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"So I was thinking, Ice skating? That would be fun and you can't really get hurt that badly so?"

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"So I was thinking, Ice skating? That would be fun and you can't really get hurt that badly so?"

Haneul suggested from across the table from her brother who was tucking into their meal that they had made together.

"And we used to go all the time at this time of year with dad. I think it would be nice, don't you think?"

Donghyuck smiled at his younger sister as her eyes sparkled with pure joy, he had missed that look from her whenever she spoke about something she enjoyed or was really interested in.

"Yeah, I do think it's a good idea. Besides, it would be funny to watch Mina Noona fall on her butt again."

They both laughed at the old memories of their older cousin falling on her butt after losing her balance for the nth time. Those were the days when she didn't feel lonely- when she was younger and free with her loved ones while having no care in the world.

"Oppa...I'm glad you're keeping the Prince company, I think he really deserves that since he's never had that in his life. But..."

Haneul felt the pain build up inside of her as she allowed her mind to sink into the feeling of loneliness that she had kept at bay for months. Her eyes whelmed up with tears that threatened to fall from her eyes before she closed them. She missed her brother dearly as well as her cousin Jeno who was like a brother to her, she missed all the hugs and affection that she lacked in her life.

"I miss...you"

She broke down right there, her thick sobs soon became muffled as her brother engulfed her in a hug that she had been wanting for months now.

"Haneul-ah... you should have just told me you were feeling over the phone..."

"I-I d-didn-n't w-want-t y-you t-to w-wor-rry."

She choked out into his teeshirt, Donghyuck just rubbed her back gently in an attempt to calm her cries.

"Don't be silly, I'm more worried about you not telling me, you're my little sister, I'm supposed to take care of you and I can't if you don't tell me."

He explained, letting her just let it all out.

Her sobs came to a smooth stop after a while, to the point where only faint sniffles were heard from her. Her hold on him became slightly tighter as she has snaked her arms around his torso a few minutes into crying.

"You know I love you Oppa, right?"

Donghyuck smiled as he continued to stroke her back gently as he knew it was the only way to calm her cries down. He had studied this from his father who used to do the same thing when they were younger and that always worked for Haneul.

"Yes, And I love you too Haneul-ah. So much."

The two sat there in silence for a little while, beginning to sway from side to side while Donghyuck rested his head on top of hers before a knock was heard from the door.

"Come in Jeno! It's open!"

Donghyuck called as he knew Jeno was coming back later on.

Haneul removed herself from her brother's chest and sniffled before looking at the new people in the room.

"How's my Haneul-ah, my favourite cousin?... Oh Hi, Donghyuck."

A female voice teased from the doorway.


Haneul squealed, leaping up from her seat and flinging her arms around the older female who did the same thing before placing a sweet kiss on Haneuls forehead.

"I missed you Unnie, how long are you back for?"

Haneul asked, staring sweetly into her cousin's eyes.

"I should be back for the rest of the year before me and Jinyoung head off to America again for a couple of months."

Mina replied, smiling at her youngest cousin who was her only female cousin.

Haneul nodded.

"Well, you at least have someone to keep you company Haneul, Noona can look after you for a few months."

Donghyuck reassured her, She wasn't to be completely alone for a couple of months- well two but at least that was something and that's all that mattered to Haneul.

"What do you mean? Haneul you better not be hiding your problems again."

Jeno looked at Haneul with his 'you should just tell us' look that he always had when Haneul didn't tell them how she felt. You see this had been a recurring thing with Haneul as she felt like she was a burden and didn't want to burden everyone with her problems.

This developed due to the nights where her father used to get drunk and complain about raising her as she was the most difficult to raise since she was a female. He didn't understand her monthly cycle or her interests, especially in coffee making.

Ever since then, she just felt like a burden and kept herself to herself which meant that it was harder for her loved ones to know how she really felt.


"She's missing us Jeno, she's been left alone for too long."

Donghyuck explained, making Haneul regret speaking out her feelings.

"I-I'm going to go to bed, I'm tired."

Haneul announced before leaving the room and going to hers before anyone could say a word to her.

She went to her room and closed the door behind her, She crawled into her bed and under the covers to eventually fall asleep as she didn't want to overhear their conversation about her. She felt like even more of a burden now as they treated her like a little kid when she was now a grown adult who paid bills and did taxes.

But that wasn't enough for them to stop treating her like a little child who needed to be taken care of- she was starting to think that was the reason behind her need for attention. Because they hadn't ever let her be as a young child let alone let her breathe, they would always walk into her room or sit with her when she was doing her own thing.

 Because they hadn't ever let her be as a young child let alone let her breathe, they would always walk into her room or sit with her when she was doing her own thing

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I honestly did pour a little bit of myself into this :)

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