almost everything to him from how the night ended, to what the text Logan received, to when he gave his wife CPR. When Jay had told Kelly that Melanie could have potentially hurt Shay, Kelly was furious but he was proud that Logan did what was right to protect her son.

"Is Kelly here?" Logan asked and Dr. Marcel nodded and spoke. "Yes, he is out in the hallway with your son. He kept crying so he went outside to help calm him down." He said and Logan nodded and Marcel gave her a small smile and spoke.

"I'll check in on you in an hour or so." He said and she nodded and he left the room, leaving Logan to her own thoughts.

The door opened minutes later and Kelly stepped in, not holding Shay. Logan's eyes furrowed inwards as she tried to look for her son but Kelly spoke, noticing her distress. "Will took Shay, he's on his break." He said and Logan nodded and Kelly looked at her and spoke, all sorts of things going through his head.

"Logan, what the hell happened?" He asked and Logan looked at the wall and spoke.

"Is Melanie dead?" She asked and Kelly looked at her with a not so surprising expression and he spoke.

"She died as soon as she was impaled." He said and Logan nodded and before he could ask anything else, the doors opened and Hank, Jay, Kevin and another officer who had a suit on came in and looked at Kelly.

"We have to ask you a couple of questions, Detective. No, we are not arresting you, however we need to discuss something. Your husband can stay in the room with you." He said and Logan nodded and shook her head.

"I don't understand what this is about." She said and he nodded and spoke.

"About what happened with Melanie Rayner and Ty Johnson." He said and Logan raised an eyebrow and he spoke. "Ty Johnson was one of the offender's you shot." He said and Logan blinked and he spoke.

"We got a statement from Elaine Halstead, but about Melanie Rayner, we need to discuss what happened." He said and Logan looked at Hank who gave her a curt nod and Logan breathed in and spoke.

"After I had shot Mr. Johnson, I got a text from Alexandra Sanchez, a woman I knew personally who had been stalked. It said-" She said and the man shook his head and spoke. "We know what it says, we had to make sure." He said and Logan looked at him and she cleared her throat.

"I knew that Alex couldn't have possibly sent that if she was kidnapped because she would have called the police. So I called the district to see if she was there. I couldn't track her because I don't know how." She said and then she looked at Jay and spoke.

"I knew this had something to do with Elaine Halstead's stalker since I already made the connection between them. I called to see if our department could track Alex's phone but I barley got anything, so I called her phone. It was answered but I could hear Melanie talking in the background with a man's voice. I drove out to where the message was and that when I found everything. The man that I shot was working with an accomplice, who had kidnapped Alex when Ty was supposed to take Elaine." She said and the man nodded and then looked at Hank quickly and then back at Logan.

"Logan, we looked for any clues in Melanie's house and found this." He said and opened his phone handing it to her. She grabbed it and looked down, seeing a bulleten board filled with pictures of Logan, Kelly and even Shay, which got her blood boiling.

"W-what is this?" She asked and the man gave her a look of pity and spoke. "It was almost like a hateboard. We found what we assumed was a hitlist in her drawer. It had your name, your son's name, Kelly Severide, Elaine Halstead, Alex Sanchez, and Evelyn Rayner on it." He said and Logan blinked and the man spoke.

"We spoke to Evelyn, she said that your mother hated you and she had witnessed an event happen where she had tried to kill you, for whatever reason, I don't know, I just wanted to ocme in here and tell you that you and your family are safe." He said and then he looked at Kelly and extended a hand.

"I am truly sorry about any of this. How Melanie was able to come back and work for the CPD, we don't understand, but it won't happen again." He said and then gave her a curt nod and then left the room. Logan breathed in deep and looked at the wall behind Hank and Hank spoke.


"Everyone, get out, please." She said softly and and everyone continued to move, to let her process what had just happened. Kevin was the last one to leave, until he stopped at the door and then looked back at her.

"Logan?" He asked and she looked towards him with tears in her eyes and he spoke.

"For what it's worth, Melanie was a dumb bitch who deserved to die.  You're an amazing woman who deserves the best." He said and Logan gave him a small caring smile adn she noticed his stance.

"Kev, what's going on?" She asked and Kevin shook his head and she spoke.

"Get over here." She said and then he walked over to her and she spoke.

"What is happening?" She asked and Kevin groaned and spoke.

"I don't know if you remember Tom Doyle that racist cop." He said and Logan nodded and Kevin spoke again.

"Well, I was working a sting, he got killed because he thought two black kids were dealing drugs- they were, but he tried to shoot them when they didn't do anything. I have a hearing with Grise on Saturday where I give her my statement and she determines what to do with the kids, I guess I just need some advice." HE said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"Follow your insticts, Kev. If they posed no threat, don't let them fall for something they didn't do. It seems like they protected themselves and if he wasn't even on duty, use that to your advantage." She said giving him the best advice she could muster, not knowing that it would get her in trouble later on down the road.

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