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Haneul turned over in her bed, multiple times, hours after getting into bed while laying in darkness as she couldn't seem to fall asleep

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Haneul turned over in her bed, multiple times, hours after getting into bed while laying in darkness as she couldn't seem to fall asleep. She knew exactly why but she didn't want to always bother him and have to always rely on him. But she wanted the comfort and security that she had felt when he stayed over at her house those two times.

She sighed, resorting to the constant staring battle against the darkness in order to try and get some sleep and yet she was still wide awake. She turned over again to look at her phone to check the time, it was 11 pm and she had to wake up early. Haneul huffed before kicking off the covers and getting out of her bed to leave her bedroom and go to his.

The only problem was, was that she had no idea which one was his and that made her nervous to knock on a door in case she woke up someone else by mistake. Thankfully though the guy named Renjun had come out of one of the bedrooms to go to the bathroom she presumed.

"Hey, Renjun, sorry to bother you but which room is Jaemins?"

She whispered, he looked at her and smiled.

"It's that door, right next to yours."

He indicated, pointing to the other door on the right of her. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, I'll see you later then."

She replied and with that Renjun walked off down the hall as Haneul nervously knocked on the door. She heard shuffling of duvets and footsteps coming to the door before it opened to reveal a messy-haired Jaemin who was half asleep.

"Hey Love, what's the matter?"

He asked, in a raspy voice, as he had just woken up.

"I know it sounds stupid but...I can't sleep...can I come to sleep with you?"

She whispered, He smiled and pulled her inside his room.

"That's not stupid because why would I say no Lovely?"

He replied before they walked to the bed and got in.

"I didn't know, I just don't want to feel like a burden or make you feel uncomfortable about not letting you have your own personal space."

She replied, feeling the safety net of his warm comfy bed. The smell of his cologne brought her heart at ease and her body relaxed from its lively state.

"I plan on sharing my whole life with you, you'll never be a burden to me, Love. And besides, I'd rather have you here with me so I can wake up to my beautiful girlfriend in the morning, that's all I could ever ask for."

He reassured, pulling her closer to his chest so that he could wrap his arms around her, he rested his head on top of hers as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. She soaked up his warmth but before she could reply sleep took over and she fell straight asleep in his warm, loving embrace.

"Sweet dreams, my Princess."

The morning sun glowed, escaping into the darkroom and interrupting a sleeping beauty's sleep at just gone 9 am

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The morning sun glowed, escaping into the darkroom and interrupting a sleeping beauty's sleep at just gone 9 am. Her eyes fluttered open as the light irritated her sleep as she had her head rested on his chest once again, waking up to his beautiful heartbeat. She blinked a few times to regain her sleepy vision before looking over at his alarm clock and noticing it was 9:12 am, which was about the right time to wake up for the day's events.

She adjusted her position so that she could watch him sleep, he was so peaceful, to the point where she didn't want to wake him up. But she had to. They had to wake up and get ready for the new year's eve party that was the reason why she was there in the first place.

"Baby, wake up, we have to get up and get ready."

She whispered, tapping his shoulder gently so that he would wake up. But he didn't.

"Jaemin, Hunny, we need to get up now."

She repeated, slightly louder, this time earning a sleepy groan from the male next to her.

"What time is it?"

He asked, his voice being low and raspy due to just waking up before yawning, she found his behaviour just adorable.

"It's 9:14 baby, they'll be starting preparations soon so I need to get up and start setting up for tonight."

She explained, in her bubbly morning tone.

"Five more minutes."

He declared, pulling her close to him once again, making her giggle at his cute clingy behaviour.

"Baby, come on, we can cuddle later but we have to get up now. Tomorrow I promise we can cuddle and sleep the entire day."

She spoke, running her hand up and down his chest, feeling his tone torso. He suddenly grabbed her hand, stopping it from carrying on, before bringing it to his lips and kissing it lovingly.

"You're making my skin tingle doing that Love."

He smiled prior to yawning and stretching. She couldn't help but giggle at his cute actions before she rolled over to get out of the other side of the bed. He watched her do so before getting up himself to step in her pathway.

"Hey, I'm just going to go to my room to get change- What are you doing Jaem?"

She asked, in a smiley giggling way before trying to get past him, but failing as he would continue to step in her path with a massive grin on his face.

"You're not leaving until I get my good morning kiss."

He declared, tapping his index finger on his soft plump lips. She couldn't help but laugh at his desperation for her lips on his. He stepped towards her and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her close to him before looking down into her eyes with his loving stare that she absolutely adored.

She snaked her arms around his neck and before long they leaned in, connecting their lips together as if they were two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

She snaked her arms around his neck and before long they leaned in, connecting their lips together as if they were two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly

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The love is real right now 💖

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