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The next day has come and Ryujin woke up feeling more dead than ever. She feels like she has been run over by a bus then a truck. Her head hurts from the lack of sleep. She has no one to blame but herself for always waiting until last minute when she has orders.

Chaeryeong picked up Ryujin this time since they alternate who drives to school. Ryujin entered Chaeryeong's car without saying a word.

"Good morning to you too grouch. You look terrible. What happened?" Chaeryeong worriedly asked.

"I'm sorry. Good morning. I just had orders I had to complete last night."

Chaeryeong stopped the car then faced Ryujin, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you."

"I know. Don't worry, Yuna helped" Ryujin answered.

"I still could have helped. How many times do I have you tell you that you don't have to pay me."

"I know but it just doesn't sit right with me." Ryujin looked down.

There was silence in the car after that. Chaeryeong proceeded to drive.

They went to their morning classes then it was lunch time. Lia has texted Ryujin on where to meet for lunch and to bring Chaeryeong with her.

They arrived to the place and Ryujin saw Yeji sitting with Lia and Minju. Minju, the girl that hates Ryujin for no reason.

Ryujin stopped in front of Chaeryeong, "We can't join them Ryeong. Minju is still with them."

"Relax Ryu. Don't let her affect you so much. She's just jealous of you."

Chaeryeong grabbed Ryujin's hands and dragged to where Lia was.

"Hey guys. Sorry we're late" Chaeryeong greeted.

Chaeryeong then face Yeji, "Hi I'm Chaeryeong. Lia and I met yesterday."

"Hi. I'm Yeji and this is my girlfriend Minju."

"Nice to meet you" Chaeryeong then sat down. She then pushed Ryujin to sit as well.

"Hey loser. I didn't know you're friends with Lia" Minju greeted Ryujin.

Ryujin was quiet. She was shy around Yeji and she's sad Yeji didn't say hi to her. She's even more sad to find out her angel is taken by the devil.

"Ryujin, what happened to you? You look tired and sick" Lia asked Ryujin.

"Yea I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm tired" Ryujin gave Lia a faint smile.

"Why? Are you okay?" Lia asked worried.

Before Ryujin could answer, Chaeryeong answered for her.

"Shes okay. She's just dumb and refuses to ask for help when needed. She had orders she needed to fulfill but she waited until last minute to do them as asual."

"Ohh. I want to help too if you're ever short handed. I'd like to learn that stuff" Lia said to Ryujin.

"Orders for what?" Yeji suddenly spoke.

"Oh nothi-" Ryujin was cut off by Lia.

"Ryujin right here as her own business. She designs robots or something. She's so smart."

"More like a loser" Minju butted in.

Chaeryeong and Lia glared at her. Ryujin just put her head down. Ryujin is confident but for some reason she becomes a weakling with Minju.

"Babe, that wasn't nice. Why do you keep calling her loser?" Yeji asked her girlfriend.

"Because she is! Look at her. Just looking at her is such an eyesore. Why is she even sitting with us?" Minju angrily said.

Ryujin couldn't take it anymore so she ran off. Chaeryeong and Lia called for her but she didn't stop.

Minju used to like Ryujin. She mistook Ryujin's kindness as flirting. So when she confessed and Ryujin couldn't reciprocate her feelings, she got mad. Since then, she has always tried to belittle Ryujin every chance she gets.

Ryujin cried in the bathroom then she heard someone call for her.

"Ryujin? Are you okay? I'm sorry for Minju's behavior. She's not usually like that" Yeji said out loud.

"I'm fine. You can go back to them" Ryujin sniffled.

"Come out and talk to me please" Yeji pleaded.

"Why would you want to talk to me? I'm just some player right?"

"Look, I'm sorry. Lia explained everything to me. I'm sorry for assuming you're a player but you can't really blame me. You could get any girl you want with your looks but you chose to approach me the other day."

Ryujin got out of the stall she was in and looked at Yeji, "I just really thought you were beautiful. I still think you're beautiful. I love your beauty. It's so natural. It's the type of beauty I've always admired. You know how some celebrity are so beautiful it catches your attention? But that's all it does. It catches your attention."

Ryujin walked closer to Yeji, "But your beauty is different. It caught my attention but it never wavered. It's the type of beauty I could look at all day and not get tired. It's the type of beauty that makes you feel so appreciative because you get to see it."

Yeji blushed by the sudden compliment from the latter.

She slapped Ryujin's shoulder, "See? And you expect me to believe you don't play with girls. Such a sweet talker."

"I don't talk to every girl like this. Just you. Ask Chaeryeong or Lia. I wasn't like this to Lia when we talked yesterday" Ryujin said.

"I believe you. I just don't see what so great about me" Yeji whispered but Ryujin heard it.

"Did you just miss my whole speech of how beautiful you are?" Ryujin chuckled.

The two decided to go back to their friends. Chaeryeong and Lia both looked at Ryujin to see if she was okay. Ryujin just smiled at them.

Minju on the other hand just glared at Ryujin. Full of anger and hatred.

"Babe smile. Why do you hate Ryujin so much?" Yeji asked her girlfriend.

"Oh you want to know? You want to know why I hate this loser?" Minju pointed.

"I hate her because she broke my heart! She led me on! She made me believe that we could have been something but when I confessed she rejected me!" Minju shouted.

"I didn't lead you on, Minju. I was being your friend. I was trying to be there for you. I'm sorry you felt like I led you on."

Minju scoffed and stood up. She slapped Ryujin. Everyone was shocked.

"I hate you!" Minju spit out then walked away.

Chaeryeong hugged Ryujin while Yeji sat frozen confused on what just unraveled in front of her. Lia just shook her head.

Ryujin went home that day feeling physically and emotionally drained.

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