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Haneul couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, she was on cloud nine staring out at the street through the shop door windows as there were no customers in the shop at that point

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Haneul couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, she was on cloud nine staring out at the street through the shop door windows as there were no customers in the shop at that point. She had just prepared the final finishing touches to the cakes she was going to bring to the palace on Saturday and was now too busy daydreaming.

She ended up getting lunch with Jaemin after that and saying goodbye for a couple of days as they both had busy hectic schedules over the weekend. But the moment hadn't ended for her as it repeated in her head over and over again, the way their lips were synced together and the way he slipped his hands into hers.

She sighed happily as Jisung walked over, finding her behaviour and mannerisms very confusing.

"Haneul? Haneullll? HANEUL!"

He raised his voice to get her attention, it worked because she jumped out of her skin before looking in Jisungs direction with wide eyes.

"Y-yes Ji?"

She replied, regaining her composure after the almost near heart attack that he had just given her.

"Me and Miyoung have finished up the last batch of sun buns so should we start packing them up for Saturday?"

He asked, scratching the back of his neck in uncertainty, she nodded.

"That's amazing, I'll pay you two extra this month for helping me out, if you wouldn't mind that would be fantastic Ji."

Haneul retorted happily as Jisung smiled before leaving to go to the back once again leaving Haneul alone again. She went back to her thoughts about Jaemin.

What was he doing right now?

Was he thinking about her?

She smiled to herself as her fingers subconsciously went to her lips and lightly airbrushed them as the thought reappeared in her brain again. She was totally under his spell and there was nothing she could do about it.

The ring of the bell from the top of the door snapped her out of her trance, her eyes found their way quickly to the male that had just entered the cafe. She didn't recognise him as someone who would live around here, but then again she wasn't the sociable type.

He was tall, about 5'9 and he had quite strong build shoulders. His eyes were doe-like and his face was half-covered with a mask which made her attention be drawn to his dark brown doe-like eyes and mousey brown hair. He was wearing a black furry Gucci puffer jacket with plain black jeans and black Nike trainers to match his whole black aesthetic.

"Hi Sir, we are closing in about five minutes but I can fix up a takeaway order?"

She announced sweetly, and the male nodded.

"That would be great but I was looking for a Lee Haneul?"

He asked, in a slightly deep voice that she swore she could recognise from somewhere but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Ah, right well you're speaking to her right now, may I ask who you are sir?"

She asked, feeling like she should know the man who was standing right in front of her, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Haneul can we talk over a coffee or something?"

"Your Highness, your schedules are all complete for today so Saturday's grand New years eve ball will go smoothly, we finished a day early so you can take it easy tomorrow as you did yesterday

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"Your Highness, your schedules are all complete for today so Saturday's grand New years eve ball will go smoothly, we finished a day early so you can take it easy tomorrow as you did yesterday."

The Butler explained as Jaemin nodded in understanding.

"Thank you, you can leave now."

He ordered, pointing at the door politely for the butler to leave, which he did, leaving Jaemin alone with his thoughts. The whole day he had been constantly preparing and yet she still was on the top of his mind. Her lips on his just made his heart flutter all over again as though he was reliving it and it just made him want to do it again and again. He was addicted after just one taste of her sweet cherry lips that seem to be always coated in sweet lip balm that he instantly loved.

He had to see her again before the ball, he wanted nothing more than to hold and kiss her as passionately as his whole heart could.

"I need coffee."

He said to himself out loud before grabbing his coat and heading out the back entrance of the palace. He briskly walked to the cafe that was engraved in his brain at this point as he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He was crossing the final road that he had to, with the Hummingbird straight, dead ahead of him before a familiar figure stepped out of her door elegantly, with her light grey puffer coat on and his white scarf to match the covered half her face. Her hair cascaded down just past her shoulder as it normally did but today he loved the sight of it completely without a doubt.

Before long she turned and spotted him from the other side of the street, her eyes lit up with love and joy with just the sight of him which made him do the same.


She squealed, rushing to him with open arms before jumping into his open arms as if they hadn't seen each other in forever.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy today?"

She asked in astonishment while squeezing him lovingly.

"Well I made sure I got up earlier this morning to get things done quicker and it turns out that I don't have much to do tomorrow."

He explained as they broke away from each other.

"Really? Damn, I wish I could have some free time but I'm far too busy but after work, I might be able to fit you in."

She teased as they began to walk to her house, his hand slipping into hers and interlocked. She smiled as they walked into step with each other.

"So, does that mean you can squeeze me into your schedule now?"

He replied cheekily, smiling from ear to ear, down at her and making her giggle, she nodded.

"Come on then, we should have a movie night."


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