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Standing around the blue and gold themed venue, everyone was still in their outfits from the wedding. Logan, Kelly and both families sat at one large table and watched as everyone conversed with each other. Justin, Hank, Olive, Daniel, all of her sisters and Kelly's mother and sister were sitting there with them

Kelly's hand was placed where he assumed her thigh was under her dress and she looked at him and picked up a spoon full of lasagna and put some in his mouth. She smiled at him and she spoke, looking at everyone.

"I can't believe this happened." She said and Kelly nodded and spoke.

"Me too, you kidding me? I knew we were going to get married after I picked you up from that party when you were a senior." He said and Logan glared at him and spoke.

"No you didn't." She said and he nodded and smiled.

"Yes, I did. I remember Andrew was there and instead of being with you the entire night, he left midway through the party to hang out with his friends. You called me and I came almost immediately." He said and Logan's eyes widened and she spoke.

"I didn't even think you remembered that!" She said and he nodded smiling and spoke.

"Of course I did." He said and Logan smiled and Evelyn got up from her seat and walked towards the small stage. She grabbed the microphone and spoke into it.

"Hi everyone!" She said and Logan and Kelly looked up at her and Evelyn smiled brightly and spoke.

"My name is Evelyn, I'm Logan's eldest sister and a long time friend of Kelly and I just wanted to come up here and make some toasts." She said and Logan smiled softly and Evelyn spoke.

"I knew Kelly and Logan were made for each other the day I brought Kelly over and introduced him to my family. We were about 13 years old and I remember Logan had gotten in trouble for taking something of our mothers and Kelly stood up for her so she wouldn't get in trouble. Since then, I knew every time he had come over was for Logan. I knew that they were made for each other, and I'm so incredibly happy that after all this time, they finally found their way back to each other." She said raising her glass and Kelly and Logan smiled raising theirs and Logan let out a little laugh.

Adam walked after Evelyn and grabbed the mic and spoke.

"For starters, I am drunk right now, so sorry if this gets extremely emotional but, Logan, I love you. I'm so happy you found someone that will always be there for you. Kelly, you got an amazing woman who loves you endlessly and will kill for you, don't lose it man. I aspire everyday to have what you two have." He said raising his glass, as a tear came out of his eyes and Logan awed and stood up from her seat and rushed over to Adam, giving him a hug. He squeezed her back and she walked back to her seat.

Kelly stood up from his spot next to his wife and walked up to the stage. He grabbed the mic and spoke

"First, I just want to say thank you, to everyone who showed up tonight to be here with us." He said and everyone started clapping and Kelly looked at everyone and spoke.

"As Evelyn said before, I've known Logan for almost all of my life. She was always there for me, no matter what. I told her a couple of minutes ago that I knew that we were going to get married when I had picked her up a party where she was afraid of being at, but if I'm being honest, I've always loved you, Logan." He said looking at her and she stared at him, hearing his words and he nodded looking at her and then everyone else.

"As most of you know, Logan had a daughter, who unfortunately was a stillborn. I would know because I was in the room. I had told Logan when she first found out she was pregnant that I would help raise the baby. We gave her my last name, she was my daughter and I still see her as mine. Ava Severide." He said and a tear fell out of Logan's eye.

He pulled out a golden necklace from underneath his navy suit and spoke.

"I always get asked why this necklace is so important and I always shrug people off by not saying anything, but in reality, this was Ava's necklace. I wear it because I loved Ava so much, and I loved her and because I loved Logan and I knew that whatever she was going through I wanted to go through it as well. These past couple of years, we've been through so much." 

"For the first time in my life, I almost lost the one thing that gave me a reason to live and I didn't know how to react, but now that we're here, flash forward 2 years I still can't believe I have her by my side." He said and Logan bit her lip to stop her from sobbing in front of everyone and Kelly raised his champagne glass and spoke.

"This is to my lifelong partner for always being by my side no matter what, I love you." He said and the entire crowd erupted in awes. Logan stood and Kelly walked to her and he embraced her in a loving hug.

"I love you."He said and Logan nodded into his chest and spoke.

"I love you too." She said and music started to play and the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri began playing and Logan and Kelly began to slow dance. Kelly had his hand on her waist as her head lay on his chest and they slowly danced with each other, now knowing that their lives were completely differnet from now on, Lieutenant Severide and his wife, Detective Severide.

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