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Jaemin sat on his balcony, in the cold night air which he found very refreshing when he was alone at night times

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Jaemin sat on his balcony, in the cold night air which he found very refreshing when he was alone at night times. He had just finished a day full of preparations for the New Year's Eve party that was in a few days and had high hopes for it as he had heard that there was going to be an extra caterer.

He looked up at the clear black sky above him, littered with magical stars that would reflect into his hazel eyes delicately as if they were there and not in the sky.

Jaemin often came out here to think, clear his mind of the previous hours he had to spend tasting food or acholic beverages that he had no care in the world for. But tonight he wasn't thinking about the day he just had at all, he was only thinking about his glimmering star that seemed to light up his whole sky.

And that was her.

Lee Haneul.

The girl who could not only make the world's best coffee but melt his heart into the mix, every time he thought about her, the way she smiled with her eyes, the way her dimple would show or the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at him. His heart would beat ten times as fast and skip a few beats in the process. He had never fallen this hard for someone before but he certainly liked the idea of her in his arms for the rest of his life.

"Jaemin? Can I come in, it's your mother."

Was what he heard that brought him out of his daydream, followed by a knock on the door.

"Yes Eomma, you can come in, I'm on my balcony."

He replied before hearing his bedroom door open and close again.

"Are you okay Honey? You must be tired after the day you've just had."

She asked sweetly, walking over to her son and sitting down beside him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm not actually that tired. I have too much to think about at the moment."

He answered, Leaning his head on her shoulder as he would normally do. He loved his mother to pieces and would always seek her motherly love which she would happily give him as she loved him more than anything else in the whole universe. She snaked her arm around his shoulder before planting a small peck on his forehead.

"Okay Honey, but you know if there is something on your mind you can always tell me, I'm your mother before a Queen. And I would drop anything to make sure you're okay. Now tell me about this girl."

Jaemin couldn't hide anything from his mother, she was just way too observant and would easily find out about anything that happened to him. Some would say that she was over observant but Jaemin just saw it as a motherly instinct, so he didn't mind, but he sure dreaded this conversation.

"What did Jeno and Donghyuck tell you this time?"

He asked, making his mother smile as she had had a conversation with them a couple of hours ago and this was the reason why she came to see him.

"Well, they didn't have much to tell as someone hadn't told them much but Renjun had a lot to tell me. She's not of Royal blood? And she doesn't know you're the Prince?"

She explained with a cheeky grin on her face, Jaemin sighed as he felt betrayed by his own friends but he was kinda glad that they told her because she would give him the best advice.

"Yeah... And I have no idea how to go about it, I know she likes me, it's just she's holding back because she doesn't know enough about me. I can't tell her because it would reveal my identity and I can't lie to her."

Jaemin explained, snuggling himself into his mother's embrace, the feeling of her warmth and security made all his worries come flowing out like an endless river. She hummed in response as she listened intently to what he had to say and took it all in as she would normally do.

"You know Jaemin when I and your father met, I was worried about the same thing. I was a Princess, I had high expectations placed upon me and meeting your father, who I might add was also not royal, was difficult because my parents wanted royal blood but I wanted him. So I snuck out and hide my identity from him.

But he found out. But here we are madly in love with a perfect son that I couldn't be happier with."

She told him with a kind smile as she rubbed her hand up and down his arm to give him more comfort. Jaemin, on the other hand, was quite shocked, to say the least. His eyes widened and he immediately lifted his head up and looked at his mother.

"Dad wasn't royal? but he sure acts like he was? And how?"

He questioned, he was completely stunned that his mother had done the same thing he was doing right now with Haneul.

"It didn't matter in the end, he brought me my gemstone, so my parents had to accept him...But Jaemin, listen, we would accept her with or without your gemstone, so stop holding back and go get your girl."

His mother ushered, smiling brightly at him as he blushed ever so slightly. But Jaemin still had his inner doubts about the whole situation.

What if she didn't want all that responsibility?

"I'm planning on telling her, I just don't know when?"

He questioned, his heart beating rapidly against his ribcage, just the thought of her made his whole body buzz. He looked over into his mother's eyes, to try and figure out what she was going to say.

"Well, you won't until you ask her. If she truly loves you then she'll stay."

Idk why but this chapter took so long to write :(

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Idk why but this chapter took so long to write :(

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