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Logan rushed into the firehouse parking her car on the sidewalk as the rain came down heavier. She ran into the firehouse, her bulletproof vest getting a bit soaked and saw Matt standing with Boden.

"I heard we have a situation. What's going on?" She asked and Boden nodded and spoke.

"He's in here." He said and Logan walked in seeing Kelly, the rest of Squad and some of truck. He placed a lving hand on the small of her back and she followed Boden and saw a little boy, next to Sylvie.

"Found him here unattended." Matt said and Logan nodded and looked at the little boy and smiled.

"Hi." She said and the little boy kept his gaze on her and she looked him over and spoke

"My name is Logan, what's yours?" She asked and the boy gave no response. Logan gave him a small smile and stood looking at the Chief.

"I would call it in to get this sorted out but back at the district the radios are cutting out. Half of us were stuck in our last location. I just got back from some drug den, so I apologize for the vest." She said and Boden nodded and spoke.

"What are you thinking?" He asked and Logan looked at him and placed her hands on her waist.

"He seems traumatized. I would help with a cognitive interview but I don't really have anything to work on." She said and he nodded and she looked back at the boy and spoke.

"If Brett doesn't mind, keep her with him. I'm gonna try and see if I can connect with Intelligence." She said and he nodded and she walked out of the room. Kelly followed her out and spoke.

"You okay?" He asked and Logn turned to him and nodded.

"Yes, are you?" She asked and he nodded and took in her appearance.

"Baby, you're soaking." He said and Logan shrugged and spoke.

"I'm okay, how's shift so far?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"Good, now that you're here." He said and she let out a small chuckle and he smiled walking towards her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spoke.

"The wedding is in 2 days." He said and Logan smiled and spoke.

"I know, I'm excited." She said and he smiled and went to kiss her but Dylan spoke.

"Logan! I didn't know you were here- Oh sorry did I cockblock you?" She asked and Otis grimaced and spoke.

"She didn't mean that Liuetenant." He said and Dylan nodded and spoke.

"I did. Hey, did you know Amy is gonna be a firefighter?" She asked and Logan whipped her head in her twin's direction and shook her head.

"No, we agreed on becoming an officer. Dad has been setting up some sort of ridealong." She said and Otis chuckled and spoke.

"Wow, you guys are just-"

"Welcome to the family." Logan said cutting him off and he laughed and Dylan placed her arm around him and smiled. His smile faltered and Logan looked behind her and saw a man standing there. She looked back at Otis and spoke.

"Otis?" She asked and he looked at her and raised his eyebrows.

"You good?" She asked and he nodded and Logan's phone rang and Adam's name popped up. She looked at everyone and excused herself, and began walking into the bathroom.

"Yo?" She asked and Adam's voice came out from behind her.

"Logan, we got a double homicide on South. A victim is missing." He said and Logan shook her head.

"Whoa, wait. Engine 51 was on that route." She said and she looked down and spoke.

"And there's a missing kid here." She said and Adam started saying something but he cut off.

"Adam? Dammit." She yelled and rushed back inside to inform Chief Boden. She could hear Stella yelling and then a little boy and commotion and Logan's hand immediately went to her gun and she pulled it out, aiming it towards the ground.

She could hear everyone rushing out into the garage and she ran out there and saw a man with a gun in his hand pointing it to everyone. He put it on Kelly's head and Logan rushed out and yelled.

"CPD  drop your weapon!" She yelled and the man spoke.

"Drop yours!" He yelled back and Logan gripped her handle and yelled once more.

"I suggest you drop it before I shoot." She yelled and walked closer and the man clicked his safety back and yelled.

"I'll shoot him!" He yelled and Logan nodded and spoke.

" I dare you." She said and he moved his finger and began to click back on the trigger and that was enough for Logan to pull hers, shooting him in the foot. He doubled over dropping the gun and Logan rushed to him, her gun still aimed on him and she kicked the gun away from him.

"Kelly!' She said and he grabbed the gun and Logan grabbed her radio and spoke into it.

"10-1, 10-1 I got an offender from the double homicide I'm requesting 5021 IDA." She said and looked down at the guy.

Logan rushed outside to see Ruzek with the offender and he held out a fisted hand and she pumped his fist.

"Good job." He said and she nodded and spoke.

"You too. What's the boy's name?" She asked and the boy came out with Brett and he spoke.

"Good job out there, Logan." He said talking to the boy and Logan looked at him and smiled. Kelly walked over to them and handed Adam the gun discreetly.

Logan looked up at her fiance and looked him over for any injury. 

"You okay?" She asked and he nodded and spoke.

"I'm good." He said and she nodded and sighed.

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