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It was Sunday morning, the girls were helping Ryujin clean the gazebo and the kitchen that they used yesterday.

Lia volunteered herself, Yuna and Yeji to clean the kitchen while Ryujin and Chaeryeong are in charge of the gazebo or any outdoor decorations.

"How do you feel today Yej?" Lia asked.

"I think she feels happy considering Yeji unnie hasn't stopped smiling since I saw her earlier" Yuna answered instead.

Yeji felt her face get warm and tried to cover it.

Lia and Yuna laughed at her reaction.

"So how was it? Kissing my sister?" Yuna now asked.

"This is weird talking about kissing my girlfriend with her sister" Yeji laughed.

"Come on Yeji. Share us the details" Lia now joined.

"It was amazing okay. I was so lost in the moment. I already felt addicted to her kisses. She's a good kisser" Yeji shyly said.

"What?! MY unnie is a good kisser? How? She's never kissed anyone before!" Yuna said.

"Really?! I knew she never had a relationship but I didn't know she hadn't kiss anyone either" Yeji feeling shocked.

"Unnie is very old school. So don't expect to have sex with her unless you're married" Yuna said like it's not a big deal.

"Yuna! What the heck!?" Lia was surprised.

Yeji is definitely hiding her face now.

"How can you just talk about sex like it's nothing?" Yeji asked confused.

"Our family is very open" She explained.

"But you just said Ryujin is very old school?" Yeji slowly said

"She's old school with dating. We honestly don't know how she got that mentality."

Yeji hummed. She's now also curious about it.

"Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Yuna and Ryujin openly talks about sex with their family?" Lia said still not moving on from the topic.

"Why? What's the big deal? We're family" Yuna said.

"But that's too much. And-" before Lia could finish her sentence, they heard screaming outside.

They ran out to see what was happening only to find Chaeryeong putting Ryujin into a headlock.

"What's happening here?!" Yeji asked tapping Chaeryeong to let go of Ryujin.

Ryujin stood next to Yeji, "Thanks babe."

Yeji blushed at the nickname.

"She wouldn't stop teasing me so I had to make her stop!" Chaeryeong said frustrated.

Yeji looked at Ryujin waiting for her to explain, "I wasn't teasing. I was stating facts that her and Li-" Chaeryeong covered Ryujin's mouth before she could finish her sentence.

The red head then flicked her bestfriend's forehead. The latter pouted, "I think my forehead needs a kiss" she said to Yeji.

Yeji kissed her forehead. "Why would you give her the kiss?! She's mean!" Chaeryeong said.

"Stop being childish you two" Lia finally stepped in. The two bestfriends shut up with their heads down.

Yeji was about to say something when she noticed that the two haven't even started cleaning up outside. The two bestfriend noticed Yeji was looking around and they knew they were gonna get scolded.

Before Yeji could start, Ryujin grabbed Chaeryeong's hand and they started cleaning up.

Kitchen duty girls went back in to finish cleaning but not before Yeji warned the two that they better not fool around.

"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you instead of being with Yeji," Ryujin said while picking up the fake candles.

"I can't believe you almost outed me in front Lia!" Chaeryeong huffed.

The two continued bickering while cleaning up. Of course they didn't listen to Yeji and messed around in between cleaning.

"How does it feel to have a girlfriend now?" Chaeryeong suddenly asked.

"It feels more secure. For me, at least. Being exclusive gives you that sense of security. When I was just courting her, I had a feeling she liked me too but it still felt uneasy knowing that someone else could swoop in but now someone else technically still can swoop in" Ryujin laughed because she doesn't know where her statement is going.

"When are you gonna introduce her to your parents?" The red head continued asking questions.

"I don't know. Right now, we should focus on you and how to get Lia" Ryujin smirked.

Chaeryeong has had enough so she walked to Ryujin and kicked her leg really hard that caused Ryujin to fall on the ground.

Chaeryeong laughed and ran away knowing Ryujin can't chase her.

"I will get you back RyeongChae!" Ryujin yelled so her best friend can hear.

Ryujin was rolling on the ground in pain when she felt someone start rubbing her back.

She looked up to see her beautiful girlfriend looking at her full of concern.

"Did I die and go to heaven to meet such a marvelous looking angel?" Ryujin suddenly said.

Yeji not expecting a compliment blushed then smack the girl's forehead.

Ryujin pouted and rubbed her forehead.

"Normally, I would fight back but since technically you smacking me is another form of you touching me, I'll let it go" Ryujin said not knowing Yeji thought of something dirty when touching her was mentioned.

"Babe, why are you red? Are you sick?" the shorter girl pressed her hand on the taller's forehead to check her temperature, "You don't have a fever but you are slightly warm. You should sit down and rest. We will finish cleaning up okay?" Yeji nodded and Ryujin kissed her forehead before leaving.

After cleaning up, Ryujin went back to Yeji to check on her. She was pleased that Yeji looks better.

She sat next to her and there was comfortable silence between them.

"Hey Ryu, can you have dinner at my house Friday?" Yeji broke the silence.

"Me?" Ryujin asked shocked clearly not used to be one being asked out.

"Who else dumby?" Yeji laughed.

"Hey" she pouted, "no need for the name calling" she continued pouting.

Yeji found it so adorable that she kissed her pout and this made the pouty girl smile showing her whiskers.

"To answer your question, I'd love to have dinner with you" Ryujin said still smiling.

"It's a date then."

Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's wrong baby?" Yeji asked.

"Aren't we on a date right now?" Ryujin questioned.

Yeji being confused, "What?"

"Well for me every moment we spend together alone is a date" Ryujin tried to kept a serious face but slowly smiled.

Yeji smacked her forehead again, "You keep catching me off guard with your cheesiness."

Ryujin rubber her forehead again, "You keep hitting me on my forehead, I really will go dumb. Instead of knocking some sense into me, you'll be knocking out my intelligence."

Yeji watched Ryujin laugh at her own joke and she could just shake her head in disbelief.

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