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Another month has passed. The girls are hanging out at Lia's house. They decided to bake cookies. Well more like, Ryujin, Yuna and Chaeryeong did the baking. Yeji and Lia mainly took pictures and joked around.

The cookies finished baking so it was time to decorate them. This time Yeji and Lia participated while eating a few here and there.

Lia's mom walked into the kitchen to check on them then informed her daughter that she's heading to the airport to pick up her brother. Her mom left and the girls continued decorating their cookies.

"Lia unnie, I didn't know you have a brother" Yuna stated.

"I like to pretend we're not related. He's too annoying" Lia simply said showing no emotions.

"Monkey! Your cookie looks like a woman's vaheen" Chaeryeing exclaimed.

"It's supposed to look like lips" Ryujin sighed, "but now that you say it, it kinda does."

"It's not accurate though. There's no labia" Chaeryeong said.

"I'm not a vagina expert!" Ryujin defended.

Lia joined the conversation, "Neither is Chaeryeong no matter what she says."

The Shin sisters and Yeji busted out laughing. Chaeryeong's face is as red as a firetruck.

"Wow Ryeong I can feel the burn all the way from here" Ryujin said while trying to catch her breath.

"Shut up! At least I have a sex life unlike you!"

Lia smacked Chaeryeong because she knows that's a sensitive topic between Ryujin and Yeji.

There's tension in the air now. Ryujin and Yeji are avoiding eye contact with each other.

For the past month, this has been an issue between them. Yeji is extremely sexually frustrated and Ryujin wants it to happen but she's a bit hesitant since it will be her first time.

"Lia! We're home" Lia's mom shouted from the front door.

"Little sis! Aren't you gonna welcome me home?" Lia's brother said.

Her brother entered the kitchen where everyone was at.

"Oh I didn't know you have company" he said, "Where's my hug little sis?"

"Hug yourself" Lia rolled her eyes.

"Hi everyone. I'm Yeonjun. Lia's brother" he waved his hand.

Yeonjun looked at everyone's faces then he saw Yeji. Ryujin noticed the change in his eyes the moment he spotted Yeji.

He pulled up the chair next to her, "Nice to see you again Yeji. You look really mature now."

"Yea. That's what happens overtime you know? We grow up" Yeji chuckled.

Ryujin is not liking the way Yeonjun is eyeing up her girlfriend. She saw him lick his lips while looking at her body.

"Hi. I'm Ryujin. Yeji's girlfriend" she introduced herself in a very cold manner.

Her friends and girlfriend were surprised to hear Ryujin with that tone. She's never been the type to get jealous easy but right now that's what she's showing.

"Oh I didn't know you swing that way Yeji" Yeonjun said ignoring Ryujin.

"Uh yea" was the only thing Yeji could mutter.

Ryujin continued glaring at Yeonjun. Yuna is starting to get scared because she doesn't know how jealous Ryujin will act. She's afraid things might get ugly.

Ryujin would beg to differ that she's jealous. She will claim she's not. She just doesn't like the way he stares at Yeji like a piece of meat. She doesn't like the idea of people looking at her girlfriend anything less than what she is. Which according to Ryujin, she is an angel, a princess, or a goddess.

She trust Yeji. She knows nothing will happen between the two even if Yeonjun tries.

Ryujin excused herself to use the toilet. When she was finished, Yeonjun was waiting for her outside the bathroom.

"So you beat me to it huh? Asking Yeji out" Yeonjun said leaning against the wall, not even looking at Ryujin.

Ryujin looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"You see. I was planning to ask out Yeji while I'm home. I knew she had a crush on me a while back but now it seems she's already in a relationship" Yeonjun said still not looking at Ryujin's direction.

"Why are you talking to me about this?" Ryujin curiously asked.

"I'm just giving you a heads up. Prepare yourself to be dumped."

Ryujin released a short laugh, "Are you crazy? She can't stand the idea of being with a man", Ryujin now moved in front of him so he has no choice but to face her, "even if she does break up with me. It won't be because she's gonna go to you. You said it yourself she had a crush on you. Crush. Nothing serious. I've experienced having a crush on guys before but I would never be with them because I like women."

She paused and stepped closer to him, "Crush only means you find a person attractive through their looks. It doesn't always mean the person wants to date their crush. I will admit Yeonjun, you have a pretty face but I'm actually disappointed with your character. Wanting to steal someone else's girlfriend."

He pushed her away causing her to stumble backwards but she was able to maintain her balance. Yeonjun now moved closer to Ryujin in an attempt to intimidate her, "Watch. I will claim her as mine and you'll be left with a broken heart. Don't worry I'll invite you to the wedding."

Ryujin gritted her teeth, "Yeji is not an object for you and I to claim. She's an amazing person with a kind heart. Don't ever disrespect her like that again."

Ryujin saw him clenched his fist. She knows he wants to hit her and she's ready for it.

"Is everything alright here?" They heard someone say and both of them turn their heads to where the voice came from and saw Yeji looking confused.

"Yea. Everything is peachy" Ryujin said before walking towards her. She held her hand and pulled her back down the stairs to the kitchen.

Yeonjun joined them not that long after and sat next to Yeji again while throwing glares at Ryujin from time to time.

Yuna noticed this, "Hey. Why are you throwing death glares at my sister? I don't like it."

"I-I'm not" he stuttered.

"Yes you are so stop it" Yuna said with a hint of anger.

"Yuna its fine" Ryujin said to her sister.

Yuna let go of the topic but not before sending her own death glare to Yeonjun.

"You okay baby?" Yeji asked her girlfriend.

Ryujin just nodded and gave her a curt smile.

They finished decorating the cookies and called it a day. Ryujin took Yeji and Chaeryeong home then went home with Yuna.

For some reason, she felt extremely tired after that day.

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