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"So What type of snacks do you like Jaem? I'm up for anything

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"So What type of snacks do you like Jaem? I'm up for anything."

She asked as she looked at the shelves of the convenience store that they had wandered into, trying to find snacks for their movie night. Her eyes glazed over the bags of crisps that were stacked on the shelves before noticing that he wasn't responding.

"Jaem? What's up?"

She asked as she looked up at him as he looked at her with a smile, he was happy just watching her do normal things in her own way. Her mannerisms really seemed to intrigue him, especially how she lived outside the Palace, what was normal to her was a completely new way of living to him.

"Pick some of your favourite things and I'll pay, I want to see what you like."

He replied, she nodded and picked one packet off the shelf.

"I love these, I used to eat them a lot when I was little, but I ate them a little too much as they were quite addicting, so maybe not them."

She spoke half to herself as Jaemin just listened to ramblings as they began to walk through the store. He watched her pick up two items, and stare at them for a minute or two before putting one back and the other in their basket. He chuckles softly when she ended up putting both of the items in the basket as she couldn't decide.

"I think this should be enough, don't you?"

She asked, he nodded with a bright smile before they went to the counter to purchase their items.

"You don't have to pay for them, I-"

She was about to say before he tapped his card before she could even have the chance to object. She sighed and proceeded to take the shopping bag full of stuff but he was far too quick and grabbed them before she could. There was only a small bag full but she still felt like he had already done enough by paying for it all.

"I- Umm thank you."

She mumbled shyly as she felt like she didn't deserve all the kind things he had done for her already. He had brought her so much already and she hated the fact that he wouldn't let her pay, he was such a gentleman, a caring one at that.

"You're very much welcome Love."

He replied as he put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer as they walked through the now cold night together back to her place. She couldn't help but smile full-heartedly, her heartbeat increased as people walked past them, she loved the way she felt safe even though it was almost pitch black.


She asked, grabbing his attention immediately.

"Yes, Love?"

He replied, looking down at her from the street ahead.

"Ummm, W-would you umm wanna be Ummm...

my boyfriend?"

Her cheeks went pink and as soon as she finished her question, she covered her face with her hands out of embarrassment.


Was all that came out of his mouth and that wasn't what she was expecting, she stopped walking which caused him to be pulled back with her.

"Jaemin, what do you mean by huh? Do you not want to be my boyfriend?"

She asked, her heart was on the verge of breaking, his answer would either make or break her heart. Did she become too attached too soon or was this whole thing a mistake?

The tears began to whelm up in her eyes as he prolonged his answer, his expression turned from a confused one to a concerned one as he noticed her eyes become teary. His heart plummeted six feet under at the sight of her teary eyes.

"Of course Baby, I was just confused as to why you were asking, I thought I already was your boyfriend? Please don't cry, it breaks my heart just to see your teary eyes."

He responded, cupping her face in his hands and tilting her head upwards so she would look into his eyes. He then rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes as their noses touched.

"Good, because you're mine now, you've stolen my heart and you can't give it back now."

She said softly, smiling before leaning on and giving him a peck on the lips off guard, his eyes shot open as she took a step back and grabbed his arm, beginning to walk down the street again.

She said softly, smiling before leaning on and giving him a peck on the lips off guard, his eyes shot open as she took a step back and grabbed his arm, beginning to walk down the street again

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"I'm so hungry, I think I'll go make something for us to eat while you set up Mr Jaem."

She said as they both walked into the door, heading straight to the kitchen to fix them up something to eat as Jaemin shut and locked the door behind them.

"Will do Miss Han."

He replied, keeping the joke going as he walked into the living room to set up the snacks on the coffee table. He took everything out of the bag, he needed two bowls for the crisps so he went into the kitchen. He smiled as he saw her preparing two bowls of ramen as it was too late to fix up anything else, he walked over and wrapped his arms around her abdomen and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Where are your bowls located Beautiful?"

She chuckled at his hot breath that tickled her neck as he said that.

"I'm standing in front of the cupboard that has them in so you might have-"

He kissed her neck softly making her stop in the middle of her sentence, she felt her cheeks heat up as she had never been kissed anywhere apart from her cheek, lips or hand. So this soft feeling was foreign to her which made her heart beat fast, she could comprehend how much she had fallen for Jaemin in these past two months. She knew it was love but they had only been together officially for a day, so it was way too soon to confess her feelings and love to him.

"I'll wait for you to finish and I'll grab them."

She smiled at his words, she loved him already.

She smiled at his words, she loved him already

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