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Logan groaned hard as another contraction hit her worst this time. She breathed in deep trying to calm herself but nothing was working. Kelly was by her side holding onto her hand and she gripped it tight.

"God!" She yelled as the ending of the contraction hit and she leaned back. 

"He needs to come now!" She yelled and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"I know, baby. You're doing so good." He said and Logan glared at him and spoke.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!" She exclaimed and Kelly blinked and nodded, agreeing with her. A second later, the nurse could be heard from behind the curtain.

"Dr. Halstead, what are you doing in here?" She asked and Will spoke.

"Participating in child birth my favorite part ever, Nurse Kate." He said with some sarcasm lacing his tone and he opened the curtain and looked at Logan.

"Plus, I wanted to check in on my favorite people. How are you feeling, Logan?" He asked and she shook her head and spoke.

"I want the baby out!" She yelled as another contraction hit and she placed her head back on the pillow.

"I don't want another doctor!"She yelled and Will's eyebrows furrowed inwards and he spoke.

"What?" He asked and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"Will, be my doctor, please." She said, panting and the nurse shook her head.

"Ma'am, Dr. Halstead isn't a OB/GYN or a delivery doctor." She said and Logan shook her head and spoke.

"I want Will to deliver my baby." She said and Will looked at the nurse and spoke.

"How dialiated is she?" He asked and she spoke.

"Last time we check, eight centimeters." She said and Will nodded and grabbed a gown and put it on.

"Guess, I'll deliver this baby." He said and Kelly breathed out and Will grabbed some gloves after changing and went in between Logan's legs. 

"I think she's ready to push." He said and Logan looked at him and spoke.

"What?"She asked and Will nodded and spoke. "You're ten centimeters dialated. You can push." He said and a contraction hit and he spoke.

"Push Logan!" He said and Logan began pushing, gritting her teeth together and clenching her jaw. She began to yell and stopped briefly. Will and Kelly encouraged her to do it again and she pushed harder this time. She gave one last push and within seconds she could feel some tension being released and then seconds later, a loud cry.

She threw her head back on the pillow, releasing a cry, as Will brought the baby over to get cleaned and Kelly kissed her forehead, praising her. "You did it!" He said and kissed her forehead again and she cried a bit as her head was back. She breathed out and Will handed the baby to Kelly.

"Congratulations to you two, your son is here." He said and and a few tears escaped Kelly's eyes as he held the baby boy who began to cry. Logan held her arms out and grabbed the baby and he placed his head on her chest and she let out a few tears. She looked up at Kelly who bent down and kissed the baby's forehead and then kissed her lips and spoke.

"He's perfect." He said and Logan nodded, agreeing with him and she breathed out and watched the baby latch onto her breast, beginning to nurse. 

What seems like seconds later, Logan was moved to her hospital room where everything she needed sat and she held her baby in her arms. Kelly came in and spoke. 

"Everyone is dying to know what his name is." He said and Logan smiled and looked down at the brown haired baby and spoke.

"They're gonna love it." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"We weren't really able to do a baby shower." He said and Logan shrugged and spoke. "We can still do one, just a bit different." She said and then Kelly sat on the side of her bed and he looked down at the baby.

"He's gorgeous." He said and Logan nodded and spoke. "He's got your face for sure." She said and Kelly let out a laugh and spoke. "No, his cute little button nose is yours along with his eyes and hair color." He said looking at the signature Rayner-Voight dark brown almost black hair and she smiled.

"Shay Christopher Severide." She said and Kelly nodded and grinned.

"It suits him." He said and Logan nodded and spoke.

"She'd be so proud of you, Kelly." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke softly.

 "I know." He said and she looked down at Shay and smiled, knowing that his name would always mean something to the married couple.

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