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Jaemin had just listened to the voice message as he had stepped outside, his heart broke hearing Haneul  being threatened

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Jaemin had just listened to the voice message as he had stepped outside, his heart broke hearing Haneul being threatened. He had to do something but he couldn't risk revealing his identity before his coronation. He had to tell Donghyuck.

"Donghyuck, Haneul is in danger, her staff are holding her hostage in her own house."

Donghyuck stood up abruptly, he was stunned- he never thought that Miyoung and Jisung would do that to her.

"We have to go get her back, me, you and Jeno, let's go"

Haneul was pale as ice, shivering as if she was outside in the snow

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Haneul was pale as ice, shivering as if she was outside in the snow. She had managed to stop majority of the blood loss but it didn't stop her body from going into shock due to the immense pain. If only she didn't leave her phone in the chair cushion she could have rung him to say goodbye. She hated that her body was becoming weaker by the minute, her eyes felt heavy and her body was reliant on the wall behind her for support.

Just as her eyes began to droop she heard yelling coming from upstairs, Jisung was yelling at Miyoung but she couldn't quite make out what they were saying.


Her body jolted in fear as the gunshot fired, she pulled her legs close to her stomach and buried her head in her arms.


The unlock of the basement door made hold her breath- this was it wasn't it, whoever shot that gun was coming to kill her next.

"Noona, I'm sorry... S-she made me do it."

Jisung spoke as he came rushing down the stairs, his voice full of sorrow.

"But we have to get outta here now, she had a tracker on her, I don't even know who she's working for. Noona, I didn't mean anything I said, I love you so much. You made my life a better place,I just can't believe she bewitched me into her sick master plan that was apparently someone else's."

Haneuls head move up to look at him, she didn't know if she could trust him since she could be tricked again.

"Get me my phone, it's-"

"I found it in the chair cushions, I was going to come down here and give it to you when she left... But she caught me so I had to shoot her- she was going to come down here an shoot you Noona."

Haneul sighed and snatched the phone away, leaving Jisung a little shook. She went straight to phoning Nana.


"Baby... Is that you?"

His sweet voice made her heart fluttering and her eyes fill with tears.

"Yes baby, it's me."

She could sense that his voice was croaky, which meant he had been crying.

"We are outside, where are you? Are you okay?"

His voice sounded panicked which made her regret what she was about to tell him.

"I'm in the basement, with Jisung, Miyoung has been working with terrorists all along and dragged Jisung into it. She has a tracker on her and she's dead so they'll come find us and kill us if we don't get out of here. Jisung let's get out of here."

Jisung nodded and carefully scooped her up bridal style before carrying her back upstairs where Miyoungs lifeless body laid on the floor, blood seeping out of her all over the floor.

She couldn't help but feel her heart ache, her best friend who almost killed her was lying dead on the floor.

"I'm really sorry Noona, you didn't deserve any of this. I'm never going to forgive myself for this, I deserve to go to prison for what I have done to you."

Haneul couldn't help but let her tears flow as they reached the front door, Jisung opened it and her eyes scanned the area ahead- and there he was. Leaning against Donghyucks car along with Donghyuck and Jeno.

As soon as Jaemin spotted them he came rushing.

"We need to get out of here, whoever is behind that tracker will be here any second."

Jisung called as Jaemin approached them, carefully taking Haneul from the younger males arm's. The euphoric feeling of being in his arms once again made her feel safe but her body was still shaking.

"She's been shot... I'm sorry... Miyoung-"

"Miyoung made him do it Love, but they are after the Prince so we need to make sure the Royal Family are safe, They can't be at the Castle."

Haneul warned making Jaemin nod, they all climbed into the car. Jaemin sat her on his lap to make sure he applied extra pressure onto her wound to stop the blood flowing out.

"I'm sorry Love, I shouldn't have been so stupid to leave you behind. I'm never leaving you again I promise."

Haneul couldn't seen to stop the tears from flowing as her mind flashed memories of the good times with her best friend, that lied dead on the floor. She felt Jaemin kiss her forehead tenderly as Donghyuck drove off.

Just as he did, their family home went up in flames.

Her eyes widely, her heart dropped, now she had nothing but Donghyuck left- no more memories- no nothing.

"She's took everything I own with her."

Haneul whispered, only audible to Jaemin. He couldn't help but think this was all his fault, the Lee family had suffered enough and now he had broken it even more. Tears pricked his eyes as he rested his head against hers.

"I'm sorry Haneul, this is all my fault. I'm the one they want, you're the target because of me."

Haneul turned her attention on him, eyes blazing with anger, he wasn't at fault at all, how dare he think in that way.


Her voice yelled, full of emotion. Jaemin could only stare down at her, into her raging eyes that had pure love in them. He too loved her more than anything, he couldn't live without her either.

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